first thing's first, welcome to the community. joined Monday I see, good for us, as you seem to be very observant on things going on.
The limited storage capacity thing, was intended to happen eventually, and that time is actually in dire need to happen sooner rather than later.
While I feel that having the ability to refine on a ship would be a good idea, I also think there needs to be some limitation on this. people have been suggesting the option to craft on a ship for some time now. I say lets consider limiting this too.
The reason being two fold, first of all lets go into why we're doing the limited storage in the first place. We are trying to balance the games ability to gather resources. By imposing the limit, we are thus, balancing the economy of the game. This will help things in the future to develop faster, and that's why it should be on the short list of changes, not the long term one.
By splitting the crafting system in half, this will allow us to both balance the entire crafting system, and keep the stations actually useful, by splitting up only half of the crafting system. I say only, and I mean only letting us place the capsule refinery and the micro assembler, on ships.
which also brings up the other issue with the crafting system. have others had a similar issue as this? say I have a huge shipyard where I use to craft all my materials for building ships. I do on my epic beard server, and it is awe inspiring. But anyway I do lots of mining and crafting there, and I tend to get a lot of materials that end up totally useless. X,Y, or Z colored rocks, lava, sand, and other blocks which do not craft into a damn thing. So wouldn't it be nice to recycle these into something useful?
As it turns out we have a factory that recycles derelict stations into raw materials, the micro assembler does this from the scraps we mine from them. so, why not also make it do that with the other otherwise useless blocks? turn it into a recycling refinery.