Epoch of desolation [RP] [500k starting credits] [IT'S BACK AND IN BLACK!]

    Jun 27, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 4
    Name: Nathaniel "Nave" Galvenias

    Age: Biologically, 25 (Chronologically placed at 58 years of age)

    Bio: One of the last children to be born in the Sol System, Nathaniel has spent most, if not all of his life in space, in one way or another. Cybernetically enhanced, defensive, and dark, Nathaniel is a "Jack of all Trades" though leans towards form over function designs, and will not hesitate to crush any attempt at attack on what he holds dear, be it people, machines or ships alike.

    What do you intend to do upon joining the server?: Start small, Develop, Mine, and work my way up to constructing a small frigate-ish ship. Peaceful mining and gathering more than anything, though I will defend myself if nessecary.

    Complete this phrase: Ad Astra per --- "Aspera"

    (Just to clarify, ingame, will I registered as Nathaniel, or Nave?)
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    Jan 27, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 5
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    Accepted! Welcome to the server.
    You'll be whitelisted as Nathaniel_Galvenias
    Mar 17, 2013
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    Name: Hesena Nimat-Fahima Harb-Shula (Whitelist Hesena)
    Age: 23

    Bio: Born on the unforgiving surface, of a small desert wasteland of a world known only too few that inhabited it as Desir, Hesena lived for all her life. This world was a desolate world full of desert and harsh conditions that most would consider uninhabitable. Many years before Hesena was born, there were two tribes of people. The first, largest and most powerful in technology and population were the Arak. Later the Desirites, Hesena’s fragment tribe, separated from the Araks to form a new life when Arak’s cultural focuses shifted. The Desirites wanted to expand and explore to learn more of the universe. After many years of harsh conditions both tribes thrived as well as they could given the limited supplies available to them. A rouge colonization and exploration ship had landed near the Desirite city, bewildered by the fact there could be life on Desir. He offered passage for all those that he could fit to a planet more hospitable, the downside to this offer was that not all within the city would be able to leave. Realizing the decision before them, they urged all to stay, and shamed all who abandoned. An astonishing number of the populace had given in to the prospect of a new home leaving the Desirites in disarray and dismay. With those that abandoned the Desirites was Hesena’s family, excluding her father who vowed to stay on Desir.

    Hesena was arranged to marry a wealthy noble by the name of Mosama, but after Hesenas family had shamefully left, the wedding was postponed. In order for Hesena and her father to survive, her father became a raider, pillaging the Arak people for any supplies. Others viewed them as a complete disgrace and risked putting the whole village at war through selfish ludicrous means of earning a living. To make up for all these grievances she had to become an irreplaceable tool among her people. She was a scholar unlike any other from her tribe earning her the title Nimat-Fahima, or Blessed scholar. Spending many days and nights reading deep into books her father would specifically hunt down to help better educate her in any way possible. At the time of her increase of her studies, Mosama is becoming more and more renowned and favorable among the Desirites. She truly had loved him and studied many hours in hopes of being arranged for marriage once again. Mosama was next in line in becoming the true, fair and merciful ruler that the Desirites and Desir needed. Many hoped for both tribes to become united and strengthened with his guidance. Sometime later, a mineral is discovered through Hesena’s help that is truly unique and is traded initially as a valuable commodity revitalizing Desirite’s economy. As a result of all the good she had brought to the Desirite people, she was re-allowed to remarry Mosama. Weeks before their marriage, and at the height of Mosamas ever-growing popularity, tragedy struck the tribe. Mosama had been murdered by an unknown culprit. Mosama’s death caused doubt and turmoil among the people as the culprit could not be found. Many even accused Hesena for his death, attributing her father’s raider lifestyle to her. Many that believed she was Mosama’s killer gave her the title Harb-Shula, meaning war flame. Many of the Desirite people believed she was the spark to ignite the flame of war. War was inevitably declared on the Araks, as fear, pandemonium and accusations lead both tribes.

    Many Desirites were not as bold and brash about war as their other now belligerent compatriots. They realized by declaring war it would lead to the end of their people. The Desirites used the rare resources from their planet to trade with more and more ships in search for technology in hopes to find a means of escape from the planet. Araks used the resources harvested to build up a war effort. Upon gaining word of all these resources found on Desir, a large fleet which came to be known as the Terrans arrived from far off to transport all the citizens of Desir off-world. This fleet had planned to fully scrap down the planet in search for as many rare resources at it could. Neither the Desir people nor the Araks had a say in the matter and were herded onto ships and whisked away from their home world before anyone could rebel the notion. It is true that conditions improved from their harsh planet but the tribes were bound for another planet where hostilities would soon to return. Through a stroke of luck, when the ships stopped at a world, she managed to escape and stowaway on a separate cargo ship. The others she attempted to escape with were not so lucky and returned to the rest of the Desir people. The others from her world: family, friends, citizens, enemies, anyone that she had known now had unknown whereabouts as to where they may be. For all she knew she was alone in the universe, jumping from any ship she could stow away on to wandering in search for a new home.

