1. Proposed: That the display module act as a linkable conditional switch based on the evaluation of a Boolean expression.
eval: [structureHpPercent] < 20 :: true while [structureHpPercent] is less than 20.
eval: [docked] = "docked" :: true while the structure is docked.
eval: [speed] > 0 :: true while the structure is moving.
2. Proposed: That upon logical activation, the display module should have the ability to display arbitrary strings to the chat window or main UI of players.
echo: core chat "Shields failing" :: prints "Shields failing" in the chat window of the pilot.
echo: structure ui "Core Breach Imminent!" :: Prints "Core Breach Imminent!" in the center UI of all astronauts aligned to the structure.
echo: faction ui "Mayday! [name] has been disabled at [structureHpPercent] in [system] at [sector]"
3. Proposed: Display modules logically slaved to a controller should be able to evaluate or display variables from that system.
[systemChargePercent] displays scanner or jump module charge or weapon/system cool-down state as a percentage.
eval: [structureHpPercent] < 20 :: true while [structureHpPercent] is less than 20.
eval: [docked] = "docked" :: true while the structure is docked.
eval: [speed] > 0 :: true while the structure is moving.
2. Proposed: That upon logical activation, the display module should have the ability to display arbitrary strings to the chat window or main UI of players.
echo: core chat "Shields failing" :: prints "Shields failing" in the chat window of the pilot.
echo: structure ui "Core Breach Imminent!" :: Prints "Core Breach Imminent!" in the center UI of all astronauts aligned to the structure.
echo: faction ui "Mayday! [name] has been disabled at [structureHpPercent] in [system] at [sector]"
3. Proposed: Display modules logically slaved to a controller should be able to evaluate or display variables from that system.
[systemChargePercent] displays scanner or jump module charge or weapon/system cool-down state as a percentage.