If you look at another file the customBlockBehaviorConfigHOWTO.txt then it has a little extra info that the other HOWTO seem to miss:As you can see in this file, I'm trying to mod specific blocks. For some reason, however, my modded recipes aren't taking, regardless of if I load up an existing universe, or spin off a new one.
Right now, the BlockConfigImport.xml file I listed there I have in my yourstarmadefolder/data/config directory. Is that the right place?
To keep a persistent faction config throughout updates, rename the customBlockBehaviorConfigTemplate.xml
in the directory ./customBlockBehaviorConfig to customBlockBehaviorConfig.xml
and edit it to your liking.
The result will be a merge of anything in your custom config with the default values
from the data/config dir for missing ones.
That extra second line is revealing. Though not consistent as this does not seem to work for the NPC that needs to have its config in
Note that changing an existing block works different from making a new block. Since to change an existing block you need to edit the BlockConfig.xml directly. Because an existing block already has its own block ID in the yourstarmadefolder\data\config\BlockTypes.properties file.
Your BlockConfigImport.xml file does not have block ID set! Each block needs an unik ID.
From the BlockConfigImportTemplate.xml
<Block icon="767" name="My new block" textureId="1792" type="CUSTOM_ID_000">
There is a problem to get it to work as stated by the HOWTO. Because there are TWO folders that seem to do the same!
You have to test which one is correct. Maybe it also needs a new map to kick in.
The final result as per HOWTO directions is then a merger between yourstarmadefolder\data\config\BlockConfig.xml and one of the two above folders.