For now though, it seems OK to me. They just need to improve some aspects of how the mouse works, or add some options that change how the mouse \"feels.\"
For instance, whether the mouse stays where you place it on your screen, or whether it stays about where it is placed on the background (the second one is what the game currently does).
The current style of the game though is not very well suited for joysticks though. Its a Freelancer-style system where your guns can aim where you point, in directions other then where your nose is pointing. Using a joystick for this sort of gaming is pretty much limited in viability to a game like Star Fox, where your shots and targets are both big enough that you do not need to have precision aiming.
As for the second part of the OP, a throttle option, this would be good. Or barring that, a button that automatically holds down throttle for you.