Finite energy

    Jun 20, 2013
    Reaction score
    There are just way to many issues that would pop up with a finite energy system, plain and simple.


    Aug 11, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen
    I feel this idea would be great for RP servers and such, but at this moment, would be terrible, but when this game gets a release and bigger populace, adding this and making it optional server by server, I feel it could have great uses.

    Give the Trade Guild more of a role, as someone suggested with radio-ing for aid ships, as well as making people think about their trips more, so you don\'t just have people flying until they find a station and harvesting all that glass.

    Also on multiplayer servers, if someone runs out of fuel and starts drifting, if they take out the decceleration and just leaves a drift(obviously it would be slower than top speed, though it\'d be pretty funny to see a 50km ship just fly by without fuel)then to those who are exploring, they may happen upon them and can transfer fuel, or take them on.

    So, I see great potential to this, mostly for RP, but not at this stage of the game.