Turned a bunch of stuff off
Turned a bunch of stuff off in options in game and went to 800x600 res gott it working much better.
on my 6800 nvidia 2 gig ram amd athalon 4000+ plus i will try again later. for better results my bro is useing it so i cant just work it till im satisified with results.
plus i use task manager to stop all processes i can. alt ctrl delete keys at same time to get taskmanager.
under window xp . ill have aprox 15 17 task while game is on. you can stop explorer if you want 2 .
Turned a bunch of stuff off in options in game and went to 800x600 res gott it working much better.
on my 6800 nvidia 2 gig ram amd athalon 4000+ plus i will try again later. for better results my bro is useing it so i cant just work it till im satisified with results.
plus i use task manager to stop all processes i can. alt ctrl delete keys at same time to get taskmanager.
under window xp . ill have aprox 15 17 task while game is on. you can stop explorer if you want 2 .