Drones, and Advanced A.I.

    Sep 13, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    +--:-:-=([ Drones, and Advanced A.I. ])=-:-:--+

    So I am guessing this has been posted many times beforehand, I am personally quite new to this game, and was eeger to get started. I quickly caught on and started building massive battleships, spacestations, and much more. I recently mastered useing the "BOBBY AI Module" to create turrets to defend my ships without having to constantly switch between guns and such. One thing I was dissapointed to find, was the lack of a "Drone" setting, so I figured I would come and make a post about my ideas on how it would wiork, Simply, and Effectivly.

    For my idea, instead of using a "Turret Dock" their would be a "Drone Dock" this "Drone Dock" would allow players to build ships, small or large depending, and dock them on this "Drone Dock" this dock would have many of the same options of the "Turret Dock" but with more options. First you could install into it different "Chips" you could create in a factory, Like a Chip that increases the size of the Drone able to be docked into that "Drone Dock", maybe a sort of "Stage I Drone Maximizer", "Stage II Drone Maximizer" "Stage III Drone Maximizer" and so on. Thus allowing for bigger and more powerful drones to be docked to your ship.

    Now, in the Drone Dock you could pick from a bunch of different settings, such as "Heal Mothership when at or below "---%" Health", or "Target Enemy Ships "Attacking" Or "Targeted" by the Mothership" each with a number of setting so that you can specify exactly when and what you want your drones to be doing. Now, another problem that comes with Drones is getting them to Sucsessfully fly Into and Out of your Mothership, I have an idea for that as well. In the Drone Docks setting there is a "Pathing" tab, where players can enter the Drone Dock itself, and place these invisible uncollidable "Beacon" like blocks along the runway of the mothership in the path they wish that drone to come out from and enter from, even letting you use those XYZ Plane Deviders to place them in air out from your mothership so you can specify in which direction to go once out of the ship.

    Now, to stop possible Drone Collisions within the Hangar Bay, you could have Multiple "Drone Computers" all connected to different Drone Docks, then you may place them into your hot bar, allowing you to hit that button and call those specific Drones hooked up to that Drone Computer into battle, and in each Drone Computer you can set the Time Delay between each Drone getting sent out, so as not to send all out at once and cause a collision and a mess in your Hangar, letting you time how long it takes a Drone to leave your Mothership, and put that as the Delay so that they leave orderly, and without incident, one after the other. If you press that specific button connected to those Specific Drones, Drone Computer, you will recall them, and the delay on them getting recalled will once again occur. That Drone Computer will call the Drones in order from farthest back to farthest forward, so as not to have anotheer incident if you did not make room for them to get by eachother.

    Basically, when Signaled to leave, Drones 1, 2, and 3 will get their signals, drone 1 will start to leave, and the Delay Timer will start, once it counts down, drone 2, and then fallowed by 3 when its Timer cas ended, when Recalled first Drone 3 will return, the timer will end, and Drone 2 will return, and then 1 when the Delay has ended for it as well. I do not believe this should be too hard to integrate into StarMade, and will allow players to single handidly command an entire armada of small, or large drones, all with A.I.'s programmed by the Player to do specifically what they need at the moment.

    If your shields are down and your ship is getting destroyed, you can specifically call out your repair drones, who will fly out, and begin healing your ship, if pirates come out of nowhere, you can quickly call out your fleet of Fighter Drones to dispatch of them, you see a meteorite you want to Salvage, Target it and sent out Salvage Drones, all with the push of a button! In this way, even the most unskilled players could have drones ready to do their bidding.

    So my fellow Space Captains, do you like my idea, and would you want it implemented into StarMade? I strongly believe it will let players more accuratly build and play the way they want, letting them experience the thrill of commanding entire fleets of Fighters to take down a pirate stronghold, salvage entire planets and asteroids without having to move a finger, or repair themselves and others without having to get out of their main Mothership. If you support my idea please comment, Ideas are always welcome, I would love to improve more on the idea itself, and maybe come up with better, faster, or easier ways to do certain things
    Jun 20, 2013
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    I really like this idea and i think it should be added because really it seems like the perfect thing for starmade being a SPACE game and all. I could just imagine even having little drones on the inside of my ship that just go around the ship checking stats and such then pirate comes along send out my fighters they kill him send out salvagers then im the richest cyberdwarf in the galaxy., Really REALLY like the idea
    Jun 21, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    There was a thread prehaps a couple of months ago that spoke about drones and droids, we actually had come up with the name Billy AI, the small brother of the Bobby AI. We had also thought that maybe the Billy AI could be used for other things and not just drones and droids. They would also be used for turrets like the repair turret, a ship goes into a hanger and the turrets activate firing that techno beam at the damaged blocks, some even had the idea to go even more advanced and attach storage blocks to the repair turrets and configure it to both repair damaged blocks and replace missing blocks, that would be done by adding the blueprint of your ship into the turrets AI. Of course that requires a lot of work and with it a lot of bugs so I know that idea wouldn\'t happen, but I like to share information.
    Jun 22, 2013
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    • Competition Winner - Stations
    • Competition Winner - Small Fleets
    • Legacy Citizen 10
    Currently you already can create \"drones\" that will attack enemies but you have to undock them individually, retrieve them, repair them, and reactivate the AI every time you exit the ship. Your idea fixes all these problems/ inconvinces plus adds more. Drones would allow players to control a fleet while in single player, which i really want to see happen. A suggestion is that there should be a \'fly in formation\' setting where all your drones would fly around your mother ship so all your ships don\'t have to be docked. This would be nice since currently docking large ships is a major pain in the rear.
    Aug 15, 2013
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    Flying alone through space is indeed boring also I want my super-capital borg cube to hold a dozen of smaller cubes causeI got so much space that I dont have a Idea what to do with it.
    Jul 25, 2013
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    I like this idea with the repair turrets. You could build something like a repair dock. In combination with the ai idea it can be a base with drone defenses.

