I guess one should have the magazine size be dependant on the damage value, so bigger misisles need more magazine space, and the rechargers would depend on the magazine size in turn.
This is what makes sense to me, and my biggest disappointment with the capacity system. I would like to see something simple to use, like having each missile tube group subtract from the capacity based on it's size when fired. Capacity already has a steep falloff once you hit a threshold, and missile spam probably needs to just be hard capped as noted below.
If each launcher holds 1 missile, I just need a lot of launchers, and you can't trust people who don't know better to not do this
There are already limits that servers can put on the number of groups fired, but this of course doesn't protect clients from crashing, and you can't just have the missiles not render for the client. Computers have limits, and a sane default has to be assumed, likely base off of the minimum system requirements for the game. I would rather see a hard cap that prevents me from doing something harmful to others enjoyment (either intentional or accidental), than see a system that imposes the same limit, but in a strange and non intuitive way.
You could even still let the player build as many launchers as they want, then give them a friendly reminder that the server has eaten 8,800 of their missiles.