Planned Jump Interdiction (Station-only parts, prevent jumping INTO sectors)

    Aug 23, 2016
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    Another thought on how this can be abused (as it's written): the rannge radius of 3 sectors means your station jump inhibitor can prevevt players jumping to their own nearby stations.

    The area of effect needs to be kept to the single sector the station is in.


    Dec 31, 2013
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    Another thought on how this can be abused (as it's written): the rannge radius of 3 sectors means your station jump inhibitor can prevevt players jumping to their own nearby stations.

    The area of effect needs to be kept to the single sector the station is in.
    Because of that we need wireless logic to disable it from 3 sectors distance :)
    Aug 23, 2016
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    Because of that we need wireless logic to disable it from 3 sectors distance :)
    Sorry, I probably didn't write that clearly.

    I mean that Faction A has an inhibitor on their station, and its sphere/cube of influence covers the nearby station of
    Faction B.

    So Faction B players are unable to jump to their own station, thanks to the Faction A inhibitor.


    Dec 31, 2013
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    Sorry, I probably didn't write that clearly.
    I mean that Faction A has an inhibitor on their station, and its sphere/cube of influence covers the nearby station of
    Faction B.
    So Faction B players are unable to jump to their own station, thanks to the Faction A inhibitor.
    Warp Gates


    Leads the Storm
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    Hint if someone is blocking entry into my own territory with a Sector based Jump Inhibitor and they aren't an ally I'm going to blow the thing sky high with my AI fleet and move on. :)


    Oct 30, 2015
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    To limit abuse I would vote for : No jumping into the current sector or any adjacent sector.

    Also we should discuss whether two opposing interdiction fields will affect each other. Does the first one still work (early bird gets the worm)? Do they cancel each other out? Do they both work normally? Will two interdiction fields from the same faction add power if they overlap?
    Nov 30, 2015
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    It might also be good for a jump system to be able to detect when it is attempting to jump into interdicted space, and to warn you when you try to jump, and not actually jump or use your jump drive charge.

    Once this happens, simply clicking a second time would then cause you to jump anyway, and risk getting put somewhere other than you wanted to be.
    Doesn't this degrade the purpose? They stop being a "sir! The quantum wave is breaking down! Emergency jump exit imminent!" And more of a "Aw shoot! Prepare for the scenic route".
    Trolls will cover areas around pirate stations, but leave the station uncovered - players will be funnelled to the pirates (or suns).
    Cool! That's a great idea. What's wrong with that?
    Another thought on how this can be abused (as it's written): the rannge radius of 3 sectors means your station jump inhibitor can prevevt players jumping to their own nearby stations.

    The area of effect needs to be kept to the single sector the station is in.
    Um, unless the sector size is like 1000km, it should be fine, as you can just fly to your station or go destroy the field station.

    The radius of 3 sectors mean that large areas can easily be covered with jump inhibitors.
    And as the suggestion is to redirect an interrupted jump to the nearest non-inhibited sector, players will abuse this system by covering large areas around their bases with fake faction inhibitors to enable themselves to make huge jumps.
    If you want to post something, at least read the OP.
    In the event there are no interdiction-free sectors within range of your jump drive, then the jump will fail outright. This could occur if someone set up a network of interdiction defense stations throughout their entire faction territory.
    To limit abuse I would vote for : No jumping into the current sector or any adjacent sector.

    Also we should discuss whether two opposing interdiction fields will affect each other. Does the first one still work (early bird gets the worm)? Do they cancel each other out? Do they both work normally? Will two interdiction fields from the same faction add power if they overlap?
    1. And should we do a ray cast to your location to check for dropout sectors? Or should ships be able to jump straight through?
    2. If two interdiction fields overlap, it calculates each individually, so a bunch of micro-stations don't work super efficiently over one big station.

    Now. Enough quote-rebuttal.

    Should getting caught out of a jump have some negative affect? In homeworld(to set an example) your ships lose health if they drop out of hyperspace prematurely. In starmade it could strip your shields and power, or give you a short debuff.
    Aug 23, 2016
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    Hint if someone is blocking entry into my own territory with a Sector based Jump Inhibitor and they aren't an ally I'm going to blow the thing sky high with my AI fleet and move on. :)
    You will, but newbs in that situation can't. People will troll less players less powerful than themselves.

