Make rail enhancer work for children as well & increase them.

    Dec 14, 2014
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    Assume you want to make a crane that can move cargo from one point to another.
    First, the primary axis would be required to handle the cranes wait plus the wait of the cargo.
    Any second and third axis such as the arm to pick up the cargo would have to have nearly the same number of rail enhancers on them.

    You don't want to see how blown out of proportion the crane looks with the current rail enhancer requirement. Its insane.

    I came about this when looking at automating a ware house system and trying to see what could be done.
    For example one idea was to create automated drone bays on several layers in my ship and build a system to automatically load them. Fine and dandy except how excessively large the crane has to become to do that.
    Even far more massive if you are moving even a small cargo module currently.


    Dec 31, 2013
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    It's StarMade.

    StarMade had 2m thick walls before slabs. Now they are 1.5 meter with a rail-door :p
    Dec 14, 2014
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    It's StarMade.

    StarMade had 2m thick walls before slabs. Now they are 1.5 meter with a rail-door :p
    Yea I know. But still inexcusable. I'll built one just for showing how stupid it is.

    I went ahead and just dumped them on in junks till it started moving. with the new config it can be reduced some.
    That said. Imagine if this was a large container. And you have to had 500 or a 1000 on your crane. just to lift the cargo box. Well then you have to have the same 500 or 1000 at the bottom plus you have to add even more not just because the cranes mass but also because you just added 500 or 1000 mass enhancers.
    It can get to the point that 90% of your crane is mass enhancers. Which is why I said it is stupid.
    I don't mean that to be insulting to the devs or anyone because it isn't meant that way. Its the extent to what this leads to is the issue. the mass enhancers I like otherwise.


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