Finite energy

    Aug 8, 2013
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    I don't like this system of unlimited energy, I think energy should be generated by plants and placed into a deep-cycle battery, the batteries would replace the existing generators on ships and the current "regen rate" that exists right now for generators should be the transfer rate that the fuel cells transfer power to connected modules.

    Two easy examples of power generation would be to use ice blocks to create hydrogen fuel cells, or use solar energy to fill deep-cycle batteries. Space stations/planets could have 'fuel stations' that you could dock your ship to and refuel all your batteries. More science fiction based energy sources could be created as well as we have a plethora of ideas based around energy creation.

    I've never really understood why generators were basically unlimited power since having a finite fuel supply actually adds gameplay to the game. Obviously this feature could easily be opted out for those servers who'd rather keep unlimited power, but it should be implemented for those of us who would like to have another aspect of the game add a bit more challenge and immersiveness to the game.
    Jul 15, 2013
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    This makes it hard to travel. If you have only a little bit of fuel left and you can\'t make it somewhere, what are you going to do? Unless ship cores had a small amount of fuel by default, you would be stranded. Just my 2 cents.
    Aug 8, 2013
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    All shops would have a docking station for refueling your batteries, but it would be a lot more cost efficient to use player made \'gas stations\' or make your own fuel.
    Jul 15, 2013
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    If you didn\'t have enough fuel to get there, what would you do?
    Jul 10, 2013
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    You wouldnt. Im sorry to say, this idea falls flat on it\'s face when faced with simple issues of long term flight and unpredictable shop spawns.

    Case dismissed :3
    Aug 8, 2013
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    What happens if you run out of gas in your car in RL? You don\'t...because you make sure you have enough fuel to get to a gas station before you run out of fuel.
    Jun 19, 2013
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    Im going to assume theses generator work on a phenomenon called vaccuum energy, its the stuff that is a large portion of what fills up space, and can be used to create quantom qubits and be converted into electrons.


    Its a higgs field generator and you can make anything you want, including electrons.
    Jul 15, 2013
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    This would make travel near to impossible for small ships, as they can\'t fit many fuel tanks. Exploring would be a terrible idea, as you might not find a shop to refuel at. If you are in a car, you KNOW where you can get fuel and how far away the fuel is. In this game, there is no reliable fuel source if you go exploring, thus discouraging exploration.
    Jul 10, 2013
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    \"The reason these generators work

    Im going to assume theses generator work on a phenomenon called vaccuum energy, its the stuff that is a large portion of what fills up space, and can be used to create quantom qubits and be converted into electrons.


    Its a higgs field generator and you can make anything you want, including electrons.\"

    either this or nano-batteries made out of Carbon Nano-Cells. Theory has it tht they could hold enough energy to power a car in a battery no bigger than a AA size.

    Anyway, the idea of this idea is completely redundant, people everywhere would complain about it, and those who dont will still hate it for the limitations. Sorry man.
    Jul 7, 2013
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    in real life there are gas stations just about everwhere, and if not you know ahead of time and prepare by topping off, in real life you know how far you are going and where to, in real life you dont have to gather most of your own fuel, in real life gas stations dont randomly spawn in unpretictable places and sometimes dont show up for several million miles. rather you know where you are going, roughly how much gas you will need, and how much you will have and need for the return back. your drive to work and over town then back home is a heck of a lot more predictable then randomlly exploreing the universe and praying that a gas station may appear soon.

    everone else has a good point but i dont think they pointed it out for the best reasons. running out of fuel in the current system, and your proposed one would mean you would have literlly no feasable way of refueling your ship. you would have to contruct a smaller ship and go off in a random direction, once again, praying to find a shop. and when you do makei about 1000 trips to compleatly refuel. even more depending on how big your ship is.

    anoher thing wrong with this idea is you would have to store fuel. whitch means you would need a new type of block whitch means even MORE space required for a large ship. and im asssumeing that a fuel unit would have to be quite large.

    so in the current version of the game. i would have to say oppose this idea. it would add to many unnessary mecanics and time consumeing fetures to the game. as well as just makeing everything more complecated then it has to be.
    Jun 22, 2013
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    I very much support this, as long as we add very poor, emergency ion thrusters, designed to work without fuel, but don\'t output very much.
    Aug 7, 2013
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    Well it COULD work, but they\'d have to add in other power sources as well. Such as nuclear, fission, and solar. But that would just overcomplicate things. I think it\'s better off as is. Less of a hassle. Plus, that\'d require rewriting huge portions of the game, and why fix something that isn\'t broken? Interesting thought but, I doubt it will be implemented.
    Jun 25, 2013
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    Adding to the energy theory, I think it could also be a magnetic generator. As seen by science fair project through the years the technology is easily possible. It could also explain why the side of the battery box is moving. or if you ise the xyz thing for your batteries that could be in theory the shape of a fission reactor.
    Jun 19, 2013
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    I dont know about batteries, even carbon nano cells have to be recharged or exchanged. Canibilization of atomic structures in elements like in back to the future with the docs car being run off garbage, would make more sense. If none of my previous ideas are the case.
    Jun 19, 2013
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    Ion thrusters work of throwing electrons at atoms to make ions that creates plasma and the by product (DeltaV) is used for thrust. Still requires an energy source.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    The heat and light coming from the sun and stars makes energy. Therefore the batteries could be veiwed as little solarpanels in cube shape and the configuration you put the cubes is how well the collect sunlight and heat. :3 you are welcome
    Apr 25, 2013
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    I think energy should be generated by plants

    lol hippie!!!!!
    Aug 1, 2013
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    Given the vast distances we\'re talking here (or would be if this were RL), one would assume that tech would advance to the point of at least providing some form of unlimited propulsion.

    As things are currently set up, we have:

    1. Generator/storage units (the power blocks).
    2. Storage units (the storage blocks).
    3. And engine blocks (self-explanatory).

    If you wanted to limit the time someone could travel at full speed, you could perhaps make it so sustained travel at max (or any?) speed would eventually completely drain the power stores (by perhaps increasing engine power drain the longer they were used).

    Then you would need to stop and recharge (before you completely drained the power or no shields for you).
    Aug 9, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    I support this idea,there are - obviously - issues, but these are rather easy to fix.

    1) ships use any kind of block to \"meltdown\" into fuel. Certain blocks generate more fuel.

    2) ship cores are solar powered. Add an auto regen, much like the system currently implemented, but on a reduced rate. External panels increase speed.

    There are more ways, these are just minor tweaks. Prevent ships from being permanently stranded. Also, get rid of the deceleration that happens when the engines stop. This way you can drift (possibly at max speed) until you find help.

    also, there can be NPC aid ships you can radio to if you are in a friendly sector. Give the trading guild a bigger role.