Give us a (temporary) way to deconstruct ships automatically

    Jun 11, 2016
    Reaction score
    Shipyards aren't working atm.

    I can understand that this might not be top priority.

    But it is a pretty bad thing, if people have to manually deconstruct damaged ships on servers. For example when my corvette got damaged, I neither can repair it nor can I deconstruct it.

    It would be great if we either would get a temporary outside of shipyard solution, or if the shipyards just get fixed a little bit earlier.

    It's just really immersion breaking, if I have to overheat my half intakt ships, because deconstructing them for 20 minutes is really not a way I spend my freetime with. Sorry but this manual deconstruction is such a dumb task, that I rather shoot it up to save that time.

    And many other players might not even be bothering into overheating their ships, and many abandoned entities will maybe flood the servers...

    If anyone want's to discuss wether or not shipyards are working, go over there and share that you managed to get yours to work, and tell us please how you got it to work too: Is anyone able to do anything with shipyards?

    Reilly Reese

    #1 Top Forum Poster & Raiben Jackpot Winner
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    Uhh, reboot it and then buildblock it.

    Not rocket science.
    Jun 11, 2016
    Reaction score
    Uhh, reboot it and then buildblock it.

    Not rocket science.
    That's not what I am talking about. I said I want to deconstruct ships automatically and not manually via entering build mode. Because manually I have to deconstruct the turrets too, on smaller corvettes around 12. That's annoying.
    Last edited:


    Nov 30, 2015
    Reaction score
    Well, I did forsee issues with refitting a long time ago: Improved Shipyards - Filtering -and of course not being able to adequately decon is even more of an annoyance.
    I was told (privately) infrastructure would be in place before any main builds. Stations are prety much dead now and shipyards are a major example. I hope they fix it (properly!) soon.