FUEL - Glorious fuel

    Nov 24, 2013
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    Reading through the thread thus far, it\'s been fairly interesting. I am all for fuel myself, internal explosions would be fantastic as well. There needs to be a bit more unpredictibility and strategy, something like this would do the trick.

    Why not keep the current power setup and put fuel on top?

    If solar power is free fuel then the current power blocks should be a step up from that - extremely expensive, moderately efficient sources of infinite power. Users of big ships can choose to either have massive aounts of solar panels, use fuel or invest huge amounts of money in getting safe, infinite energy.


    I think that this is a good idea, but I\'m rather split. Having fuel production as a viable career would be neat, but at the same time, some crazy amounts of fuel might be required for a faction, meaning that the infinite power (but more exspensive) option might be better.

    Just some fuel for the conversation.
    Aug 12, 2013
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    Everyone is arguing over Fuel or no Fuel.. Can\'t we just add the fuel/refuel block, keep the current energy block. Make the current power tank block, store energy. that and give it a fancy new name to reflect it. Then add an option to require fuel OR not, in the server options.

    This will alow the blocks to be in game, for obvious cosmetic awesomeness. As well as allow thoughs who want to play economically (hardcore servers) may do so.

    Then the ones who don\'t want fuel can just turn it off and use the existing power cores and fancy new power tank.

    P.S. This would totally go unbeleavably perfect for any FTL/warpgates you might be designing.
    Edit: A scale in the options menu to adjust how much fuel is required, would make it perfect.
    Aug 18, 2013
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    I think I sort of agree with Moose to some extent. Even so, I don\'t see why this can\'t be made into a mod. It seems like mod material, instead of something implemented along with the game. I like the idea of a fuel tank exploding, fighters having a short distance, (10-20 sectors worth of flying?) and larger ships, say 100-+ depending on how larger you make your fuel storage and so on. Of course, making too large of a fuel cell could lead to a firey death, while too small of a fuel cell could lead to deficiencies in many of your ship\'s systems, mainly engines. Lights should also be powered somehow by electricity imo, and the solar panel idea needs to be scrapped. As technology goes today, I don\'t believe there\'s a spaceship that has the power to increase it\'s velocity very quickly while supporting a life source and all at the same time defending itself (of course there are no space craft in the modern world that are equipped for conventional warfare,) that relies on solar energy. Even a space station would not meet sufficient needs on solar energy alone, even if the whole damn thing was covered in them, and if it was, one could easily damage all of them.

    For some survival mod, I could see fuel being a fun and gratifying expierence... just keep it out of the sandbox game. Also, different types of fuel, gasses and compounds, should be salvageable/mineable from planets. A very cheap fuel source could be bought free at trade stations and what not, which would fix the problems of fuel being unreachable to new players.
    Aug 2, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I would like to further extend fuel be required for general electricity for your ships too...plex lights, plex doors, docking modules, gravity, bobby AI. Some basic solar panels could handle basic lights and such, the real power drains being weapons (turrets included), shields, and movement

    Maybe for space stations too, for turrets and lights etc to operate
    Jul 1, 2013
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    ... I think it should be a little like this.

    Power Blocks give 10% of the power they commonly do (normally) and Reactors are used to boost the power output. Solar Panels can trickle charge Power Tanks (or a new block called \"Aux Power\" or \"Batteries\") that can then be used as an instant recharge when main power is depleted.

    There should be recipes that can convert ALL minerals into useable fuel... or the ability to syphon off hydrogen particles as you get nearer a Star (when you are taking damage you are in gathering mode).