Different missile warheads (warheads as in the missile explosion not the block)


    Maiden of crashes
    Oct 15, 2013
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    In this suggestion I will outline each warhead type I suggest implementing and then explain the reasoning behind why it is the way it is; note this is as much for my own amusement as it is a proper suggestion though it would be a nice addition to the game.

    Spike charge:
    The explosion is shaped like a cone pointing in the direction the missile was traveling in when it hit, this becomes the pierce-effect for missiles additionally it halves the missiles damage as all of the explosion hits (rather than the usual half) so not doing so would make it objectively better than normal missiles.

    Cluster charge
    The explosion is replaced with multiple smaller scattered explosions, this becomes the explosive effect for missiles as simply increasing the radius is a little boring. Ideally the ratio of the effect would alter the number/size of the explosions similar to the swarm effect for missiles.
    I made it replace explosion effects radius increase because I thought the module name suited the cluster effect. Alternately it could be the effect for punch modules, in-case people want to keep the radius increase as an option.

    Pancake charge
    The explosion is many times wider than normal but only penetrates 1 or 2 blocks deep, this becomes ion effect for missiles:
    This explosion shape is highly situation specific so I didn't want to make it the effect of any damage based tertiaries like EMP, or Overdrive because they would be then limited to those situations. I also didn't want to put it on push/pull effect as it might cause them to have trouble hitting (and thus affecting) moving targets.

    I settled on ION because its nearly always an all or nothing effect. People using it at 100% for the extra shield damage won't be effected so much by the situational nature of the explosion shape and those who want to use the explosion shape itself can simply link ION at 0% to avoid the damage nerf/conversion.

    As a interesting, fortunate?, side effect it would essentially do double damage against flat face doomcubes/doombricks as their flat surfaces would cause 100% of the explosion to hit them.

    So thats my idea for different kinds of missile warhead, I think its pretty balanced while having minimal effect on existing systems. I think it would add some nice variety to missile weapons though I'm not sure how hard it would be to implement with the current explosion system. All criticism encouraged and welcome.
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    Feb 12, 2015
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    I like Spiked charges aka shaped charges on the heads of missiles :) and I like what they could be in this game!
    Feb 27, 2014
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    This is a really great post. +1
    (But it would take some time for the devs to implement)
    Having varried missile explosions due to the effect would create a lot of new wepon combos and make missile combat more tactical and imersive i.e different types are more effective vs different ship types.
    Damage over time missiles might also be cool (might not be practical though).
    Also currently missiles are the go-to wepon for ripping apart ships once the shields down (no other wepon can destroy large masses of blocks as fast as missiles atm). Should it be that way? Since often as son as a ships sheilds go down it gets ripped to shreds by swarms of missiles
    I hope Schema sees this ^_^


    Building masochist
    Sep 26, 2013
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    GIVE ME SPIKE CHARGES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Great to penetrate thick things but it'd suck against thinner surfaces (more wasted damage). Do want!
    Last edited:


    CEO Snataris Colonial Fleetyards
    Sep 10, 2013
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    Ohh I like this. So what you suggest is basically squashhead and HEAT warheads like on tank ammo. Then there'd be missiles for all possible applications - piercing thick armor, doing massive area damage, removing point defense once mothership shielding drops below 50%, etc.


    Wizard/Developer/Project Manager
    May 11, 2015
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    They should just let us chain the other systems to them. I was contemplating a cloaked EMP warhead mine.


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    (pierce currently does nothing for missiles)
    I think we discussed this in chat after you posted this thread, but I think it should still be said that pierce does in fact do stuff for missiles. I'm pretty sure it ignores a certain % of armor and has +5 max radius. Punch is pretty much the same.