Game Balance Suggestions

    Dec 15, 2014
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    Have the Push Effect Computer move your ship in relation to the computer's orientation, that way there you get 6x the number of uses from the same module. Then give the Pull Effect Computer/Modules a different effect when used defensively.
    Mar 18, 2015
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    Make warhead ignore a part of the shield, and more radius/damage (a 10 meters topedo should be able to do some damage : P)
    if not ignore, then deal a huge amount of damage to it?

    here is why:
    - it will nerf huge ships against bombers, but smaller ships wont be affected (how would you shot a torpedo to a small ship if it moves :P)
    - torpedo will become useful, which result in more usable of logic system (for advanced weapons) and high damage (and limited because of ammo which seems balanced to me)
    - more skilled combats, (aiming a torpedo isn't easy)
    - an actual usage of bombers/suicide ships in fleets
    - warhammer style? I don't know much about warhammer except huge ships collisions (which seems fun in some way)
    - space mines?

    I think we could find even more usage to it :)
    but it won't in any way break current game as I see it ::)

    sorry for my bad english, I not english speaker
    Aug 14, 2013
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    Make warhead ignore a part of the shield, and more radius/damage (a 10 meters topedo should be able to do some damage : P)
    if not ignore, then deal a huge amount of damage to it?

    here is why:
    - it will nerf huge ships against bombers, but smaller ships wont be affected (how would you shot a torpedo to a small ship if it moves :p)
    - torpedo will become useful, which result in more usable of logic system (for advanced weapons) and high damage (and limited because of ammo which seems balanced to me)
    - more skilled combats, (aiming a torpedo isn't easy)
    - an actual usage of bombers/suicide ships in fleets
    - warhammer style? I don't know much about warhammer except huge ships collisions (which seems fun in some way)
    - space mines?

    I think we could find even more usage to it :)
    but it won't in any way break current game as I see it ::)

    sorry for my bad english, I not english speaker
    Warheads already do ignore shields but a couple things probably need to happen before torpedoes are properly balanced. First of all torpedoes don't need a faction tag to function so they won't trigger a response from AI or trigger auto war decoration. Even when fired with a faction tag AI will just sit there and let the warheads hit. Once AI can actually deal with torpedoes and they carry the identity of the person who fired them then they should be balanced more thoroughly but until then I think they are better off weak.


    Nov 14, 2013
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    Can we please get a range buff on beams? Because of the way they work the hitscan doesn't make them any more powerful than cannons really; the current range is just frustrating.
    Aug 30, 2015
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    Remove all hull/standard/advanced shape crafting recipes. When picking up shapes return the basic cube to the player. When placing shapes, make it look the same way it does now, as a 5 block grouping, but have it consume the cube quantity.

    Crafting different color armor is fun, crafting 100 different color shape armor combinations is not fun.
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    Join the Dark Side
    Aug 21, 2015
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    Allow a few variables to collision damage to make it more customize-able.

    1. Collision damage: This would have a a few values to set.
    A. scale of intensity: The harder the hit, the more damage, as set by an exponential value.
    B. Damage Cap: This would cap the max damage a collision could do.
    C. Scale of explosion radius: The harder the hit, the bigger the radius of explosion.
    D. Explosion cap: This would cap the explosion radius to a certain maximum.

    2. Collision Threshholds: This would set the thresholds at which collision damage either occurs or does not. It would have several values that could adjusted.
    A. Speed: This would set how fast an entity would have to hit the other before collision damage happens.
    B. Minimum weight: This would make it so a ship has to be a certain size before it can cause collision damage.
    C. Force multiplier ratio: This is where you take the speed and weight of a ship to determine the force of impact. This would be the baseline of force necessary before any damage is caused. (assuming the ship meets the minimum weight and speed requirements)
    D. Repeat Collision: This would specify how often per second an entity has to collide with another before it will start taking damage. This setting could also be specified to override the force multiplier ratio, minimum weight, and speed. The goal of this setting would be to reduce the server lag that occurs when an interior docked entity becomes undocked and starts creating a lot of collisions while bouncing around inside someone's ship. It would encourage people to build things like docked power injectors on the outside of their ship, rather than on the inside, since it would basically destroy their ship from the inside out if it got shot off it's rail. (this is the idea of mine that prompted me to write this btw - because I see this kind of collision lag ruining a lot of fights on servers as it produces intense lag, but with the advantages of interior docked entities, it's simply impossible to build a ship that is worth it's salt without using docked entities, so the lag cycle continues)

    Well, that's all I got for now. :)
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    The Cake Network Staff Senior button unpusher
    Jun 21, 2013
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    apply a slight push effect to missiles naturally. It'd just be nice if hitting someone with missiles actually caused them to drift a little


    Cake Build Server Official Button Presser
    Jun 30, 2013
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    apply a slight push effect to missiles naturally. It'd just be nice if hitting someone with missiles actually caused them to drift a little
    have it depending on the damage of the missile?


