This is it for me. Sorry,
cancer313 but I kinda find it hard to believe your name is a coincidence. And I'm not talking about being related to your birthsign. Yes, this might be personal.
Let me make one thing clear: I'm not American. I'm not even Western European. I'm from Hungary, Eastern Europe, so not from your favorite Arabic and Asian "opressive" countries either.
By the logic you use, I could be complaining how this game being available in English language discriminates everyone who aren't from English speaking territories. I do not do that, because I'm more reasonable than that, and because I accept, that the majority of games target the American, British, and Canadian market, or assume that most gamers in the first and second world speak English on a reasonable level to be able to play. Just like I do.
However, I get the strong feeling you have an agenda to push here. People do not come to a game's site like this without a reason. I have to tell I have a strong dislike for being "politically correct", because that created an entire generation that loves to play the victim and blame the majority for every single problem they have. I say this, as a psychology major.
Furthermore, with the computer skills of a 5th grader, you should be fully capable of creating your very own skin, in even higher definition than the default. The fact you're old enough to understand such elaborate concepts as racial representation, discrimination and elitism, suggests you could also be capable of learning how to use basic Paint and create a skin for yourself to enjoy, or use the skin generator by
Master1398 without much effort.
No one complained when you had to play a black guy in GTA San Andreas, and that was a fully released game. Gamers couldn't give a damn about genre or race. In fact, some sexist pervert gamer guys would play a female in an RPG like Skyrim, because "It's more entertaining to stare at a girl's behind for hours than a guy's" - even though Skyrim was mainly in first person. The same gamers modded the game so hard to change the actually modest female character and clothing/armor models to really skimpy, "nerd's wet dream" kinda models. Do you hear a word about it? No.
Are you a gamer, at all? If you were, you weren't looking for race and gender representation in a game. You'd PLAY it instead.