Recognized How to fix planets

    Jun 20, 2013
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    ok, so why do we really need this?

    ... because even the top gpus can't obtain 60 fps when loading the 400 r planets.

    there needs to be a different way in which they are loaded. i think no man's sky's method would work very good in starmade; i.e. Snk suggested atmosphere.

    Jul 30, 2013
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    I'm very frustrated because as far as I know there is no other discussion on this elsewhere, this is a very good idea, and no one of significant importance has said anything about this negative or otherwise. :mad:

    Since this post I think there has been some atmosphere added, but it is still severely lacking D : <


    Creative Director
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    Just because we haven't said anything doesn't mean we haven't seen the thread or read its contents, there's an incredible amount that happens behind the scenes so while we may not respond, we do read and discuss when possible, so keep giving suggestions


    That crazy cyborg
    Oct 27, 2013
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    Right now it is actually pretty hard to find something with 12 sides to explore. I crash landed on a planet and did a start from scratch survival mode and didn't even realize there was a city on the other side of the planet until I got into space.
    I actually really like that! How would you know if there were something on the other side unless you walked over there or picked up something with sensors?

    Well at least you didn't mention Instanced.
    I don't think it's a good idea to make weapons useless against planetary targets, because this is not realistic. Lasers, of course would be diffused by the atmosphere and not be very effective, but a missile should be able to penetrate the atmosphere and hit the planet, as IRL.
    Okay, another realism junky like me! Thing is, cannon rounds would almost certainly burn up entering the atmosphere. Like you said, lasers diffuse. Missiles would very likely burn up in the atmosphere as well unless specially heat shielded. Perhaps a specific type of missile could penetrate the atmosphere, but I don't particularly like that idea gameplay-wise.

    You might have to fudge realism just a little by saying none of our missile are heat shielded ("Why the *bleep* does no one manufacture a heat-shielded missile?!") but I think this will be a good addition to the game. I mean, come on, you just have to have something nimble enough to enter the atmosphere and get close enough to the surface that weapons reach the target. Stop (antigravity) effect is not all that demanding. You could mount it in the engineering bay of this ship for instance and have plenty of space left over for extra bombs/missiles/whatever for bombardment.


    Aug 30, 2013
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    If you guys are having trouble finding your bases, I always leave a Nav beacon on my colony.


    That crazy cyborg
    Oct 27, 2013
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    If you guys are having trouble finding your bases, I always leave a Nav beacon on my colony.
    I do the same thing. Just drop a core with a faction modules on it and maybe dock it to a point on the surface so it doesn't roll away.


    Aug 30, 2013
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    Another way is to press "c" and define North on the planet that way.
    Sep 15, 2013
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    I'm very frustrated because as far as I know there is no other discussion on this elsewhere, this is a very good idea, and no one of significant importance has said anything about this negative or otherwise. :mad:
    There are three to four posts about planets every week on here.
    Jun 8, 2014
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    I've noticed some state that planets are useless, worthless, and just a waste of space.

    Has anyone ever attempted mining?


    Jan 19, 2014
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    Yes, I find planets are the best way to get a large volume of a specific crystal or ore.
    Dec 2, 2013
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    Thought this thred could use a bump considering the new tag system in the suggestion section.

    This is probably the most sensible and issue resolving suggestion for planets around.

    The lag from planets has gotten worse and worse with each update it seems. Especially now that planet segments are not saved to the database until modified. This causes the planet to have to regenerate every time it comes into view. For most people this kills their FPS, or even out right causes their game to crash.

    Though it's not a pressing issue, it is a very important one.

    I know we were all excited about the hexagon planets, but they have proven to be more of a problem then a solution. As Snk said; gameplay > realism.

    Schemas argument in the past for keeping planets the way they are is due to the fact there would be too many calculation when firing weapons through an atmosphere instead of at blocks on the surface. My response to that would be to simple not allow weapons, salvage beams or ships over a certain mass to pass through the atmosphere. Because gameplay > realism.
    Jan 1, 2015
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    I do my level best to avoid going anywhere near planets. This due to the lag they generate of course. A nearby planet can easily put my FPS into the single digits.
    Dec 21, 2014
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    The server I play on basically bans anyone who puts their ship too close to a planet because it causes such massive lag. When I find myself mining with a medium sized ship, the lag is so horrible that it's basically like someone is doing that thing we did as kids where you flipped pages really fast to show an animation. Except - this is even slower. I mean until this is done, basically planets can't really be interacted with other then mining from far away, you can't even use small shuttles because they lag out the server(The server I play on is one that gets QUITE a lot of money from it's donations, so it's doubtful that it's anything to do with the VPS they are using.), so you need to use a 3 block ship, 1 of those blocks being your ship core to get in and out without causing major lag for everyone else.
    Mar 30, 2013
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    You serious? That server sounds absolutely awful. I've never played on a server that threatened a ban for interacting or getting close to planets. Also, rendering textures & displaying block textures is all local on your PC, how does that lag a server? The admins are arguing its the blocks loading?

    The latest patch made things a lot better, but OPs ideas are great and should be added.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    You serious? That server sounds absolutely awful. I've never played on a server that threatened a ban for interacting or getting close to planets. Also, rendering textures & displaying block textures is all local on your PC, how does that lag a server? The admins are arguing its the blocks loading?

    The latest patch made things a lot better, but OPs ideas are great and should be added.
    exactly, i think this is a stupid excuse to ban people. its a part of the game. If they really hate planets make them big asteroids by changing the configs to 30m radius.


    bottom text
    Sep 6, 2013
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    I've noticed some state that planets are useless, worthless, and just a waste of space.

    Has anyone ever attempted mining?
    Planet Mining is any server's antichrist. Massive lag - I prefer not even bothering with it.
    You serious? That server sounds absolutely awful. I've never played on a server that threatened a ban for interacting or getting close to planets. Also, rendering textures & displaying block textures is all local on your PC, how does that lag a server? The admins are arguing its the blocks loading?

    The latest patch made things a lot better, but OPs ideas are great and should be added.
    I think he meant that they would not allow big ships getting too close to planets, due to the risk of getting caught by the gravity well, and therefore, a crash. But a ban is too much - a ship deletion threat would just do it fine.
    Jan 30, 2014
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    This is a solid idea-planetary lag is absolutely crippling in some circumstances, and any way to combat it is welcome in my book.

    Perhaps rather than weapon shots instantly dying after 200 blocks they instead lose a hefty amount of potential damage for a certain amount of distance travelled in the atmosphere. Planets could have "air blocks" and then all you would need to run is a modified version of the old "punch through" effect. This make orbital bombardment possible, but only for heavy, commited, attacks.

    Also, on the topic of planets, does anything find the mechanic of planet plates surviving a planetary explosion and soaring off into space slightly eyebrow raising?