Fleet AI is atrocious.

    Mar 31, 2016
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    Sounds to me as if they're bundling all these AI improvements and such into this Trading Guild update roll. Dunno what's goin on with that, when it's coming out or whatnot, but it sounds taken care of.
    But yeah, it needs worked on, but as I've heard from at least one decent programmer, collision processing is the hardest to program and the most demanding to implement for the CPU. They're probably working on it - if they're not blind (hard to type like that), ignoring us (hard to miss their comments), or optimists (pirates. Pirates, just pirates.) then they know we have problems with it. What they may not know, at least yet, is the solution. Give them time. They're ambitious, and I think they're laying all the pieces out (ALPHA game people, ALPHA though it feels nearly as complete as MC lol) before finalizing (read: repairing unforeseen difficulties like nonsentient AI that don't fix all problems while baking a cake for you) details and coding.
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    Apr 21, 2013
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    ...Granted, aside from weird naming issues, shipyards seem to work. But that was six months after they were implemented.
    Do you just not use ships with turrets or docked entities? Ships built with shipyards STILL undock turrets. Even loading a design into the test sector will cause parts to fly off in the sector of the shipyard.
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    Nov 14, 2013
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    Do you just not use ships with turrets or docked entities? Ships built with shipyards STILL undock turrets. Even loading a design into the test sector will cause parts to fly off in the sector of the shipyard.
    Test sectors are still (very) broken, but we've spawned or repaired multiple ships using shipyards and the turrets have stayed in place.
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    Mar 31, 2016
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    Shipyards do not, in my experience, break turrets. I've never had that happen. Nullpointers, glitchy designs/sectors and such, and various glitches, but never displaced turrets. Thankfully.
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    Mar 15, 2014
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    Aside: Probably Comr4de's turrets are just too awesome for Starmade to comprehend. They are usually pretty awesome.
    Jul 15, 2014
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    The only way I could imagine it being fine, is if its a placeholder until future work is done. There are many times in development where I have implemented something just enough so that another system could use it, and so it doesn't stop development for others on the team. That's the only reason I could imagine it being fine. The rework could very well be waiting on crew before they completely refine the concept. Hopefully Schine will comment, but from the players standpoint right now, its almost useless cruft for anything else besides cool line up pictures.
    This. The optimist in me would like to imagine that they're trying to tick all the boxes for major features they want before they go in and rework/polish the features once they're all in, but for now it's not really usable for much at all.
    Apr 21, 2013
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    Shipyards do not, in my experience, break turrets. I've never had that happen. Nullpointers, glitchy designs/sectors and such, and various glitches, but never displaced turrets. Thankfully.
    Test sectors are still (very) broken, but we've spawned or repaired multiple ships using shipyards and the turrets have stayed in place.
    ⚓ T551 Turrets are not saved and linked correctly in shipyards

    I've lost track of how many times I've posted this (I have the entry number memorized at this point). If you have more than 10 turrets on your ship you're going to have a bad time.
    Feb 25, 2016
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    Another fun glitch is one that I keep bumping into: Making a ship via shipyard, then making another ship, can sometimes (Briefly) turn the first ship into a hologram, then delete it after the second ship is made.

    Real fun, that one.
    Mar 31, 2016
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    Lol, ok, I've never shipyarded anything with more than 10 turrets. I think like 8 is the max. That could be it, so nvm. I've never experienced it and I thought I'd shipyard-ed enough to find'em all xD.
    May 16, 2016
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    Another fun glitch is one that I keep bumping into: Making a ship via shipyard, then making another ship, can sometimes (Briefly) turn the first ship into a hologram, then delete it after the second ship is made.

    Real fun, that one.
    This is my greatest frustration with the game right now. I've lost huge amounts of resources to this. But I've still lost more by allowing fleet AI to fly too close to a star. Of course, if time is money, I've lost most of my resources trying to get my mining drones to... mine...

    If fleet behavior were scriptable, I'd be spending my every free moment working on fleet scripts, LOL.