Eisenstar Fleetsystems Inc.

    continue T-14 and refit it for Power2.0+ or develop the T-3

    • T-14

      Votes: 0 0.0%
    • T-3

      Votes: 0 0.0%
    • what about the T-7 ?!

      Votes: 0 0.0%

    • Total voters
    • Poll closed .
    Dec 5, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 9
    • Community Content - Bronze 2

    Here at Eisenstar Fleetsystems Inc. (EFS or ESF) we offer a wide variety of supreme products to our customers, ranging from personal utility vessels and private transportation to armored transport and combat solutions.

    Our motto is to ensure our customer's safety while using any of our products.

    Besides technological efficiency we focus on pleasant designs and comfort*
    except for our combat crafts which usually lag behind in terms of fancy interior and pampering features but compensate for those with overall increased deadlyness and rancorousness**.

    We invite you, much valued customer to a stroll trough our line-up of premium quality*** products.

    Play chill elevator music
    while shopping at Eisenstar

    -ESF-Marketing Group-

    *perception of comfort may vary depending on testing staff's requirements
    **rancorousness is factually varifiable and measured by our fearless and brave trainee division
    ***in comaprison to galactic standards
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    Dec 5, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 9
    • Community Content - Bronze 2

    (constantly updated)
    [Available in shop (A)]
    [Presentation Stage (P)]
    [Overhaul Stage (O)]

    [Concept Stage (C)]

    • EFS T7 Haulmaster
      the solution for freelanceers and small businesses

      [Shop Page]
    • EFS T14 Endurance the solution for mid-sized trading businesses [coming soon]
      [Promo Pictures] NEW! [Concept]
    • EFS T28 placeholder for future projects

    • EFS VT-69H
      VIP travel shuttle with defensive extras PRODUCTION AND UPDATES DISCONTINUED !

      [Shop Page]
    • EFS VT-69J
      jump-capable VIP travel shuttle PRODUCTION AND UPDATES DISCONTINUED !

      [Shop Page]
    • EFS VT-70
      armed multipurpose shuttle NEW!

      [Shop Page]

    • EFSp Mongoose MkI
      trans atmospheric glider
      [1 person]
      [Shop Page]
    • EFSp Bolt MkI
      trans atmospheric glider
      [1 person]
      [Shop Page]
    • EFSp VVT-15 Orion
      trans atmospheric glider
      [2 persons] NEW!
      [Shop Page]

    • EFS F73 A Falcon
      light fighter
      [Shop Page]
    • EFS F73 B Falcon
      light fighter
      [lock-on missile]
      [Shop Page]
    • EFS R23 Snooper
      light scout [scanner/autocannon]
      [Shop Page]
    • EFS F65 Canard
      medium fighter
      [lock-on missiles and autocannon]
      [Shop Page]
    • EFS B93 Shrimp
      light bomber
      [custom variants available on request]
      [Shop Page]
    • EFS UG30 Toad

      [Shop Page]
    • Salmon Class
      heavy destroyer [custom variants available on request]

      [Shop Page]
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    Dec 5, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 9
    • Community Content - Bronze 2
    Announcing the release of our first new-gen warship, the Salmon Class destroyer.
    It is now available in the catalogue under "Combat Crafts".
    Please check it out in the store and leave a rating.

    -ESF-Marketing Group-

    Dec 5, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 9
    • Community Content - Bronze 2
    Greetings cutomers.
    Yesterday we had a little problem in our design and planning department as it was struck by an enormous chunk of scrap and debris.
    We were quite surprised by how many blueprints were floating around that we didn't even know about anymore.
    Although this discovery was somewhat beneficial to our Concept Evaluation Program we will try to remove all remaining floating scrap-and-debris-balls and implement a more sustainable waste disposal system to preserve our personnel's safety.

    Anyhow, we will publicize those "new" Concepts continuallty in order to give you an insight on our design staff's work and
    -most importantly- to let you take part in our Concept Evaluation Program.

    Here are some of the blueprints we dusted off already

    We will let you know when the Concept Evaluation Program is open!

    -ESF-Marketing Group-
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    Cake Build Server Official Button Presser
    Jun 30, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Master Builder Bronze
    • Competition Winner - Small Fleets
    • Legacy Citizen 10
    I really really love these blueprints!
    Dec 5, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 9
    • Community Content - Bronze 2
    Thanks a lot.
    I'll make a poll to find out which of them to build first :).
    Dec 5, 2013
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    • Community Content - Bronze 2
    We added some more blueprints to our Concept Drawer. Feel free to check them out.

    -ESF-Marketing Group-
    Dec 5, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 9
    • Community Content - Bronze 2
    Catalogue now featuring little sprites for available ships.

    -ESF-Marketing Group-
    Dec 5, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 9
    • Community Content - Bronze 2
    Additions to the Catalogue:
    • Private Transportation: "Mongoose", "Bolt"
    • Utility Vessels: "Cow Fish"
    • Updated: Khepri
    Don't hesitate to check out our new products.
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    Reactions: Nauvran
    Dec 5, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 9
    • Community Content - Bronze 2
    The most recent mission of our in-house SI71 spy ships brought up evidence that our archrival company Arashi Starworks might have something up their sleeves again... at least that's what the plans we "borrowed" suggest.
    Those plans show some really suspicious concept of ominous design.

    -Sadly nobody here at our department can read japanese but it's probably not that important anyways.
    They even faked our blueprint layout!
    Obviously they will try to push those things on the market before we can come up with an equivalent scheme.
    So the answer is simple: improvised overcompensation!
    "Desperate times call for desperate mesures" - So we though:"Why not simply take a stroll through our super secret abandonned docks and look for the most megalomaniac, over-the-top and barely legal specimen of vessel dangling around in the dark.

