It is Time to Retire the Power Regen Cap (Read Before Commenting)

    Dec 7, 2013
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    Hey I wanted to bring in a new aspect as a pro argument for the block dimension buff concerning power generators.
    Some people have already argued with skill which I agree is not reasonable since it is quite easy to figure that out.
    But what I think is good about the dimesion system is that they are pretty much the only reason to not go for that compact as possible oval shaped design which has the huge benefit of best turning rates and hightest usable space per surface.
    With those box dimensions however it gives wingy designs which we all use and love the only non aesthetical reason to exist, hence they have a bigger dimensions.
    I just wanted to throw that into the discussion since i think box dimension for power generators is a important game mechanic not only concernig all that ratio and balancing stuff ;)
    What concerns bigger ships i don´t feel confident enough to argue about that hence i never build sth beyond about 30k mass although most of the suggestions in
    post sound quite reasonable to me

    correct if I got anything wrong and
    greetings :)


    Home of Titan Guard
    Sep 11, 2013
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    The new systems in place are cool for engineering of different designs and different systems
    I like being able to make a system that's cool and functional not nerfed and baby gated to death!!

    Your not going to have balance on servers across the playing field when the configs files are adjustable which is independent for each server
    You want your type of balance for game play than go make YOUR own server for that gameplay!!!!

    Does the current power need adjustment, yes it does! to balance the power requirements for the newer demanding systems, after the alteration there will be configure files so the person running A server can make an arrangement for the balance of that server.
    It's based on what the server can handle and the intent of balance.

    For myself on my onion of crying, I dislike having to make everything bigger to house the newer systems to being able to utilize the functionality of the said systems, no I don't want to specialize in one field, nor do I want to make a smaller ship doing pitiful damage taking hours for a firefight, I want to use lots of the newer functions across the board.

    It's going to be different for everyone that plays on what they want to experience, but don't bring your ignorance's on my side and expect me to settle for you concept of game play cause that's what your use too! don't like it talk louder into the gun barrel and wait for the response!!!

    Having less of stuff for internals of ship functionality is the way to go, keeping the ship SIZE reasonable allows for design of interiors, which would be rooms with décor, an engine room, a flight deck, a bridge ect... the addition of gribbles, art work- realism of imagination that takes over us.

    Some are engineer's

    They like it that's why! For some it's about building it, fitting it, making it, neater cleaner each time they make a build.

    Why do I want to make a X-wing that's 2/3 bigger than it needs to be, so some tard thinks its about balance? get off you narrow minded tunnel vision, don't like it, look into the gun barrel, that it's sweetheart come closer!!!!

    So yea, lets go for adjusting the power grid for more power with less blocks in the end result it will be the server that decides on the values of the config files which will be your gameplay is the sever you choose to play on, don't like any of the servers than make your OWN!!
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    Aug 28, 2013
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    being able to draw power from the main ship
    You don't want the generator to draw power from the main ship, since that means you lose power (remember, the beam doesn't transfer all the power it takes.) You may want to add power storage to the reactor as well.