Mission-ideas and CrewExp-ideas including stress-level.


    Dec 31, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Wired for Logic
    • Thinking Positive
    • Legacy Citizen 5
    Mission-ideas, involving crew, ships NPC and TG

    "Rescue Operations" can be executed by the TradeGuild, some NPCs and you can ofc build own ships and train crew members as "Rescuers".

    "Repair Damaged Ships" works only inside shipyards, plus you have to pay block differences to the blueprint.
    "Repair Damaged Stations" (and perhaps for ships too) you also need to hire a team/crew of workers in addition to the block count difference to backed up chunks.

    "Workers" are crew members either specifically trained or experienced with the ship blueprint you want to repair.​

    To train crew, they need to
    • be in a leading position of a ship succeeding or failing such a mission
    • success gives some experience, but failing also gives exp
    success and failure both may create an 3 exp-tasks for the crew-member
    1. go to the mission-review. (gives a small amount of exp and enables task#2)
    2. sleep after a mission-review. (gives some exp – additional to task#3)
    3. sleep. (gives some exp)
    Stress is gained by:
    1. failure
    2. tasks between mission and mission-review
    3. tasks between mission-review and sleep
    4. mind states (rage, hatred, …)
    Stress is reduced by:
    1. sleep()
    2. stress-handling abilities
    3. meditation / relaxing
    4. mind states (calm, curious, …)