Ideas for the next release...

    Do you wan't wheels with steering in star-made too?

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    May 9, 2014
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    Also, about wheels, I think wheels would have been outdated once a
    That would sort of be good. We would have to see how well it would be interpreted. Personally I think it would be better left for modders.

    If you've got skillz (with a z) and free time could you test for bugs please? This update has been stagnating for over a year now and people are losing interest. I think someone with Java skills would do better than someone like me who doesn't.

    Yeah, I'll see what I can do. Where is the update posted/downloadable? I haven't exactly been keeping up with things, you might say.
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    Reactions: ToyotaSupra
    May 9, 2014
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    That would sort of be good. We would have to see how well it would be interpreted. Personally I think it would be better left for modders.

    If you've got skillz (with a z) and free time could you test for bugs please? This update has been stagnating for over a year now and people are losing interest. I think someone with Java skills would do better than someone like me who doesn't.
    Hm, I could have sworn I replied to this... Anyways, I'll see what I can do, but where is the latest update posted? I haven't exactly been keeping up to date with the game... I see what you mean with the losing interest thing, I'll say that.

    Edit: Oh, there is a second page. Whoops
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    Reactions: ToyotaSupra
    Aug 30, 2013
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    Hm, I could have sworn I replied to this... Anyways, I'll see what I can do, but where is the latest update posted? I haven't exactly been keeping up to date with the game... I see what you mean with the losing interest thing, I'll say that.

    Edit: Oh, there is a second page. Whoops
    Here you go: Click on 'dev' you'll be asked for a password. The username and password is 'dev'.
    Aug 30, 2013
    Reaction score
    Alrighty, thanks a bunch! It may take a few days before I even start; I'll be spending the next few days doing my own research. Then I'm free once more.
    Good luck and godspeed *salutes* the more people we get the quicker the game can grow.