Also, what's the server policy on chaindrives? Cool, not cool, indifferent?
I'd say indifferent, use them if you want as long as you're not using some weird clever clock which tends to cause lag (I doubt you are, basically, anything under ~30 pulses per second should be fine).
(also to keep those faction points going while I can't play, the flat 20 FP cost per cycle made me lose my home system yesterday)
Not sure how well I'll keep the FP cost at bay
With two people, it'll be a lot easier to stay on the positive side (as long as you connect roughly once every two~four days or more often). I don't think you'll have problems with that.
Btw, I should also prevent FPs from goind too far on the negative side. I want to deplete FPs of inactive factions quickly, but not prevent players from having positive FPs at all if they come back. I'll probably try to make a script checking the FP values and reset them to more reasonable ones if needed, but that'll wait for this week-end.
I know Olxinos uses Napther's ships. I honestly didn't stick around, I saw the red bleep, I saw the mass had a double digit and a K, I smashed the jump drive activation button a second later, because that was the only logical thing to do there, to run like hell. You don't stick around when you see a small fleet, led by a ship at least 7x the size of yours, listing as hostile.
To be honest, KDI ships aren't supposed to attack you if you don't provoke the faction, real pirates are supposed to be "only" (

) 12k mass tops. However, KDI was unexpectedly aggressive (and still is towards some people) so I may have to change their settings, their ships or both. 12k for the biggest pirate ship (KDI excluded) might still be a bit too much, I'll see what I can do, but this will probably also have to wait a bit.
Why is the server not on the list in-game?
Because I'm dumb and I forgot to modify the corresponding settings in server.cfg, should be done now. I haven't registered on starmade-servers though.