
    Jul 6, 2013
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    So I've been working on a star destroyer-inspired ship I call the Monolith. It's designed to be a support vessell, and I need lots of help with the interiors and finishing the exterior. Pictures can be found here:

    She's 825 Meters long, 250-ish meters wide, about 200 meters tall. The idea here is to have a multi-person ship that performs best with up to ten crewmen operating :things:. Furthermore, the bays can hold... a lot of fighters.
    Inquire here and I'll pm you the server details.
    Jul 6, 2013
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    I\'ve added some more corridors, and built out her side mini-hangars.

    Heres some screenshots:

    At present her main hangar bay can hold 42 light fighters. I want to at least double that once the side bays are complete.

    Her heavy fighter bay should hold six heavy fighters by my estimation, but could end up as low as four.

    Her two mini-bays in the side can each hold either 1 heavy fighter, 1 bomber, or, if you squeeze in, a small frigate.

    I\'ve also begun work on the Flight Control Towers, though I\'m not yet happy with the design.

    I\'ve added some more detailing to the sides and top, as well as begun adding her paintjob and smoothing out her rough edges with slant blocks.

    Also added an escape pod bay. One on each side. Each bay holds five escape pods.

    Also begin adding bulkheads! (For damage control and to break up the monotony of the rather long corridors.

    I\'ve almost settled on a colorscheme for each deck. At present I\'m thinking:

    Engineering: Yellow

    Flight Decks: Purple

    Crew Decks: Green

    Command/conning tower decks: Blue

    Weapons Decks: Red

    Added an access corridor to the ship\'s core, as well as started adding gravity modules all over the place, as I got tired of clipping out of the ship in zero-g.

    Still working out how I want the Tram System/Lift Systems to work - It\'s likely to be the most difficult part of this entire build - And am currently toying with ideas involving ship cores.

    Regardless, heres an update on current stats:

    Mass: 179933.7 Blocks: 1799337

    Length: 825m Height: 154m Width:250m

    Power: 9504569.2/9504569.2 Rechage: 5980772.8 e/sec

    Shields: 2018042.0/2018042.0 - (27205 s/sec) - Blocks: 125107 Rechage: 4s

    Thrust: 242833.6
    Jul 6, 2013
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    Eventually. But I need to finish it first. If you want to get it done faster, I\'ve got a lot of work that needs doing on this ship, and I could use the help.


    Have added the superstructure for the Port and Starboard flight control towers, and completed the port and starboard launch tubes.

    I\'ve also added some detail to the engineering area of the ship - There is now a \'main reactor\' (props to the creator of the starstone mod) in the aft of the ship, just in front of the main engines. I\'ll be expanding the shield generators/power generation/power storage of the ship in the coming days.

    In the meantime, I\'ve been adding hardpoints for turrets, doing exterior decoration, and slowly filling in rooms on the Flight Deck.

    I\'ve added six \'living spaces\' for crew on the port and aft sides of the vessel on the flight deck.

    I\'ve also added the tram tunnel for the ship\'s Tram System - and built the Tram itself. Next: Tram stations.

    In addition to more hardpoints, I\'m expanding the Variety of turrets, by adding \'Quad Cannon\' Turrets - Rapid-firing shotgun-like turrets with four \'guns\' designed to spread out damage across more of a ships hull - also to be able to hit small ships better.

    Pictures to come soon.
    Jul 6, 2013
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    As Promised, Pictures:

    The full album can, of course, be seen here:
    Jul 6, 2013
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    I\'ve joined forces with Xylite Technology Eneterprises! Another update coming soon.
    Jul 6, 2013
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    I\'ve made a lot of changes to the turret layout, which has been my focus over the last few days. Turrets now run down the length of the ship (dorsal) rather than across the width of the ship (lateral). Turret coverage is now divided into zones. Here is a list of zones and their coverage areas:

    Broad Zone(Starboard/Port, aft of the ship): This is the zone of coverage offered by the internal broadside turrets. The zone is a series of cones extending laterally from the broadside turret ports and extends to ~ 500 meters laterally.

    Point Zone(length of ship, port/starboard): This zone of coverage covers from hull of port/starboard to about 200 meters .

    Flight Zone (top of ship): Entire top of ship. Covered by combination of light, medium and heavy turrets. Extends to ~ 700 meters away from the vessel.

    FriendZone(Top/bottom of ship, midships port/starboard): This is the coverage area of the utility/repair turrets. It\'s a small zone, designed to be a boost to escort vessels and triage damaged vessels.

    Fire Zone(Fore of ship): This is the area covered by the bow guns and forward turret batteries to about 300 meters forward. It\'s designed to provide covering fire for vessels leaving the carrier via the flight tubes, and discourage hostile vessels from entering.

    Aft Zone(Aft of ship, dead rear): This is the coverage zone of the rear turret arrays, which are the only turret banks arranged laterally rather than dorsally. They cover the receiving tubes as well as the rear of the ship.

    Wide Zone(10 degrees starboard/aft top/bottom to 70 degrees top/bottom): this is the coverage zone offered by the medium and heavy turret banks situated futher back from the edge of the ship.

    Bottom Zone(Bottom of ship): This zone covers the bottom of the ship with heavy and medium turrets, and one extra-large turret.

    Span Zone( Top/bottom of ship): This is the coverage zone of the side-mounted turrets, which extends to about 700 meters above/below the ship.

    Furthermore, I\'ve completed decking on two more decks, and started positioning more access ramps. Decking for the conning tower is almost complete save for one level, and only three decks remain in the main section of the ship.

    I\'ve started adding long corridors running the length of the ship. Long Corridors HOOOOOO.

    Oh, and I\'ve been working on the engineering deck, and going to open up the shipworks sub-level.
    Jul 6, 2013
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    Whew. Okay, been working hard the last couple days, and here is today\'s update:

    Firstly, I\'d like to welcome acelenny to the project! He has kindly volunteered to assist me with the project and I look forward to working with him.

    Okay. Updates.

    I\'ve been focusing on the flight deck for the last couple days, and I\'m pleased to say that the flight deck is 80% complete! Furthermore, I\'ve built a pair of bathrooms on the flight deck, just off the main hangar. The next room to be done is the CIC, which is located just underneath the bridge in the conning tower. Furthermore, I\'ve added two fire control stations to the conning tower\'s utility level. Decking is 80% complete in the entire ship, and the Engineering deck is now accessible. I\'ve also started plotting out the utility deck. Pictures to come soon.
    Jul 6, 2013
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    Hey guys, sorry for the not updating in a while, things\'ve been hectic. Regardless, heres the pictures I promised:

    as always, full album available here: