Read by Schine Jump Drive as a Slave and Master System: Charge lasers, jump drive diversity, and more!


    Leads the Storm
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    Wonder what this would look like for Jump Inhibitors? o_O I mean if we are going to do jump drives for this, why not do their evil twin too? :)


    Nov 14, 2013
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    Wonder what this would look like for Jump Inhibitors? o_O I mean if we are going to do jump drives for this, why not do their evil twin too? :)
    No. I see no reason why we should; if anything those would go in the tertiary slot as an effect system that saps jump charge from ships its weapon hits (More efficiently than the Jump Inhibitors alone). Great for turrets, but also not a very necessary addition.
    Apr 25, 2013
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    It really would be nice to have more customizability options with jumpdrive. On that note however I really think something needs to be done about jumpgates cause right now they are the redshirts of faction property in starmade.


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    No. I see no reason why we should; if anything those would go in the tertiary slot as an effect system that saps jump charge from ships its weapon hits (More efficiently than the Jump Inhibitors alone). Great for turrets, but also not a very necessary addition.
    Putting Jump Inhib on a weapon doesn't make any sense. This just feels like a way to shoe-horn in a weapon use for Jump Inhibs when they already fulfill their function; there's no need to add a secondary function that does EXACTLY THE SAME THING.
    Sep 10, 2015
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    JUMP DRIVE/PULSE: With this one, I honestly have no idea. When slaved to weapons, Pulse increases damage, energy usage, and cooldown time. That precedent has no use when coming up with a jump drive mechanic, though, since they do no damage. For the moment, they could just do about the same thing as Jump/Beam, but that would be lame... Any ides on this are welcome.
    Ooh, I actually have a really good idea for this one. It would be sort of an overdrive effect, accelerating you to a speed that depends on the amount of jump drive and pulse modules you have.

    A jump inhibitor would instantly stop you.

    Max speed would be server set, but I'm thinking the default would be 1200m/s, which is about as fast as you go near a black hole. The game can handle fast moving objects pretty well.

    Going into a planetary sector would instantly stop you.

    Being <=500 meters away from an asteroid would stop you.

    If you hit something, there would be a large explosion and your ship would stop, sort of a fail safe for lag.

    Remember the overdrive thing way back when, where overdrive was buffed and you could go super fast? It would be kind of like that. Also, you wouldn't need to be in the core when you travel, so you could get out and walk around your ship and RP and stuff.
    Sep 2, 2015
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    Putting Jump Inhib on a weapon doesn't make any sense. This just feels like a way to shoe-horn in a weapon use for Jump Inhibs when they already fulfill their function; there's no need to add a secondary function that does EXACTLY THE SAME THING.
    although jump inhibitors effect everyone what if you only wanted to prevent one ship from running away it would be pretty nifty if you could have a beam cannon jump inhibitor with a fighter so you could get in close and really interdict just that one ship that you can't let get away.

    Could be useful for all sorts of things you and a group of friends ambush a mining convoy they have guards but you outnumber them, you are probably stronger but maybe ur willing to let their escort get away without a fight i mean after all ur only there for the trade goods right. So you show up and have one fighter beam cannon jump inhibitor the transport another beam cannon stop the transport the rest of the ships try to flea or they don't either way your target isn't going anywhere and your friends can still jump out if they get in trouble.

    or another situation maybe you just want a weapon to troll your buddy with nothing says gotcha like making a rail door ship trap and locking them in with jump prevention beams.

    All sorts of fun things you could do with it Just sayin.


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
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    although jump inhibitors effect everyone what if you only wanted to prevent one ship from running away it would be pretty nifty if you could have a beam cannon jump inhibitor with a fighter so you could get in close and really interdict just that one ship that you can't let get away.

    Could be useful for all sorts of things you and a group of friends ambush a mining convoy they have guards but you outnumber them, you are probably stronger but maybe ur willing to let their escort get away without a fight i mean after all ur only there for the trade goods right. So you show up and have one fighter beam cannon jump inhibitor the transport another beam cannon stop the transport the rest of the ships try to flea or they don't either way your target isn't going anywhere and your friends can still jump out if they get in trouble.

    or another situation maybe you just want a weapon to troll your buddy with nothing says gotcha like making a rail door ship trap and locking them in with jump prevention beams.

