If this is implemented, we may actually have a use for those factory items (Things like the SD1000 MICROPROCESSOR, the SD3000 DELTA INTERFACE, etc, etc). We may be able to place those things inside of the gun, making it more powerful or do somthing special. They would also make the gun look freakin cool!
Also if you attached a weapon other than a antimatter cannon it will do somthing drasticly different. Here a list i made up of possible changes: Antimatter cannon (standerd bullet/laser), D1000 Missile array (Rocket laucher), SDKB Missile array (Heat seaking rocket laucher), SDKB Missile array (Homing rocket laucher), Salvage cannon (Mining tool), Astro technichion (Fixing tool), Power supply beam (Healing tool), Power drain beam (Life absorber) and the Pulsator (EMP or air-blast).