    In the end we went for this one:
    -A leviathan from the older days, so menacing and cruel, the developing department just stopped mid-work because of compassion and a guilty conscience.

    Of course it has to undergo an extensive process of modernisation but we already publicated some pictures just to mock those malicious Arashi-engineers.

    -ESF-Marketing Group-
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    Dec 5, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 9
    • Community Content - Bronze 2
    Greetings, Elite customers!

    We provide you with a sneak peak on one of our top secret projects.
    Usually we don't release such information to the public but since there was a little mishap in our old drydock concerning leaking superconductor tanks and employees lighting cigaretts outside the smoking area, we have to vacuum the whole place and park this thing outside...

    Guess that means it's officially not a secret project anymore. Feel free to take photos as long as you can*.

    During the process of modernisation the engineers got rid of the original rivitted steel plating.
    The hull that you see now is made up of carbon fiber reeinforced tungsten composite panles.
    If you recently came across the Ceres 4 system an wondered where the tungsten asteroid belt went, you now have your answer.
    Unfortunately the ship is still without any armements. So as a safety measurement we painted it with three orange stripes. They were quite expensive too but they'll hopefully scare off all the pesky tungsten-looters and tourists.

    -ESF-Marketing Group-

    *seriously! we will probably shoot you if we pick up contruction again and you're still around.
    Feb 1, 2015
    Reaction score
    Wow, clicked on the music button and looked through all you ships! You have made some great stuff in StarMade, quite impressed.
    Would be awesome if you made more ships, or updated them old ones, very nice vessels ;)
    Dec 5, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 9
    • Community Content - Bronze 2
    Greetings, dear customers.

    It has been quite a while since our last gush of top quality customer support news.
    Gladly the wait is now over!
    Apparently we were sending our support feed to dead end broadcast stations for over 5 months now.
    Failures like these will not be tolerated again. While investigations are not terminated as of yet, evidence suggests our archrival Arashi Starworks had secretly interfered* with broadcasters sending our feed since last year, already.

    Our spy ships are headed for Arashi's Headquarters and we are almost done signing a petition here at our HQ to boycott all Arashi made products, including all of the blueprint shredders, ball pens and auto-saving draw boards.
    That will give our life long nemesis a financial slap in the face.
    Now we only need to find out how they keep copying our products.

    To keep you busy we updated the Catalogue with new promotional images and a new release: the VVT-15 Orion glider

    Stay tuned for news, releases, product upgrades and more.

    Yours sincerely,
    -ESF-Marketing Group-

    *we are not yet sure to what degree that interference was affecting our broadcast but they must have had to do with it.
    It was definitely not our fault. We double checked everywhere and everything was plugged in properly.
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    Aug 11, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Community Content - Bronze 2
    • Legacy Citizen 6
    • Purchased!
    Welcome back, LukeSalmon. :)

    • EFS T14 Endurance the solution for mid-sized trading businesses [coming soon]
      [Promo Pictures] NEW! [Concept]
    • Can't wait to see it!
    My only complaint about that ship is its apparent lack of a USD.
    Dec 5, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 9
    • Community Content - Bronze 2
    Welcome back, LukeSalmon. :)

    My only complaint about that ship is its apparent lack of a USD.
    Thanks a lot! There are two new uploads coming up soon, too.
    As for the USD you might want to have a closer look at the orange portion in the middle. There is a USD hub on left to the white radar antenna.
    Dec 5, 2013
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    • Community Content - Bronze 2
    - Greetings customers and anyone who subscribed to Eisenstar Newsletter™ **

    - embarrasing attempt to copy superior EFS-technology by heinous business rival -
    "Arashi Starworks" engineers recklessly steal structural concept for jump shuttle by Eisenstar Fleet Systems

    Ceres 9/ EFS Headquartes,

    After obtaining and deciphering the latest Arashi Starworks product catalogue* it was discovered that an attempt was made by their engineers to disguise the concept stolen from us as their own.

    Not surpisingly they failed visibly and misearbly as their inferior production facilities could replicate neither the chunky and efficient hull nor the complicated to navigate interior of the vessel.
    Systems-wise they probably could not match our design by far just as for the armements, although it is likely inoperable mock-ups were used.
    This pathetic act of product piracy just serves to futher discredit the companie's image and dimishes their remaining chances of financial success even more than they usually do.

    Since it is unlikely that Arashi Starworks will have success with their plagiarism and the unfinished, inferior product there is no threat to be afraid of, neither for EFS a company nor for any customers and investors.

    We will infrom you about any news and future product releases.
    Yours sincerely

    -EFS Marketing Group

    *Thank you, Akito from the filing department on Ceres 9 - Section 54. Where would we be without you!
    **25,75 Cr/month; first issue free of charge
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    Dec 5, 2013
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    • Community Content - Bronze 2
    - Greetings customers and anyone who subscribed to Eisenstar Newsletter™ **

    Due to current budget cuts the EFSu (Eisenstar FLeetsystems Utilities) branch's design department is facing, we decided to reeintroduce ourselfs to the Power 2.0+ market not with the much anticipated, previously planned 'T-14 Endurance' but with the newer,
    much easier to adapt superlight 'T-3 Astrocourier'.
    We hope this startegic reversion of our planned lineup expansion will not fail to satisfy thirst for new and innovative products to come in the near future. We are positive to tackle this next hurdle of technological evolution with your passionate support*

    Of cousre this all does not mean that we will discontinue work on the previously announced projects. The T-14 might not make the jump on the model palette in 2089 but when it does, you will have the most polished and balanced cargo ship we ever rushed into production. - Just stay patient.

    We will infrom you about any news and future product releases.
    Yours sincerely

    -EFS Marketing Group

    * and the credits for the delayed T-14 preorders
    **25,75 Cr/month; first issue free of charge
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