faction points for claimed territorry

    Mar 14, 2015
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    Hey Guys,
    for now you just getting FP for just beeing online. So the key for your faction to grow bigger is having a lot of members that are just online. No matter what they are doing while online. You could just standing around and you will get FP for doing nothing. You could even be afk and you will get FP as long as you are online. That doesn't make any sense to me.
    So why not getting FP for holding your ground? You could get FP over time for each system you're holding. To get another system claimed you have to pay a fixed fp amount for it. So the key is then to defend your captured systems to get bigger.

    To make it more interesting you could put a little storry around it. Lets call it "trust points". The citizens of your captured system give you trust points for defending them from pirates and enemy players.
    To make it a little more interesting you could couple the income of "trust points" on the count of pirate and tradingstations at your system. So if there are many pirate stations and less trading stations in your system the income of trust points is low and vice versa. You may also get some bonus trust points for destroying a pirate base and lose some trust points if a trading station gets destroyed.
    So the key for growing bigger and get more influence is then to capture systems, destroy pirate bases and defend trading stations. That sounds much more sensefull doesn't it?
    To keep other factions low you could destroy the trading stations at their systems so they don't get anny trust points. You should also build some extra defend at your own trading stations to embarras the enemy destroying them.
    Stations need to spawn randomly then so the game don't get stuck because all stations are destroyed.

    Sorry for my poor english but this is a good lesson for me.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1427343755,1427342971][/DOUBLEPOST]Sadly there is no necessity to claim more systems yet. The ressources at your home system are more than enough. So maybe you could get some extra ressources into your inventory or some money for holding systems. If you have enough claimed systems then you don't need to salvage any ressources. You just have to defend your systems to be able to build bigger ships and keep youre kingdom alive.
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    Jan 31, 2015
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    I'll be happy to see improvement to the FP system in time. Sometimes I check our faction page and it says we're claiming 3 systems - which we are. Sometimes I check it and it says we're claiming 8 - which we are not - and charges us for it.
    Mar 14, 2015
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    For what is being used right now. Get another system claimed. But to collect enough fp to do that you need to managing your systems you have already claimed by keeping the pirates away and protect the trade stations. So to increase your realm you have to do more than just beeing online.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1427352172,1427350998][/DOUBLEPOST]I see i get it wrong with actual fp system. For now you have to pay every turn for a captured system. In my fp system you have to buy a system once. So a system has a fix price you have to pay with fp. I will add that to my post above.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1427353237][/DOUBLEPOST]Here is an example to make it more clear:
    To claim a system you have to pay a fix amount of fp or trust points or whatever.
    For each trading station in that system you get 10 fp every turn.
    For each pirate station you will lose 10 fp every turn.

    You may also get an extra bonus for destroying a pirate base or an pirate ship and loosing some fp if a trading station gets destroyed.

    Be adviced that you could also get a negative amount of fp if there are more pirate than trading stations in a sector. So you could even make inaktive factions losing their fp by destroying their trading stations. But you shouldn't destroy to much of them if you want to take that system by your own, because you have to wait for the trading stations to rebuild then to get some fp from that system.

    You see that will add a lot more strategy posibilties to the game.
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    Aug 21, 2013
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    As I understand it, a quest system is in the works. I wouldn't be surprised if FP changes much like the OP suggested get implemented. Get a quest, fight off pirates, turn in quest, get money and/or FP.


    Maiden of crashes
    Oct 15, 2013
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    I like this suggestion, perhaps to keep the trading and pirate stations turning over you could have ships be sent to build new stations if the number of stations in a system reaches a low enough density. That way you would have to intercept and destroy the construction convoys both to prevent new pirate stations being built in your own system and to prevent shops being rebuilt in an enemy system.
    Mar 14, 2015
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    Thanks, if you like my suggestion please leave a like or an agree so the devs pay attention to it.
    I read about that quest system, but i think there is no conflict between my suggestion and that quest system. You have more options to get fp then. You have your regular income from your claimed systems and you have the posibility to get fp through quests. Hard part will be to balance it.
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    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    Personally, I prefer the current system, which is that you pay FP for controlling systems instead of the other way around. After all, couldn't you spend an hour with a fast charge jump drive to get two or three galaxies away, claim a massive number of systems, and then never worry about FP ever again? Especially since they're going to be a currency in the future, this really doesn't seem like a good idea to me.

    There just needs to be a reason to claim systems. A combination of this and this would be a good reason to do so.
    Jul 16, 2014
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    I think you should get these "trust points" from factions you are not at war with that have placed a station in your system
    Mar 14, 2015
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    Personally, I prefer the current system, which is that you pay FP for controlling systems instead of the other way around. After all, couldn't you spend an hour with a fast charge jump drive to get two or three galaxies away, claim a massive number of systems, and then never worry about FP ever again? Especially since they're going to be a currency in the future, this really doesn't seem like a good idea to me.

    There just needs to be a reason to claim systems. A combination of this and this would be a good reason to do so.
    Good objection Lecic, but it is a solvable problem. You could limit the distance that claimed systems are alowed to have between each other.
    Jul 21, 2013
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    Personally, I prefer the current system, which is that you pay FP for controlling systems instead of the other way around. After all, couldn't you spend an hour with a fast charge jump drive to get two or three galaxies away, claim a massive number of systems, and then never worry about FP ever again? Especially since they're going to be a currency in the future, this really doesn't seem like a good idea to me.
    The cost for a system depends on the system's distance from the center of the galaxy and the distance from the faction's homebase. Maybe simply subtract a certain value from the cost(so it can turn negative in the vacinity of the homebase). That way, FP-farming by owning systems is confined to the area near the homebase, and the homebase's distance from the center of the galaxy. It would definetly add some interesting effects.
    Feb 1, 2015
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    i just want for fps to start dropping if the faction has no one online for x amount of time. I hate one man factions with one homebase acting as traps or just taking up space with alts.