Idiotic updates, and logical fixes to common problems

    Jul 8, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    It also greatly favours cannons that are not in the same axis as the ship\'s core/cockpit. If you build a massive array of AMCs some distance below, above, or to the side of the Z-axis of your current point of view, then you can aim a bit above/below/to the opposite side of the tatget and you\'ll deal massive damage. Why? Since you won\'t be aiming directly at it, the fire won\'t focus on a single block, since you\'re not aiming at a block. Instead you\'ll hit the enemy with an array of AMC blasts shaped like your AMC array. If you aim AT the ship? Bam, one block hit only.

    That shows just how ridiculous the current AMC aiming system is.

    I bought this game a while ago, but now I\'m starting to get second thoughts. I like building humongous ships, that gives me lot of space for intricate hull designs and detailing, but for several updates now big ships are being nerfed, and it\'s becoming less and less fun building them, when you have to sacrafice more and more usability if you want to build big.

    I\'d like for AMCs to just stop focusing on the aiming reticle. They should just fire straight in the direction where it\'s aiming now, with blasts flying parallel to one another.


    Aug 14, 2013
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    • Councillor 3 Gold
    • Wired for Logic
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    Shotgun arrays are even MORE powerful now that smaller AMCs have an increase in ROF, packs of large guns on most ships became useless as their power consumption is now ridiculously higher thanks to attempting to nerf shotguns... so the results are in direct conflict with Schemas intentions, I suspect more balancing updates will come.
    Sep 21, 2013
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    A gram of antimatter exposed to a gram of matter would release about 900 gigajoules of energy.

    By comparison, a hydrogen bomb releases 41,840,000 gigajoules of energy.

    Don\'t get me wrong, it\'s still a lot, but it\'s not nearly enough to destroy a planet.
    Aug 17, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    The main reason for having shot gun type arrays is for peneitration of projectiles into the target so that you can hit primary systems or core ships more effectively while moving. That is the only reason that the shotgun became a \"goto\" weapon. So the simpliest solution to this situation is to add mutliblock peneitration to a single amc bolt based on the pecentage per blocks in the same manner that damage is calculated currently (eg. bigger gun = higher penitration.) The main problem with the single structure type amc\'s currently is that even if a single shot from the cannon has a higher damage output then the the hitpoint/damage threshold of the block it hits, the excess damage/energy from the bolt simply disipates entirely instead of carrying on to the next block that is present in the bolts tajectory. If the amc bolts were able to carry the excess damage onto the the next logical block in the line of tajectory. The large amc cannons would have the potential to pass deep into the interior of a target or entirely through a target and out the other side dependant upon how much energy/damage the bolt it self carries, and how many blocks the target ship is made of, and again the damage threshold of those blocks. This would the give these larger construct style cannons a new function as percision weapons s apposed to a rapid fire weapon, making them more inline with that of a sniper rifle. and for s imple balance shot gun type arrays should function as such being much short in range and peneitration as well with perhaps a scatter effect to spread the damage acrrosed a more area. Currently all the nerf really seems to have done in my opinion is unintentionally punished those that took the time to study the games mechanics, do the math, and, discover an interestiing way to arrage their amc weapon systems for optimal output. instead of simply using a 9x9x9 cube and clicking it into a long retangle and call it a super weapon.


    Madman of the Girders
    Jan 31, 2013
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    There was no buff to small AMC rate of fire, just a nerf to large AMC rate of fire which also incidently improves their already high energy efficiency. Large AMCs are indeed more efficient than smaller ones by an enormous margin. That is because AMC efficiency goes down for every new independent group of AMCs you add. Having 10K DPS with 10 AMC arrays is going to take much less energy (and have longer reach) than having 10K DPS with 50. The tradeoff being that 50 AMCs arrays can clear blocks and internals faster.

    For a detailed look at the mechanics behind the AMC/shield update, please refer to my earlier post in this thread.
    Nov 12, 2013
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    I didn\'t do the math myself, I believe I found it somewhere in a book I have. Somewhere.

    Nevertheless, I am quite impressed that anyone cares enough to do the math themselves...

    Whelp, time to implement H-bomb cannons!

    Jun 20, 2013
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    Not a shotgun. Think of the AMCs as the cannon on the tank, and think of the pulse cannons as the machine guns on the tank.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    And what you launch looks like a kilogram of antimatter or more. That is still enough power to blow up a lot of stuff. More than enough to wipe out a several hundred billion block structure IRL.
    Jul 3, 2013
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    Wouldn\'t it be a rather simple matter to have some big AMCs to shred shields and have a separate AMC array made of small shotguns to shred enemy blocks during the 10 second recharge delay?