Jump Drive Calculator and Classificator

    May 27, 2014
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    I made a thing.

    It calculates how long it takes to charge your ship's Jump Drive based on it's current power storage, regen and passive drain, then spits out a number and a letter based on those numbers and my sleep-deprived mathematics.


    'Why would I need this?', you ask?
    Mostly for fluff/bragging rights in your ship's descriptions, but it also provides a somewhat more accurate depiction of your ship's jump drive then 'I put a lot of jump modules in it'.
    (I also hear Bench is making some sort of card game, this seems like the sort of thing to decorate a card with.)

    Simple enough to use, just grab the relevant data from the structure menu and throw it in there, and out pops numbers.
    You'll be given data such as charge times, power usage, and a little jump drive rating.

    Questions, bugs, comments, rotten fruit thrown in my general direction?
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    Aug 24, 2013
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    Having conducted a few tests with this, compared to results from my own calculator (here, should you wish to examine it), it seems to me that your calculator is currently not correct. This is because your power usage/second values are quite flawed. I don't know of the exact nature of the error, but I do know that these values are only influenced by the number of Jump Drive Modules on a ship. Since your calculator does not request that rather vital piece of information, it cannot produce correct results. I suggest you correct this when you are able to.

    Otherwise, I quite like it; it's an interesting idea, the consideration of the ship's power capabilities is novel, and probably quite useful in some cases.
    May 27, 2014
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    Having conducted a few tests with this, compared to results from my own calculator (here, should you wish to examine it), it seems to me that your calculator is currently not correct. This is because your power usage/second values are quite flawed. I don't know of the exact nature of the error, but I do know that these values are only influenced by the number of Jump Drive Modules on a ship. Since your calculator does not request that rather vital piece of information, it cannot produce correct results. I suggest you correct this when you are able to.

    Otherwise, I quite like it; it's an interesting idea, the consideration of the ship's power capabilities is novel, and probably quite useful in some cases.
    Are you sure you entered all values correctly? Every time I've used it the usage/s value was identical to the one listed in the game's menus.

    Jump Drive Modules on a ship. Since your calculator does not request that
    Actually, that's the first input; I was sleepy and forgot to note that it's total JUMP blocks, not total SHIP blocks. Fixing now.
    Aug 24, 2013
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    Thank you for the clarification about that input. It seems to be perfectly accurate now that I understand which numbers I should be plugging in. I find it confusing that you claim that the game shows the same values as your calculator, though. The game, in my experience, displays the usage/s value as (actual usage/s value*the number of jump drive modules), so it seems kinda strange that you say your calculator (which displays the actually correct values, sure enough) matches the incorrect in-game interface.

    That's a non-issue, though, just a slight curiosity. I'm fairly satisfied that this works, and that the only issue was my misunderstanding of the inputs. Your classifications are confusing, though; why not just round the charge time to the nearest integer, and stick that on? You'd get a similar range of values, and it seems to me like the current classification number is simply (charge time-3 or so), presumably for the sake of having particularly rapid charge times marked as a '1'. I don't think that this is particularly helpful; it would probably be more relevant if the number simply represented the actual charge time.

    My apologies if I'm being overly critical here.
    May 27, 2014
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    Thank you for the clarification about that input. It seems to be perfectly accurate now that I understand which numbers I should be plugging in. I find it confusing that you claim that the game shows the same values as your calculator, though. The game, in my experience, displays the usage/s value as (actual usage/s value*the number of jump drive modules), so it seems kinda strange that you say your calculator (which displays the actually correct values, sure enough) matches the incorrect in-game interface.

    That's a non-issue, though, just a slight curiosity. I'm fairly satisfied that this works, and that the only issue was my misunderstanding of the inputs. Your classifications are confusing, though; why not just round the charge time to the nearest integer, and stick that on? You'd get a similar range of values, and it seems to me like the current classification number is simply (charge time-3 or so), presumably for the sake of having particularly rapid charge times marked as a '1'. I don't think that this is particularly helpful; it would probably be more relevant if the number simply represented the actual charge time.
    The class number is the charge time minus the time the jump tunnel effect lasts (about 4 seconds).
    During the jump-tunnel effect, any jump you fire is wasted, the class number thus represents roughly the amount of time spent between jumps - admittedly, I had long-range-jumpers in mind for this.

    Easy enough to get the charge time, just add 4.

    My apologies if I'm being overly critical here.
    Not too critical, just slightly verbose :p
    Jan 25, 2015
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    The class number is the charge time minus the time the jump tunnel effect lasts (about 4 seconds).
    During the jump-tunnel effect, any jump you fire is wasted, the class number thus represents roughly the amount of time spent between jumps - admittedly, I had long-range-jumpers in mind for this.

    Easy enough to get the charge time, just add 4.

    Not too critical, just slightly verbose :p
    please add a button to start the kalkulation.
    or how do you get the results?
    Aug 6, 2013
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    WHY did the OP only get one like? This is super handy. This post deserves a sticky or a link in the wiki.