    What do you intend to do upon joining the server: I intend to roleplay and hook up with some people and start off stowing away on a new ship… This turns out to be an archeological ship.
    Complete this phrase: Ad Astra per Aspera
    Jan 27, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 5
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    I am sorry, but i have to deny your application. Your backstory is not in line with our timeline, please correct this.
    Mar 17, 2013
    Reaction score
    I am sorry, but i have to deny your application. Your backstory is not in line with our timeline, please correct this.
    I've read over your servers backstory and I dont see how it directly conflicts. Please clarify what is not in lines with your back story.
    Jan 27, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 5
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    Humans on another planet. They never left Sol. Humans had also never come in contact with another species aside from the Al-Hassir
    Apr 11, 2013
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    Application Form
    Name: Sarah Flandry
    Age: 19
    Where are the laser modules for the Heavy fighter MK II, who left the spare parts for the plasma generator on board of the mining ship when it was send away? How many rounds of ammunition are to be delivered?
    All this questions are something Sarah has to face daily since she lost her parents in an accident on a mining station when she was barely fifteen and had to work for her living expenses.
    Now with 19 shes an professional bean pusher, organizing, plotting and delegating works and resources around for whoever paid her at the moment. In her short life she tried an myriad of trades, from the building of heavy warships to private yachts, from fortresses to high class hotels, from military service to high paid consort and courtesan, she tried it at least.

    What do you intend to do upon joining the server?: Have fun and RP!
    Complete this phrase: Ad Astra per aspera
    Jul 2, 2013
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    Application Form
    Name: Sarah Flandry
    Age: 19
    Where are the laser modules for the Heavy fighter MK II, who left the spare parts for the plasma generator on board of the mining ship when it was send away? How many rounds of ammunition are to be delivered?
    All this questions are something Sarah has to face daily since she lost her parents in an accident on a mining station when she was barely fifteen and had to work for her living expenses.
    Now with 19 shes an professional bean pusher, organizing, plotting and delegating works and resources around for whoever paid her at the moment. In her short life she tried an myriad of trades, from the building of heavy warships to private yachts, from fortresses to high class hotels, from military service to high paid consort and courtesan, she tried it at least.

    What do you intend to do upon joining the server?: Have fun and RP!
    Complete this phrase: Ad Astra per aspera
    Well, looks like the gang is all back together.
    Jan 27, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 5
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    An Annoucment!
    Over the next few days i will begin setting up a few quest-lines for people to take, different story arcs may result from this!

    Potential storylines-
    Second Al-Hassir/Terran War Storyarc (main one)
    Self-Replicating Hedegemonizing Drone Storyarc (Explains the Gnats and maybe some very rare rewards)
    Federation Restruction Storyarc (Rebuilding the Federation, will eventually lead into the first Storyarc)
    Sep 18, 2013
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    • Community Content - Bronze 1
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    • Legacy Citizen 3
    Name: Christian Nolen
    Age: 25

    Bio: His family had settled a lone planet, rich in resources and rudimentary vegetation, but barely warm enough to leave scarf and gloves at home. For a little over 20 years, they lived inside a mining ship they had brought with them after the collapse and scoured the rich mountains and an abandoned mine for precious minerals. They could trade with the odd passer-by every other year without complications, until Christian's birth. He quickly, and very early, grew up to long for the stars, even though his parents kept telling him about the desolation, the danger of the vast distances between systems or even just planets. He nodded every time, and eventually pretended to have given up the wanderlust they could not fathom. He told his parents that him still spending time in the onboard piloting simulator -- what a convenient home furniture -- was just the old habit.
    The moment another traveller came by to trade, Christian, now aged 20, packed up and persuaded the stranger to take him to the stars.
    For several years, their partnership flourished and grew with every successful trade into a profound friendship. They learned to trust each other, to rely on one another to provide backup during suspicious deals. But as time went on, they became audacious. Deal after deal turned out a failure due to too high risks taken, and thus they had to put their remaining goods on stake in a high-risk, high-reward deal. Chris' friend was shot dead and he lost the goods. A few weeks after the failed trade, he wanted revenge. With mere defensive weapon systems on his now dead friend's ship, he set up a trap for another deal, allegedly.
    They approached with weapons drawn as Chris was standing on the cargo ramp of his ship, no goods behind him. Their reaction was good, but not good enough to duck underneath the point-defense beam from the ship's rear. It might not melt armour, but it was effective against tissue.
    Chris loaded the pirates' goods into his bay, salvaged what he could find from their, quite rusty, ship and took off.

