Ideas for the next release...

    Do you wan't wheels with steering in star-made too?

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    Cobalt-Blooded Bullet Mirror
    May 12, 2014
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    I have some ideas that I think would be cool for the next release so I thought it might be helpful to post them here. I was also thinking people could post their ideas here too. ;)

    Some ideas: I was thinking about how hard it is to make race cars for race tracks on planets and how making them steer is inefficient, so I was wondering; could/will wheels with A/D steering be implemented?

    Also I was thinking if wheels were implemented could drills/bores be added that would make tunnels whilst giving you the items so that you can make smooth tunnels instead of the rather jagged results you get from salvage beams. :cool:

    Another idea is a neat way I would like water to work: Water would be a block without a collider that when inside you can float freely as if in space (even on planets and in gravity,) you would have to wear a helmet so you don't suffocate.

    If these could be added I would LOVE it if someone could answer on this post. :)


    Building masochist
    Sep 26, 2013
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    Get outa here with your archaic technology, hover cars is where it's at! Wheels belong in museums.

    (yes, it would be awesome ;) )
    Aug 30, 2013
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    I have some ideas that I think would be cool for the next release so I thought it might be helpful to post them here. I was also thinking people could post their ideas here too. ;)

    Some ideas: I was thinking about how hard it is to make race cars for race tracks on planets and how making them steer is inefficient, so I was wondering; could/will wheels with A/D steering be implemented?

    Also I was thinking if wheels were implemented could drills/bores be added that would make tunnels whilst giving you the items so that you can make smooth tunnels instead of the rather jagged results you get from salvage beams. :cool:

    Another idea is a neat way I would like water to work: Water would be a block without a collider that when inside you can float freely as if in space (even on planets and in gravity,) you would have to wear a helmet so you don't suffocate.

    If these could be added I would LOVE it if someone could answer on this post. :)
    Hover blocks are somewhat confirmed/planned. Sort of. Father Time will let us know. Take your filthy wheels off my spaceship and back to your cave in 3000BC.

    Bores are a long shot, you're better going off with *looks around to make sure noone is looking* Spcae Engineers for that *dodges tomatoes* but with the new weapon system you can in fact create something similar. I like the idea.

    Water and lava should logically flow but people keep telling me it won't happen because muh engine. It should though.
    Oct 12, 2013
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    Water and lava should logically flow but people keep telling me it won't happen because muh engine. It should though.
    The only problem is going to be that somebody will exploit that for [insert large number here] lava or water. But then again, you can put a build block on a planet and get the whole thing in possibly minutes. Early alpha, people.
    Jan 31, 2014
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    Hover blocks are somewhat confirmed/planned. Sort of. Father Time will let us know. Take your filthy wheels off my spaceship and back to your cave in 3000BC.

    Bores are a long shot, you're better going off with *looks around to make sure noone is looking* Spcae Engineers for that *dodges tomatoes* but with the new weapon system you can in fact create something similar. I like the idea.

    Water and lava should logically flow but people keep telling me it won't happen because muh engine. It should though.
    I thought they covered on one of the Q&A's that the current lava and water blocks will remain (So if you used those on your ship, you won't have lava flowing out the back engines of your ship- for example). But they plan to have water and lava flow in the future. The current blocks will remain as a sort of decorative block, and later the flowing kind will be separate blocks. I thought it was on the first or second Q&A?


    Building masochist
    Sep 26, 2013
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    You can already create a small bore with salvagers. Just place some blocks in a grid and an other row of blocks behind in the holes. That way it digs a hole (and not a grid pattern)


    Cobalt-Blooded Bullet Mirror
    May 12, 2014
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    You can already create a small bore with salvagers. Just place some blocks in a grid and an other row of blocks behind in the holes. That way it digs a hole (and not a grid pattern)
    Thanks I never thought if that... BTW Hover cars would be great. ;)


    Building masochist
    Sep 26, 2013
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    They need more defence weapons and different hulls
    You can already make defensive weapons, be creative!

    For instance, you can install heat seeking missile silos around your ship and fire when an enemy is close. Turrets, power drains, drones! Use them. Next update will also add pulsars, which can be used to push back or damage enemies.
    Oct 11, 2013
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    Wheels would only be useful if the planets were EVEN BIGGER. But that would totally melt my poor computer.
    You can already make defensive weapons, be creative!

