Based on what you have selected with C, you should see an information block in the UI for the current system you are adding to.
Take for example, wanting to build a specific ratio of beam, beam, punch. Maybe I want beam/50%/10%. So X number of beam blocks, then slaved 50% * X, and then 10% * x;
I select the main computer with "C' and to the left of me (either in advanced or standard, Likely Advanced build mode) I see bascially what the entity structure tells me. I can expand or collapse it, but if it gave me a really quick percentage and total DPS that would be ideal.
Take for example, wanting to build a specific ratio of beam, beam, punch. Maybe I want beam/50%/10%. So X number of beam blocks, then slaved 50% * X, and then 10% * x;
I select the main computer with "C' and to the left of me (either in advanced or standard, Likely Advanced build mode) I see bascially what the entity structure tells me. I can expand or collapse it, but if it gave me a really quick percentage and total DPS that would be ideal.