Hull and armor blocks

    Jul 1, 2013
    Reaction score
    Welp, here's my thought on hull and armor:

    As it is, hull is a poor choice. Ignoring cost, a block of hull has an effective HP (eHP) of about 134, a mass of 0.1, and provides no other benefit to the ship. A block of shield, power, amc, thruster, etc. has 100 HP, a mass of 0.1, and provides a functional benefit to the ship. A 34 eHP difference is laughable compared to what a shield gen provides and the increased mass could be argued creates a net detriment to the ship. The only reason to use hull is esthetics.

    Now, I see there are two routes to making hull and hardened hull make sense: Increase eHP, or decrease mass.

    I think in the case of hull, dropping its mass relative to other components would be ideal. Say, hull had 200 eHP but only added a 1/10th of the mass of any other component block (i.e. 0.01 per block). Having a low mass block would allow ship builders more freedom for cosmetics without as much of a mass penalty. You could add ten blocks of hull to a ship, provide 2000 eHP, at a cost of only 0.1 mass.

    The other method is currently doable via modding and would be ideal for hardened hull blocks (armor) where you want to pack as much EHP into one block as possible. For example 2000 eHP with a mass of 0.1.

    My numbers are fungible, of course.
    Jul 11, 2013
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    I think that if you perform the lower mass option you suggested it would be far too easy for capital ships to have loads of layers of hull adding to the problem that people have that they are indestructible since damage doesn\'t carry on once it has destroyed a block

    I think that hull should have more damage reduction, about double what it has. Armoured hull should have 75% damage reduction and double the health of normal hull for its current price costs, because at the moment it is incredibly weak. Overall, I agree with your second option more than with your first.
    Jun 30, 2013
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    Layers of hull isn\'t at all a big advantage. missiles cut right through hull life a hot knife throught butter.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I think the basic hull is rather underpowered and could stand to be buffed from where it is right now. I don\'t think the armor value should be raised, but the block HP could stand a buff. 200 HP doesn\'t seem particularly unreasonable.
    Jul 1, 2013
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    Archer nailed the important thing: Adjusting the individual mass of blocks though the config.

    Then we\'ve got all the tools.

    Armor value and HP are almost entirely interchangeable. A 100 HP block with 75% reduction is the same as a 400 HP block with 0% reduction. The only actual functional difference is that the block with damage reduction will repair faster.

    Armoring up with hull ought to be a valid option that can compete with shields. Given current levels of shield protection, hull blocks need to be able to contribute an order of magnitude more eHP to a ship than they currently do.
    May 6, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 5
    I also reccommend buffing hull to make it more viable. I suggest increasing all hull block hp by an order of magnitude, and increasing the damage reduction of armored hull to above 75%
    Jun 25, 2013
    Reaction score
    Yeah, current hull blocks are pretty pathetic. I just think armor, hull blocks, and plating should be separated entirely. Hull blocks would be skeletal support structures that allow for the use of solid blocks without resorting to heavier armor. Armor would be... armor. Basically buffed versions of the current hull blocks.

    Plating would be placable on top of other blocks and serve to give them some protection and increase aesthetics of ship components without resorting to full-sized armor blocks.

    I believe it would be best if all of these blocks had at least a few variants differing in cost, mass, and strength to allow for more creative flexibility and thus a more interesting game. If you want to build your ship out of duct tape and rust or $20,000 a pop composite armor then why the hell not?