Fighter advice


    May 21, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I'm currently building a carrier but had to halt production because I need to ifrst have fighters to store and launch from it. I've made several prototypes but this one is the best so far.

    Mass: 62.6


    Height: 7

    Width: 16

    I have several problems with this ship.

    1. It turns slowly. The whole point of making these tiny fighters is that they are menuverable and agile. I thought that with it's slow mass it would turn only slightly slower than a naked core. Of course I'm not saying that it is unusably slow like my still unfinished carrier, but slightly slower than I'd want.

    2. Little firepower. I guess I might just be used to chaingun like AMCs that dominate everything in their path but the slow rate of fire and the 160 damage per hit (Unmoddified) is a little disturbing to me. When I say slow rate of fire I mean about half the speed of a pirate.

    Hopefully this won't get buried because I want to know what you all have to say.


    May 25, 2013
    Reaction score
    Remember that you can adjust weapon values to suit your role. Try adding AMCs and thrusters until moving and shooting can deplete power. Then , adjust the damage/range/rof/projectile speed values depending on your combat style. If you\'re going after large ships , you can forfeit range and speed in favor of damage alone , to deplete their shielding with sustained fire. If you\'re fighting pirates , it may be useful to focus on ranged fire and dodging theirs. Increase the rate of fire to deal with station turrets , to shred them as fast as possible when you swoop in - it won\'t matter if that consumes all your power.


    Madman of the Girders
    Jan 31, 2013
    Reaction score
    I usually find that a good mass for fighters is 50, and that in order ot make the most useful fighter you need to rely moreso on a few shielding blocks for good starting capacity rather than too much hull that adds to your mass and slows you down. Keep fighters/bombers/drones lean and mean, and they\'ll put out some good hurting.