Logic Filters, Redirectional, multi-output

    Jul 11, 2013
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    Ok, so hello to a wonderful ne day in starmade.
    I have 3 suggestions I would like to make to make logic more interesting and complex, but also more fun.
    My first idea is the filter:

    It's relatively simple, it allows things to go through. The things would be items, like blocks. This would be useful for sorters, when coupled with the redirection system. What I could do is send a mass of blocks through. I could set it so all hull pieces go in 1 storage, all wedges in another, ect. If im a massive factory guy, I'll have to salvage a lot. Instead of going to every factory and plugging in the blocks, I could set it up. This ore goes direction 1, which splits up into 3 factories, A, B, C, and then another ore goes another way through the filters into factories D and E.

    My second idea is the Redirectional:

    This is simple too, its for supporting the filter and factory systems. If you allow us to connect shops to factories/logic, what I would do is set the redirectional to take ingredients 1 and 2 and send it through the right filters and into the correct factory. It would then run through the factory, and perhaps I would put a delay in, so like, you deliver the ingredients to the factory, you wait 3 minutes plus (x) seconds per item being built and it sends it back into the shop to be bought.

    My third idea in the multi-output:
    This system would be for sorting. In my shop idea, I would have it set so that you are offered long line of activators, each 1 for producing something different. Each activator would do the same fuction in a different place. Say I wanted to build, black advanced hull, blue standard hull wedges, and white basic hull. I would turn on those activators, and either my client could simply put the required items into the shop or into a storage. Those items would go through the filter, connected to a multi out-putter, so I can send the ingredients for each different item to the factories.

    I guess summed up, I would like a way to transport blocks using logic, and possibly even make a public factory without the recipes having risk of being stolen.

    Instead of all that, we could have a hopper system like in minecraft.. I put the blocks into a plexstorage, goes into a filter/sorter and sends it to the multi-output, which automatically is set to send it straight to the correct factory.

    I know you might say, we can have more than 1 outgoing pope in logic all ready..
    but that's for logic, for blocks we need a way so the blocks go down pipe C to the correct factory, not down pipe A with a completely different block where it wont work.

    Sincerely, Maple
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    Creative Director
    Jun 24, 2013
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    Logic currently can be connected to our storage modules, as well as factory modules. Using the filters in the storage modules you are able to filter blocks into other storage containers and are able to connect them to factories (i'm fairly certain it's possible, if not then it's planned). Using logic on the storage modules feeding the factories you could also make it possible to change what is being fed. I haven't tried it personally but that would be the theory behind it all.

    So at the moment storage modules are the method of moving blocks, sorting and filtering them. This already exists in the game.
    Jul 11, 2013
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    Ah ok, sorry, didnt relise storage modules had any of this.
    Aug 14, 2013
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    I've already built a Smart Factory that allows you to select the type of hull you want then it pulls exactly the items from storage it needs and then crafts the block. If you don't have enough resources to craft the hull type you selected the machine stops and throws out an error.

    So it seems most of what you've suggested can already be done... with the exception of logic interacting with shops.
    Jan 11, 2015
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    So, then the question must be asked, how does one go about setting up this kind of filtering? I'm pretty new as well and am not yet very versed in how starmade's logic works.
    Aug 28, 2013
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    You can set up filters in storage blocks, and use logic blocks linked to them to turn them on and off. Setting the filter rate (how much is pulled per storage tick, which is half the rate of factory ticks) is another part of that.
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    Deleted member 433088

    I've already built a Smart Factory that allows you to select the type of hull you want then it pulls exactly the items from storage it needs and then crafts the block. If you don't have enough resources to craft the hull type you selected the machine stops and throws out an error.
    This sounds intriguing... I think I know how the Storage and Factory modules behave when they're linked to each other, but I can't imagine a way to make them do what you're claiming. When you say "select the type of hull you want", it's just from the factory GUI, right? And how did you make it so the machine stops and throws an error when it doesn't have enough materials?
    Aug 14, 2013
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    • Councillor 3 Gold
    • Wired for Logic
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    This sounds intriguing... I think I know how the Storage and Factory modules behave when they're linked to each other, but I can't imagine a way to make them do what you're claiming. When you say "select the type of hull you want", it's just from the factory GUI, right? And how did you make it so the machine stops and throws an error when it doesn't have enough materials?
    I select the level of hull by pushing one of three buttons on the front of the machine. The machine has a series of chests that it filters items through in order to do the error checking. You never have to interact with the factories, when the items pass through the chest error system filter they are just passed to the factories for processing. Because only an exact number of materials ever enters the factories they will always output exactly what I told it to make. The concept is fairly simple as long as you have the logic to support it. I'll do a video on the entire thing eventually. I did build the whole thing in a live stream too.
    Jan 6, 2015
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    Yes please Sven, I hope you do the video about this soon! I am VERY interested in this kind of factory fiddling. I also very much like your logic videos - have watched them all and end up watching most of them time and time again, since they contain loads of valuable info on clocks, pulses, memories and whatnot.
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