    Cool! That's a great idea. What's wrong with that?
    It's a function that will be abused. People will be funnelled into stars. A pirate station is no threat to you, but it's utter destruction for a newb.

    Um, unless the sector size is like 1000km, it should be fine, as you can just fly to your station or go destroy the field station.
    You can't destroy it if it's more powerful than your ship(s). Again: newbs. You can't just think about a new feature from your own point of view, you have to think about it from every player's point of view.

    And "you can just fly there" is a disadvantage compared to jumping (the whole premise of this suggestion in fact). So being able to force anyone new to fly instead of jump, to their own base, is not "fine".
    Jan 25, 2015
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    Is trellis abandoned then?
    Before you even forget you said this (sorry, work days are a bit stuffed), To show you how abandoned trellis is, what is trellis?
    I googled it but all it showed me was some garden things.
    Sep 5, 2013
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    These would be parts similar to the Jump Drives and Jump Inhibitors. They would be a defensive system to prevent enemies from being able to jump right on top of your stations.

    They would allow you to potentially protect your territory, and even set up actual defensive lines that must be breached before you


    -Can ONLY be placed on stations. Only one computer part can be placed on any given station.
    -Prevents ships from jumping to anywhere within 3 sectors of the station. Ships which attempt to will instead jump out 4 sectors away with a message telling them their jump has been interrupted.
    -Ships belonging to the same faction as the station can jump normally. You can optionally also set it to allow specific allied factions, neutral factions, and/or unfactioned ships. By default, the Trade Guild is allowed.
    -If the station is unfactioned, the system will effect everyone by default.
    -This system does not stop you from jumping AWAY FROM the interdicted sectors. It only stops you from jumping INTO them. Note: Trying to jump from inside the interdiction zone to someplace else inside it will still cause you to go to the nearest sector to the destination that is free of interdiction.
    -The effects of the system can be partially or completely overcome based on the size of the station's interdiction system vs. the size of the ship's jump drive, in raw module part count.
    -Requires power to run. Can be toggled on and off.
    -In the event there are no interdiction-free sectors within range of your jump drive, then the jump will fail outright. This could occur if someone set up a network of interdiction defense stations throughout their entire faction territory.

    -Default interdiction distance in systems can be configured, so a server could choose to increase it.

    Countering them:

    A ship can partially or completely counter interdiction based on the size of their jump drive relative to that of the station's.

    -If the ship has a jump drive at least the same size as the station's interdiction system, they can jump within 3 sectors instead of 4.
    -If the ship's jump drive is at least 10 times as large, they can jump within 2 sector.
    -If the ship's jump drive is at least 100 times as large, then it can jump within 1 sector.
    -In the off chance a ship's drive is at least 1000 times as large, it ignores the jump interdiction system completely and can jump right to the starbase. So a very large starship may be able to ignore, for instance, a small watchtower station with a weak interdiction system slapped on.

    -In the event a server uses custom configs, it is basically that for each 10x larger the ship's drive is than the station's interdiction system (starting at and including 1x), the ship can jump one sector closer. The multiplier can be changed to a value other than 10 in the server config as well.
    I dunno, I'd almost want to see the exact opposite of this - where ships are forced to jump in on top of my station. My turrets are much more accurate up close, and the enemy can't loiter outside of their range and snipe. ;)


    The Cake Network Staff Senior button unpusher
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    Before you even forget you said this (sorry, work days are a bit stuffed), To show you how abandoned trellis is, what is trellis?
    I googled it but all it showed me was some garden things.
    Trello, fucking autocorrect.


    Wizard/Developer/Project Manager
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    Is trellis abandoned then?
    I don't think Trello is abandoned as I still see Duke moving and managing much of it, but I think its a super high level overview, the next below it is Benchs Timeline and then phab is a much smaller view


    Oct 30, 2015
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    I dunno, I'd almost want to see the exact opposite of this - where ships are forced to jump in on top of my station. My turrets are much more accurate up close, and the enemy can't loiter outside of their range and snipe. just need a REALLY big tractor-beam_________________________________________or a Starbucks. :)
    (Timmies if you are a Canuk.)
    Feb 25, 2016
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    Perhaps interdiction options? Like an interdictor trap, which allows enemies easy access to the station (Potentially dangerous yet also very deadly) or blatant area-denial interdiction, where you can't jump across affected space. Instead, you get spit out either in the sector you started from, or in a sector bordering the one you tried to jump to.