The PDs are, not the missiles?
I thought that there was a second bounding box around the ship, detecting missiles and assing PDs randomly to the ones that still need more PDs to get shot down. sum( ((xyz)-(xyz))^2 ) > range^2. inside the outer box
Pretty sure that's not how it works. Pretty sure PD turrets label missiles as targets and fire, nothing about "two bounding boxes" or whatever, just the engagement range of the AI.
The turrets cause a lot of lag from the issues caused by lots of bounding boxes being inside the main ship's bounding box. This is even more noticeable when you try and dock a ship with lots of PD and the game freaks the hell out.
AMS is fine if you build it right, I can decimate swarmers and still have some get through. So it's like anything, it can be OP or not depending on how you build it. Same for missiles, beams everything.
Oh wise point defense master, please explain your amazing PD design that can decimate the literal thousands of swarms that serversider cruisers deploy.
My faction runs 40+ PD turrets on some of our larger ships. All they do is make the ship WEAKER to swarms because it bypasses the main ship's ion.
You beef up AMS, then people will bitch it is too OP, then Schine will beef up missiles or nerf turrets for those complaining, then they will be too OP. And around and around we @#$%ing go as we have been for years now.
It's not a "beef up" to AMS, its a "making this actually functional" to AMS. Not only that, it makes AMS an actual system that requires blocks, rather than just letting any 10 block PD turret shoot down your nuke that took 100k blocks to fire. Which is... overall, more of a nerf?
Additionally, I must ask- did you actually read the thread before posting here? I made it pretty clear this idea removes PD turrets, but you mention them, so...
Seriously same people always making the same stupid suggestions on these forums and shutting down actual new ideas and logical ones put forward by others and this is why we end up with a game in a state like StarMade is. Wish more people playing the game would get on the forums and give an opinion instead of the same handful all the time. With some seeming to virtuallyloveon the forum,posting every 5minutes I wonder how they're finding the time to actually play.
I make suggestions when I play the game and notice something wrong, or when a factionmate notices something wrong.
For example, I made this post for two reasons- one, I (and my other factionmates) were just leaving our ships floating in void space after battles and missions instead of returning to the HB and docking because we'd almost crashed the server multiple times before due to massive PD count. And two, because a factionmate lost a battle against a swarmerboat he should have curbstomped, because of PD being an active detriment rather than a buff.
Your implication that I (and other suggesters) don't play the game is extremely rude and unjustified.
Forums are seriously the worse place for developers to take ideas from, it happens in every game when such a small percentage of the players actually get on them and voice themselves. You just end up with 2% of players determining the way the game becomes for the other 98% and the game just does not end up evolving, and just ends up a stagnating mess.
If the "98%" care about the direction of the game, maybe they should, I don't know, do something about it? Where else are developers supposed to get ideas from, anyways? Survey completely random users on servers? You'd end up with the same results.
So yeah,my thoughts are. People stop suggesting unnecessary rebalances and let Schine start making a game, not a mining and building simulator. Offer up suggestions that will get us a game,not make us have to rebuild our ships every few days because purple.
God damn we need things like working Pirates, but instead we get new power caps and weapons nerfs/boosts because someone will always be bitching about this is too OP and that is too OP and sadly it seems Schine listens. I mean otherwise why else are they always fixing that which is not broken while other stuff goes by the way side?
This may come as a shock to you, but the people who code the features and the people who do the general balancing that doesn't require adding new features are DIFFERENT PEOPLE.
Lancake tweaking a value in the configs has ABSOLUTELY NO EFFECT on
schema's coding efforts.
Also, what in the hell are you talking about with a seesaw of two things getting tweaked back and forth? That's not what happens. It's usually a new feature that's imbalanced, or interacts with a past feature in an unexpected way that's imbalanced, that people ask for balance fixes on, not a cycle of "buff X, nerf X, buff X, nerf X.
Comes a time when a dev needs to put logic over appeasing the community and make decisions themselves.
"It's different when I'm the community member trying to get Schine to appease me and make decisions for Schine because *I* think *my* ideas on the game direction are the best! Everyone else is just a jerk who doesn't care about the 98% who don't bother to make a single post on the direction of the game, unlike me, because I've definitely interviewed all of the non-forum players on their opinion on the games direction."
How about you leave my thread, or make a post that actually relates to the topic and not just complain about topics you don't understand or agree with? Thanks.