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    Reduce the jump drive range to 3 sectors, but cut charge time to a third of its current speed. Triple the effectiveness of jump drive inhibitors. This will allow for the creation of defensive "inhibitor walls" of stations without drastically changing travel speeds or inhibitor effectiveness.
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    Press F to pay respects
    Feb 17, 2015
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    Double the default range of Warp Gates, most servers I have been on already do this or have it be unlimited.

    EDIT: Ignore Blaza612 's post below, for he does not know what he is talking about.
    Think of the docked missile+beams that people use! The docked power regen! the docked shield injectors! The docked armor!
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    The Dog of Dissapointment
    Nov 16, 2013
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    Make any entity that isn't docked as a turret or on a rail that's connected to a carrier pickup/launcher utilize the entire shield, rather than no longer being shielded after losing 75% of shields. It's honestly silly that say doors and decorative moving things are not protected by the shield the same as the actual ship entity, as these things are essentially part of the base ship. Using the method above it will mean that turrets and fighters/bombers are not protected in the same away, keeping the current balance while also keeping fancy rail stuff intact.
    Jul 4, 2013
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    Slaving one block to multiple masters at once.

    What I mean is to mark using C multiple blocks (ctrl+C?) and connect it to one using V. Right now you have to mark one and connect it to desired block, go back, mark another one and connect it to the same block, which is sometimes ridiculously tedious. especially when you have to set up factories.


    The Cake Network Staff Senior button unpusher
    Jun 21, 2013
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    Slaving one block to multiple masters at once.

    What I mean is to mark using C multiple blocks (ctrl+C?) and connect it to one using V. Right now you have to mark one and connect it to desired block, go back, mark another one and connect it to the same block, which is sometimes ridiculously tedious. especially when you have to set up factories.
    Hold shift when pressing V. doesn't work with everytthing, like lights, but it does with alot of things
    Jul 4, 2013
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    Hold shift when pressing V. doesn't work with everytthing, like lights, but it does with alot of things
    I know that already, but thanks. What I meant was kind of opposite. Not connecting one to many but many to one.
    Mar 30, 2013
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    Radical changes for 100% slave combos:
    - Give CM and and BM double damage with no additional power draw. Shotguns will probably still suck. Tighten the spread much tighter.
    - Halve CC fire rate but double damage, to reduce that ridiculous fire rate.

    - Give all weapons inherent push effect. The Push Effect slave can increase this even further I suppose.
    - Push Pulse : Reduces rotation rate temporarily on hit. Maybe 50% slower. I don't know, I guess it was always OP. If it's going to be a debuff, it can't have the previous OP Push Pulse/Cannon combo.
    - Triple effect strength of Push and Pull slave effect combos.


    Join the Dark Side
    Aug 21, 2015
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    Make hull and armors lighter. Perhaps half the weight. I think their weight creates too large of a penalty for the benefit.
    May 24, 2016
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    Rebalance the borderline useless effect formulas. In particular stop slaved and ion defensive.

    My custom pirates cannot combat overdeive defensive. If they had a reasonable stop slave that effected gravity by increasing the target ship's mass per module, they could in some way combat easy escapes.

    Ion defensive formula currently scales off of ship's mass. Instead it should scale off of total shield blocks. So a 6000 block industry ship with 6000 shield capacity(50 blocks) doesn't need to have 300 ion modules for a useful system. Also so that all ships that have any interior or extra detail, aren't also forced to have more ion modules then their corresponding doomcube counterparts with equivalent shield size.
    Sep 4, 2013
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    Reduce effectiveness of warheads against stations and docked ships entities.

    Rationale: A single, low effort power stick below 500 mass can easily incapacitate an entire station's turret by ramming it with a 200m long prod of warheads while their users are offline with no counterplay. (As warheads do not declare war, and stations cannot scan to reveal the enemy)


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    Increase the tick rate of beam/beam and beam/pulse to 30 ticks/second, to make them better at cutting through armor.