Assume you want to make a crane that can move cargo from one point to another.
First, the primary axis would be required to handle the cranes wait plus the wait of the cargo.
Any second and third axis such as the arm to pick up the cargo would have to have nearly the same number of rail enhancers on them.
You don't want to see how blown out of proportion the crane looks with the current rail enhancer requirement. Its insane.
I came about this when looking at automating a ware house system and trying to see what could be done.
For example one idea was to create automated drone bays on several layers in my ship and build a system to automatically load them. Fine and dandy except how excessively large the crane has to become to do that.
Even far more massive if you are moving even a small cargo module currently.
First, the primary axis would be required to handle the cranes wait plus the wait of the cargo.
Any second and third axis such as the arm to pick up the cargo would have to have nearly the same number of rail enhancers on them.
You don't want to see how blown out of proportion the crane looks with the current rail enhancer requirement. Its insane.
I came about this when looking at automating a ware house system and trying to see what could be done.
For example one idea was to create automated drone bays on several layers in my ship and build a system to automatically load them. Fine and dandy except how excessively large the crane has to become to do that.
Even far more massive if you are moving even a small cargo module currently.