    All sorts of fun things you could do with it Just sayin.
    The whole point of jump inhibs is that they're omnidirectional but indiscriminate. If you inhibit, you stop your enemy from jumping, but you also stop yourself and your allies. Double edged sword and what not.
    Sep 2, 2015
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    The whole point of jump inhibs is that they're omnidirectional but indiscriminate. If you inhibit, you stop your enemy from jumping, but you also stop yourself and your allies. Double edged sword and what not.
    Right and they are powerful in that regard but just like taking the jump drive and turning it into a secondary effect for weapons, charged lazers, teleporting missiles there is also a purpose behind focusing your jump inhibitor yes weapons with jump inhibitor secondary or tertiary effects gain the ability to focus their fire but the trade off is then they lose the ability to lock down more than one person.


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    Right and they are powerful in that regard but just like taking the jump drive and turning it into a secondary effect for weapons, charged lazers, teleporting missiles there is also a purpose behind focusing your jump inhibitor yes weapons with jump inhibitor secondary or tertiary effects gain the ability to focus their fire but the trade off is then they lose the ability to lock down more than one person.
    It doesn't add anything NEW, though. We already have a jump inhibitor function. Why would we need something that works almost exactly the same?
    Sep 2, 2015
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    It doesn't add anything NEW, though. We already have a jump inhibitor function. Why would we need something that works almost exactly the same?
    The same can be said of all the weapon combos pretty much we already had cannons why did we need cannon cannons that fire faster but have the same dps...... because it adds OPTIONS the same way that having cannon beam is pretty much like having just cannon but a little different gains range loses cooldown, options in a sandbox game and in most games in general are a good thing, ur right having a jump inhibiting laser that targets only one person in the room is sorta similar to having a jump inhibitor that randomly targets everyone, Sorta like having Swarm missiles is "sorta similar" to having missile beam lock on missiles they both lock onto enemy targets i mean really whats the point in having both.....

    TL:DR Similar entities with slightly different attributes can serve DIFFERENT roles depending on the SITUATION. In some cases it is nice to be able to blanket a whole sector or two with jump prevention , but in other cases it would be nice to be able to target only one ship with it.

    Just like in SOME cases its nice to be able to launch A volley of 200 Fire and Forget missiles and in some cases its nice to have specific target lock on precision using the SAME module.


    Nov 14, 2013
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    Yeah, I'm kinda neutral to the jump inhibitor-as-an-effect thing, but I could see uses if it was implemented. I'm just not entirely convinced that it would be a good idea. As Lecic said, jump inhibitors being non-targeted is a great way to balance them out so they can't create unfair battles where one party cannot escape at all and the other can.
    Sep 2, 2015
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    Yeah, I'm kinda neutral to the jump inhibitor-as-an-effect thing, but I could see uses if it was implemented. I'm just not entirely convinced that it would be a good idea. As Lecic said, jump inhibitors being non-targeted is a great way to balance them out so they can't create unfair battles where one party cannot escape at all and the other can.
    In a 1v1 Situation the outcome is the same someone using a jump inhibitor just needs to make sure they have more jump drives than inhibitors its that easy if your ship normally needs 20k jump drives and you wanna put on 20k inhibitors then you just double the number and you can jump inhibit the enemy while not being effected yourself in a fair fight you wouldn't even need to turn on your jump inhibitor until you were sure you had the upper hand so it would be absolutely no detriment to you at all.

    however in group pvp it would and could create an entirely new dynamic one ship is using extra space to have strong single target lockdown and they are targetting your "primary whatever transport cruiser capital ship etc etc)" you now have options it doesn't just competely eliminate both play and counterplay potential you can choose to abandon the ship they are focusing on after all its only one ship you get to decide its value or if its important to you you can focus down that one ship while your ally tries desperately to cling onto what remains of his jump drive so he can make it away.

    On the other side it allows you to use a powerful weapon without negatively effecting your 'team,squad,group,faction,mate" with the tradeoff being you lose area control for precision striking the balance there is in the tradeoff.