    It would be really awesome to see this implemented.
    Jun 21, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I thought of this idea when Neonscorpion said about the drones having a timer and having them leave the hanger one at a time to avoid collision, I had thought of it a while back but yea sure you can have the drones come out of the hanger and move around your ship repairing damaged blocks, it all sounds awesome in paper, but how would the drones know how to get out. Have you ever seen a Bobby controlled ship target an enemy while inside of a hanger with the hanger doors wide open, they will still turn around while still in the hanger and fire. Turning your hanger into swiss cheese, trust me I know I\'ve done that. I thought of an idea to help fix that, beacons, placing beacons on certain areas of your ship or base and have the drone or droid follow the beacons, giving them a set path. For the repair bots to come out of your ship hanger and have them reapir the ship, you can place perhaps two or three beacons at the entrance of the hanger, make each one a different colored beacon, and have a few of the bots follow a certain color. Bot A once the timer starts follows the invisible red line that can only be seen in Build Mode, Bot B once IT\'S timer starts will follow the invisible blue line, when Bot A gets to the beacon located at the mouth of the hanger, it will turn and follow another red line to another beacon located several blocks away. While it\'s following the red line, it could automatically start firing off it\'s repair beam as it passes by. If you were to stand at the hanger bay doors all you would see is Bot A come out of the hanger and turn left, then a second or two later Bot B comes out and instead of turning left like Bot A, it\'ll turn right cause it\'s follow a different colored line, then Bot C is seen coming out and goes up cause it\'s following the Yellow line, Bot D comes out after Bot C and goes left cause it was programmed to follow the red line. Beacons and timers would really work will together in the game.
    Jul 11, 2013
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    But I would still love to see this eventually. It\'s quite a neat system that I feel would be the best one suggested so far. So a +1 for you.
    Sep 13, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    hey, did you read my entire post? I already said Beacons would be used to allow players to PLOT the exact way out of a ship, and back in. :) all beacons are connected, and beam togeather making an invisible path only seeable in build mode, or in a drone you made :)

    \"Now, another problem that comes with Drones is getting them to Sucsessfully fly Into and Out of your Mothership, I have an idea for that as well. In the Drone Docks setting there is a \"Pathing\" tab, where players can enter the Drone Dock itself, and place these invisible uncollidable \"Beacon\" like blocks along the runway of the mothership in the path they wish that drone to come out from and enter from, even letting you use those XYZ Plane Deviders to place them in air out from your mothership so you can specify in which direction to go once out of the ship. \"
    Sep 20, 2013
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    Yes thus would be a great idea and I would love for this to be implemented into the game. I\'ve already made some drone things, but, they don\'t fly around me. They just sit there with there red eye, looking at me when ever I go into the ship :( Drones please schema!
    Sep 8, 2013
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    I just feel like it\'s going to be a real pain in the rear for Schema to code such a system. Making it functional will be one accomplishment, but making it graceful is important too and that will be equally challenging.

    If it can be done well, then I\'m all for it. +1
    Nov 28, 2013
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    • Purchased!
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    First off - This idear got my full support

    When you\'ll use the beformentioned Salvage Drone, then what about storage?
    Would the Drone have to have 1 og more Plexstorages that you can empty when they come back to the hangar? or would it be something like them just transfering the materials to your inventory?

    Perhaps you could even add one extra future to this idear:
    When the Drones return and docks in ther respective spots, all the materials could be transfered to a PlexStorage (or similar) that would have to be next to/close to the Docking frame,


    If the storrage at the docking frame is filled and the case being the same with the Drone itself, it should not be able to undock before you make room for new materials, effectively forcing you to be a active part of your ships interior (or just simply get one of your Faction slaves to do it for you !muahahaha!)

    *End Edit*

    And when, if a Drone in the field fills up its inventory, it should return automaticaly (if according to the 1-2-3 rules, the beformentioned Drone with a filled inventory is no. 2 it\'ll have to wait outside the Mothership for the correct no. Drone to return and dock (thus giving another excuse to have Drones flying around you ship)

    Olso, there may have to be some limitations as to how many Drones one ship can have (if a big ass Mothership comes floating casually along with 100+ Drones actively working around it, there may be some clientside complications as to how well their machine will respond to all that information.
    Sep 4, 2013
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    An awesome idea, could be really useful, but, unfortunately, i like the visual programing idea more.
    Dec 2, 2013
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    Goimg with the idea of drone \'slaves\', perhaps you could set a drone to empty and sort a plexstorage when it fills.