    What do you intend to do upon joining the server?: The one thing I can do best, trade goods. Development of the character as the story arc progresses is self-explanatory. I might take up on warfare or mercenary work.
    Complete this phrase: Ad astra per aspera (at quidquid agis, prudenter agas et respice finem.)

    This is the same character as my primary in EVE. Of course I had to change the backstory, but for those who are interested in a face:

    (Yeah, that beard is fugly. He was created before the character customisation expansions, and I couldn't be arsed to resculpt.)
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    Jan 27, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 5
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    Approved and Whitelisted!
    New Race!

    Sphereical, hovering entities that are largely unknown to Humanity and the Al-Hassir Imperium. They often intervened during the Great War, on the side of the Federation. Their ships are crystaline, made of a black metal/crystal composite, giving them a excellent ability to cloak and jam.
    They are extremely advanced, and quite prevalent throught the galaxy.
    Jan 25, 2014
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    Application Form

    Name: Amichai ben Amos (name to be whitelisted: Amichai)

    Age: 35

    Bio: Amichai, literally translated to "my people are alive" was named with the highest of hopes, but rarely does such hope survives such circumstances. Hope...of a people survived. Hope...of a people renewed. Hope...of life.
    The only thing Amichai ever knew was the cold nothingness that stared back at him through the small windows. He took little comfort in the cloak of steel that separated him from the void. The nothingness was merely an arms reach away at all times and the only thing that held it at bay was this crude construction. For someone who was born on a ship, lived on a ship, and most likely would die on a ship, he never felt truly at ease. Definitely an odd trait for such a man, but for him it was an inescapable feeling of unease. The only time he was ever free of his anxiety was when he was sleeping, which never came easy.
    The only thing that ever added any level of comfort was a a wrench in his hands. The sound of the metal on metal helped drown out his worries. The ringing was eerily satisfying. Knowing that he fixed something eased his mind. Knowing that, should something ever happen, at least what he fixed wouldn't be the problem. His unease bred a level of perfectionism into him that was without parallel.

    What do you intend to do upon joining the server?: Survive...just like I have always done, one patched hole at a time.

    Complete this phrase: Ad Astra per Aspera
    Jun 23, 2013
    Reaction score
    I'll be sure to apply later, I've still got my old ship saved, a quick refit and reskin with the new blocks, and it should be perfect ^_^
    Jan 27, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 5
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    Hi Folks, At around 8PM EST on the 26th, there will be a fairly large event that will have big rewards and a big effect on the current Story-Arc. I hope for a big turnout!
    It will also introduce the other Story-Arcs.
    The Al-Hassir Story-Arc (Current one, base arc)
    The Federation Story-Arc (Rebuilding the Federation)
    The Drone-Swarm Story-Arc (Discovering, and possibly controling the Drone Swarms that attack you.)
    The Kiuro-Thesian Story-Arc (Advanced technology, contact with a little known alien race.)
    And the FTL Story-Arc (Breaking the Lightspeed barrier and construction FTL capable ships.)
    As a reminder, we have a forums over at http://epoch-of-desolation.proboards.com/

    May the fates have mercy on you in the Epoch.
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    May 22, 2013
    Reaction score

    age: 26

    Species: Human

    Gender: M

    Alignment: chaotic - good

    Bio: Revann since he was born was a trouble maker, he always did not follow rules or laws and did as he did. his father was heard to be a space pirate that abandoned both of his sons to his mother, Joakinn, and Revann. He could not return to them when they started reaching ages 5-6 becouse of his criminal status. Joakinn and Revann never saw him again. not long after, when Joakinn was aged 16 and Revann aged 7, their mother, Amerisha, was killed accidentally by a imperial policeman in a gunfight versus criminals. Joakinn already had a labor job in Black Line Corporation, but was having a hard time feeding both of them, and Revann was getting in trouble with the law and Joakinn hated that. so Joakinn abandoned Revann in a shuttle to an Ephebian world. Revann was left to fend off to himself. Revann was picked up by the brotherhood, feed him, and raised him. now Revann is a Space Pirate with his war modified freighter, The Revenge


    Initial Plans: become more than a space pirate, become a han solo type character which has morals and prefers to follow them.