    There are other potential possibilities if / when starmade gets cleaned up and bigger fleets happen it could be used to prevent the jump of 1 important ship before battle during a large fleet transition potentially allowing you to set up ambushes with cloaked ships something that couldn't happen with an all or nothing system like the jump inhibitor is right now.

    As with Swarm Missiles there are positives and negatives to having an unbiased uncontrollable system just like there are pros and cons to having an unbiased uncontrollable interdiction system.

    There are drawbacks that come with the benefits in all things.
    Aug 21, 2015
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    Yeah, I'm kinda neutral to the jump inhibitor-as-an-effect thing, but I could see uses if it was implemented. I'm just not entirely convinced that it would be a good idea. As Lecic said, jump inhibitors being non-targeted is a great way to balance them out so they can't create unfair battles where one party cannot escape at all and the other can.
    I think interdictor beams could be pretty balanced. Its kind of like EMP or other effects - if you're dealing a lot of interdiction damage, that's structure damage you could have been dealing instead. If you have a normal jump inhibitor, you can prevent jumps while also laying into your opponent with whatever weapons you choose. Additionally, you have to be within weapon range, which is much smaller than normal jump interdiction distances.

    If you wanted an alternate use for jump inhibitors as secondaries, though, you could always have it apply a debuff to the enemy:
    • Cannon/Inhibitor - Corrosive shot: Blocks damaged by this shot reduce the armor of adjacent blocks by x% for y seconds
    • Beam/Inhibitor - Deionizing charge: Ships damaged by this shot have their shield regen reduced by x% for y seconds
    • Missile/Inhibitor - Chain reaction: Shieldless ships hit by this shot take an additional x HP damage per second for y seconds
    • Pulse/Inhibitor - System Overload: Weapon computers on cooldown have x seconds added to their cooldown time.
    Or something similar.


    Nov 14, 2013
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    I think interdictor beams could be pretty balanced. Its kind of like EMP or other effects - if you're dealing a lot of interdiction damage, that's structure damage you could have been dealing instead. If you have a normal jump inhibitor, you can prevent jumps while also laying into your opponent with whatever weapons you choose. Additionally, you have to be within weapon range, which is much smaller than normal jump interdiction distances.

    If you wanted an alternate use for jump inhibitors as secondaries, though, you could always have it apply a debuff to the enemy:
    • Cannon/Inhibitor - Corrosive shot: Blocks damaged by this shot reduce the armor of adjacent blocks by x% for y seconds
    • Beam/Inhibitor - Deionizing charge: Ships damaged by this shot have their shield regen reduced by x% for y seconds
    • Missile/Inhibitor - Chain reaction: Shieldless ships hit by this shot take an additional x HP damage per second for y seconds
    • Pulse/Inhibitor - System Overload: Weapon computers on cooldown have x seconds added to their cooldown time.
    Or something similar.
    Cool, but not what secondary systems are for; they aren't supposed to do different things with different primary systems, but rather affect their projectiles in a semi-consistent manner.

    Given how Schine's done things so far, what you describe here would actually be different effects. Corrosive Shot would be better as a Plasma Effect Computer, Deionizing Charge... IDK, "Proton Effect"?, Chain Reaction would be something like an Acid Effect Computer, and System Overload sounds like a bad idea seeing as it could completely lock out someone's weapons if there are enough of them being used.
    Enjoy that 500M range then.
    ...You mean because of the hit detection bug or the config range? Because AFAIK the config range is not that short, and those bugs will probably be fully fixed sometime between now and next release.
    Jul 6, 2013
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    For MISSILE/JUMP DRIVE, someone may already have suggested something similar, but why not give a speed boost at the start ? So missile move really fast at first, then go back to their normal speed.


    Nov 14, 2013
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    My problem is that a speed boost doesn't really fit with everything else. For all the other weapons, the x/Jump Drive combo provides a boost comparable to at least some attributes of the Missile, Beam, and Pulse secondaries combined, in return for the added time and power to charge the weapon. Extra speed would be some odd combination of Beam and Cannon secondaries.