Game freezes whle loading

    Jul 12, 2015
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    I have the most up to date version of starmade (v.0.199.132; build 20160802_134223). I have 8gb of ram, 4096mb maximal memory, 512mb initial memory, 128mb early generation memory. Nvidia Geforce Gt 740m. Intel i3-4100m @ 2.5ghz. Before the update I was able to load into games and play, however, since the last update, I have been unable to play any games, while loading it freezes, normally around 28%, or it will give me a notification about custom textures, then continue to load, until I am allowed to spawn, where the game will freeze.
    [doublepost=1470817471,1470816298][/doublepost]I also have the most recent version of java, and my NVidia drivers are up to date..
    Jul 17, 2013
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    please add a log.txt.o file from after a failed start.
    just remove the .0 part and drag and drop it into an answer posting here.
    you can find them in your (starmadeinstallfolder)/logs path
    Jul 6, 2013
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    Well I can see a couple of things with a brief browse of the log file.

    1. Your graphics card isn't being used. Its using Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600 which I assume is an embedded grahics chip on your CPU.
    There has been issues with starmade using the onboard graphics chip rather than you video card. Somewhere on these forums there should be some information about which setting to change to force it to use the graphics card.

    2. Your game folder is located in the downloads directory under you profile. Its generally a good idea to have the starmade game folder somewhere else like under C:\Program Files\Starmade, to avoid possible issues.

    3. Your also getting a low memory warning which is a little weird as your memory settings look good.
    On a previous ticket here someone had a setting on there java limiting memory to around 512MB so it didn't matter what setting you put into the starmade launcher they were still limited to that.

    Okay found the post you want to go from message 14 and 16. There is a command to check the java settings and see if there is a limit placed on it.
    16GB of ram and still cant run game!
    Last edited:
    Jul 17, 2013
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    Dual grafics Laptops do tend to run java with their power savings card ... that would be your internal intel gpu.
    cant tell you how exactly to switch i do not have hardware like that myself.
    but this maybe usefull ->
    from the log file:
    [2016-08-10 09:06:24] [CLIENT][POPUP] ERROR: WARNING!
    You are running low on memory!
    Please increase the max AND min value
    in the StarMade-Launcher.
    so you are running out of memory. if you did set it correctly than its mostlikely because of the env.variable for java xmx memory. use this to check
    Open a console (CMD) and type the following commands:

    java -d32 -version
    java -d64 -version
    and as Mork said .. install to something more sutable for the game ... "c:/Starmade/Game" for example and place the launcher in C:/starmade hen maybe
    Jul 12, 2015
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    Thanks guys, after following the link sent, I removed the Java from the entities and now it can run properly, really appreciate it.