    For instance, you can install heat seeking missile silos around your ship and fire when an enemy is close. Turrets, power drains, drones! Use them. Next update will also add pulsars, which can be used to push back or damage enemies.
    That is for offence not defence
    Aug 30, 2013
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    Wheels would only be useful if the planets were EVEN BIGGER. But that would totally melt my poor computer.
    You can mod the planet size in the server config. Wheels are so passe try hoverblocks.

    therimmer96 I think he meant passive blocks such as shields and energy.
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    Oct 11, 2013
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    hmm, when talking about defense, I would like hull to have actual function besides looking good. I mean, what is the purpose of 4 layers of hardened hull when any guy with a scatter array can just slaughter you in seconds?

    Perhaps someone has mentioned this before, but I think battles would last WAY longer, and be WAY more interesting if hull were stronger. Think about it, how many times have we not fought for less than a minute? Damage would be mostly permanent, meaning you can resume battle at any time, instead of looking away for half a second and realizing your opponent's shields are fully charged again.
    Take a look at Halo's bigger ships. Massive, insanely strong hull plating would be much more interesting than a ton of shields. I am not saying shields should be nerfed at all, I am stating the obvious fact that hull is way too weak to be of any use besides aesthetics.

    I am aware balancing the game to an enjoyable state is a matter of trial and error, and I respect the huge efforts Schine has put into it.
    this is what i mean the battle don't go for that long and it is over in seconds and it isn't even a prober battle and it becomes a game of who has the most pwerful weapons like other people are saying


    Cobalt-Blooded Bullet Mirror
    May 12, 2014
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    At least they will be changing the way weapons work so you can't just destroy your enemies using ship size (due to needing more energy) and you will need good strategies instead.


    1200° Plasma
    Sep 23, 2012
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    You've got some nice ideas, but this belongs in the Suggestions subforum.

    May 9, 2014
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    Well, I'm new here, but I come from Minecraft w/ a ton of mods and a background in Comp Sci and Java in particular. So here goes. I'm sure something like it already on the way, but I particularly want warp drives. Which leads me to my next suggestion. Anyone ever played with the Railcraft mod in Minecraft, and would be familiar with the Coke Oven or Blast Furnace? Well, my suggestion is to have certain devices be made similarly, in that they would be a multi-block structure that, when specific blocks were arranged in a particular fashion, the whole section would turn into a different device entirely. For instance, to make a warp drive could require any number of particle cannons (excuse me if I get names wrong, I haven't played in a while), surrounded by thrusters. Then, upon placement of the final thruster, the entire unit would turn into warp drive blocks, and the texture would change entirely, leaving the block textures "connected" (particularly the back thruster-ey part) similarly to how Minecraft can have "connected" textures. Yes, this example is similar to the new feature of connected weapons and such, but to my knowledge it doesn't extend to thrusters, shields, etc. This wasn't the most coherent explanation, but if you're interested I could possibly give you some screenshots, models, or even some example code. I'm doing research in Java this summer and I've got HOURS of free time, so feel free to ask for (basic) implementations of suggestions.
    Aug 30, 2013
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    Well, I'm new here, but I come from Minecraft w/ a ton of mods and a background in Comp Sci and Java in particular. So here goes. I'm sure something like it already on the way, but I particularly want warp drives. Which leads me to my next suggestion. Anyone ever played with the Railcraft mod in Minecraft, and would be familiar with the Coke Oven or Blast Furnace? Well, my suggestion is to have certain devices be made similarly, in that they would be a multi-block structure that, when specific blocks were arranged in a particular fashion, the whole section would turn into a different device entirely. For instance, to make a warp drive could require any number of particle cannons (excuse me if I get names wrong, I haven't played in a while), surrounded by thrusters. Then, upon placement of the final thruster, the entire unit would turn into warp drive blocks, and the texture would change entirely, leaving the block textures "connected" (particularly the back thruster-ey part) similarly to how Minecraft can have "connected" textures. Yes, this example is similar to the new feature of connected weapons and such, but to my knowledge it doesn't extend to thrusters, shields, etc. This wasn't the most coherent explanation, but if you're interested I could possibly give you some screenshots, models, or even some example code. I'm doing research in Java this summer and I've got HOURS of free time, so feel free to ask for (basic) implementations of suggestions.
    That would sort of be good. We would have to see how well it would be interpreted. Personally I think it would be better left for modders.

    If you've got skillz (with a z) and free time could you test for bugs please? This update has been stagnating for over a year now and people are losing interest. I think someone with Java skills would do better than someone like me who doesn't.