Username: Zodapop
Requested Class: Inquisitor
Why I want to join: So I can be an Inquisitor. Mainly for the operations related to diplomacy, politics, & espionage. Big fan of political intrigues, convoluted plots, and delicately executed power plays.
Short information about me: Well. When the opportunity arises I would also like to be the head of the flesh market (I.e. dominating all crew-selling shops, developing cool creatures with the modular system, selling cool creatures with the modular system, utilizing cool creatures created by the modular system for various purposes [Potentially combat]), which might conflict with my Lazarian duties & the neutrality policy. So, there’s that.
As for what\'s probably being asked for in \"Short information about me\", I CAN build fairly well, but will almost alwas lose patience halfway through a project. And if you ever need anything written, or put in more eloquent terms, and don\'t want to do it yourself- please, please, PLEASE outsource it to me. I\'m begging you. Well, as long as it\'s not, like, your schoolwork. But really.