So the key of this idea is a visibility score and the removal of nav-diamonds as a default feature on all entities.
To start with every ship has a visibility score, the default for this is 0, this score can be raised by a number of things:
Forgot to add this in (Thanks alterintel) visibility would decrease by either a fixed number or a percentage for every X meters between objects, aka far away things are harder to detect.
All of this is just a barebones set of mechanics and as alterintel pointed out you could use an identical system for cloaking as well as radar. You could also apply it in various ways: e.g. sectors around stars having a higher default background visibility, or a cloaking field that decreases the visibility of all ships within it.
Abrupt end of post is abrupt.
To start with every ship has a visibility score, the default for this is 0, this score can be raised by a number of things:
- For every X mass (e.g. 100) a ships visibility increases by 1 (Note, instead of mass, box-dimensions could also be used in order to give armored ships a stealth advantage over shielded ones due to armors lack of constant power consumption)
- For every X power consumption a ships visibility increases by 1 (stored power does not contribute, only power actively being used)
- If a ship has its radar turns on then the ships visibility increases by the radars sensitivity
- A ship with 100 visibility has a radar with 50 sensitivity. Thus it can detect any ship with a visibility of 50 or more (100-50 = 50).
Additionally this ship has a visibiltiy of 150 (100+50 = 150) when its radar is turned on as described in the first part of this post.
Forgot to add this in (Thanks alterintel) visibility would decrease by either a fixed number or a percentage for every X meters between objects, aka far away things are harder to detect.
All of this is just a barebones set of mechanics and as alterintel pointed out you could use an identical system for cloaking as well as radar. You could also apply it in various ways: e.g. sectors around stars having a higher default background visibility, or a cloaking field that decreases the visibility of all ships within it.
Abrupt end of post is abrupt.
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