Vroom Vroom! Testing out the small checkpoint rings!
I like these. Will the animate with logic if you fly through?
It currently has damaging missile weapons (dumb fire)
But it would be pretty easy to switch jump drives or some power modules (required for charging and perma-jam) with slaves and effects.
Can it fly in atmosphere? YES, watch StarGate :p
17x 8y 21z
Microcoil is limited at 15x 8y 30z.
While length is only 2/3 of allowed, width has to be cut a bit, but it will not be a big problem as you see in the picture.
* It also includes some decorative parts and systems are hidden in a double-floor/wall/ceiling especially in corners between wall and floor and aside the separation door between cockpit and cargo area.
* The interior is 3..4 m high and behind the camera there are a few power-supply (originally for gates which don't drain power while active) and 4 salvage beams which can also be replaced with systems..
Will this >shape< be allowed or considered too cubish?
BTW: it is realeased under the terms of the WTFPL. The do-what-you-fuck-you-want license.
Some more questions I have:
1. Why do you not post ship rules just once and only differences to that generic rules in the ship-class spoilers - would be faster to read... You could also only list differences to the default config.
2. Is jumping allowed? Will races be multi-sector?
3. How big can on-board weapons be? I would put backward-firing turrets with push and forward-firing (or on-board) with pull on bigger ships and a large weapon array might be op compared to similar sized vessels with less weapons.
4. Are dumb-fire NOT allowed? I know they are missiles, but not tracking ones which are slower than cannons and even can be shot down in recent versions.
5. I'd like a class with 2 weapon masters allowed - for firing forward and at chasing enemies.
6. Are Missile-SLAVES allowed? The projectile type will not be a missile.