Different faction point system promotes faction war/expansion

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    Aug 8, 2013
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    spending FP for damage on a homebase is a HORRIBLE idea

    Nobody could be online at a time, and an enemy titan or whatever could just fly up, blast all the FP shield away, and destroy the base, crippling the faction.

    baaaaaaaaad idea.


    Dec 31, 2013
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    This idea is intended for stations which kill their enemy in time and wear him down.


    Head of Testing
    Aug 20, 2013
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    At this moment I'm still aimed towards "invulnerable homebase" just because a homebase would not have a giant purpose, besides keeping a part of your fleet docked there. All defensive measures are done by your own NPC controlled fleets while you're offline. In theory they could also defend your homebase if it was somewhat vulnerable but it's space so it's ridiculously easy to bypass it.

    Perhaps it would be invulnerable and use that FP/shield when every outpost is destroyed.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    im a for invulnerable homebases for the sole reason that it is possible people with massive ships will reduce a faction to square one. however, i think players should be emphasized and have a beneficial reason to make outposts, which can be destroyed


    Head of Testing
    Aug 20, 2013
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    im a for invulnerable homebases for the sole reason that it is possible people with massive ships will reduce a faction to square one. however, i think players should be emphasized and have a beneficial reason to make outposts, which can be destroyed
    Yeah, that's mostly the reason why I prefer to have your real home as invulnerable. Although you would most likely be forced to move out somewhere else if you only have 1 base left and they are constantly preventing you from growing :)


    Cmdr Deathmark
    May 29, 2013
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    I've always wanted to see fall-back invulnerable NPC governments.
    -A neutral democracy
    -A chaotic hegemony
    -A policed meritocracy

    When you join the game you have three guys hanging out at spawn. They each want to recruit you to one of those three. Decide to not make a choice you automatically end up neutral. A waypoint gets pushed into your nav panel and you're given the option of a free one-way teleport. If you take the teleport you end up at a station, you're assigned a storage unit and a bank account. Then you can take off and do w/e. Run their version of the tutorials, take on some missions. w/e's clever.

    From their HQ you can grind a bit for resources then go out and build your own faction
    home. When you start a new faction the government you came from does you a favor. They link your faction storage and bank to their station. Anything you store in your base is saved there. For a fee you can also link your outposts. Unlinked outposts will drop all their stored items. You can't link ships. Even docked ones. Linked outposts will call for help. This costs you in either blocks or the credit value for the ships they send + some faction points.

    You could log in one day to find your outposts and base blown away. You bank heavily depleted by defense attempts. And you're just floating there without a shipcore to your name. Use the nav panel to send out an SOS and the government will send a ship out to teleport you to their HQ where you can rebuild. You might get massive setbacks but you're never homeless.
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    Social Media Director
    Jun 25, 2013
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    This would encourage you to go for multiple systems

    The second idea expands on this but divides outposts into types, including planet outposts
    Completely agree. If the aim is to make ships not jacks of all trades, then the same should apply to stations.

    This shield could disable salvagers working at all tbh
    Honestly if there is a way to get a constant stream of resources or even a large amount of resourcesat once from a planet, then ship mining shouldn't be possible here. I think most people agree. We wouldnl't mine the earth with a space shuttle. It is more practical to setup equipment on the surface.

    Ship construction & Shipyards
    Shipyards (NPC only!)
    Trading guild interaction:
    All of these things, yes.

    Public warp gates
    This one I don't understand. Is the plan to make warp gate usage cost FP?

    There would only be a small amount of galaxies
    Galaxies would be slightly smaller than they are now.
    I am completely fine with the current size of galaxy-space given how many players are expected to play on a server. That number will be higher later on, and yet I still think a single galaxy could account for everyone's needs. That's something that will take time and more players to really test.

    If other resources are introduced into the game that are not ore/crystal based then I think ores should be mostly distributed equally. The difference between a crafting resource and a consumable comes into play here. It really depends if we want players to focus on building certain blocks.

    Black holes/wormholes
    Black holes should always present some sort of danger. Accretion discs generate heat. The singularity generates radiation. Wormholes are very much unexplored. We can leave that up to our own interpretation.

    Travel between galaxies is impossible with just a jumpdrive
    Do you mean traveling via the unimplemented hyperdrive? If they can't be reached then there is no point in really generating those areas.


    Head of Testing
    Aug 20, 2013
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    Completely agree. If the aim is to make ships not jacks of all trades, then the same should apply to stations.

    Honestly if there is a way to get a constant stream of resources or even a large amount of resourcesat once from a planet, then ship mining shouldn't be possible here. I think most people agree. We wouldnl't mine the earth with a space shuttle. It is more practical to setup equipment on the surface.

    All of these things, yes.

    This one I don't understand. Is the plan to make warp gate usage cost FP?

    I am completely fine with the current size of galaxy-space given how many players are expected to play on a server. That number will be higher later on, and yet I still think a single galaxy could account for everyone's needs. That's something that will take time and more players to really test.

    If other resources are introduced into the game that are not ore/crystal based then I think ores should be mostly distributed equally. The difference between a crafting resource and a consumable comes into play here. It really depends if we want players to focus on building certain blocks.

    Black holes should always present some sort of danger. Accretion discs generate heat. The singularity generates radiation. Wormholes are very much unexplored. We can leave that up to our own interpretation.

    Do you mean traveling via the unimplemented hyperdrive? If they can't be reached then there is no point in really generating those areas.
    There would be public warp gates that connect systems with each other (similar blackholes, but smaller scale). They would cost credits/FP to use depending on your mass etc.

    Black holes could indeed have a part of their sectors as real danger, a horizontal sector disc near the center that will decimate any ship (disks of light/debris). Maybe black holes would only be usable for smaller ships, bigger ships would not jump safely through a black hole.

    and I mean that it would be impossible as a player to get to other galaxies through convention or FTL drives, even with the unimplemented hyperdrive. The only way to go to other galaxies is through each galactic blackhole at the center.
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    Nov 14, 2013
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    Completely agree. If the aim is to make ships not jacks of all trades, then the same should apply to stations.
    Eh, if anything stations should have the ability to be jacks of all trades, except possibly for location-related restrictions... Obviously a gas harvesting station can only exist in a nebula or a gas giant atmosphere, and a battle station is only useful in an area of conflict, etc... Other than that, stations should remain able to have everything. They're stations, after all - basically player-made hubs, sorta like villages in typical MMOs, and should be able to have all basic facilities available.
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    Convicted Lancake Abuser
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    n order to make them produce FP, they would need to contain X % of their blocks as functional ones (power/shields/etc)
    Considering how hull is going to be much more system-like than decoration-like with the HP update, I think hull should count as a functional block on outposts.

    Colony: this can only be made on planets, they would generate at first not a lot of FP but the longer it is there, the more you get from it. There would be a limit, depending on the size of the planet but ideally this one, at its max income it would be more than several outposts combined. These planets could even give you additional normal credits and resource blocks per hour. That could be determined by sub-types like "Industry focused" or "Colony expansion".
    There should be colony stations as well, but would probably not be as effective as planets. However, if you want to live in a void system for some reason, this would allow you to have all the outpost types.

    There would only be a small amount of galaxies, I think 2 or 3 is a good number. Either 2 big ones or 1 big one and 2 smaller ones. <---> or apply bonuses for not spreading out too much to keep the core faction war centered in the first or neighboring galaxy, allowing to stay infinite but going too far from a populated zone would not be ideal.
    I'm gonna go off of this and your idea for a pair of linked galaxies- I think there should be a center cluster of 3-6 linked galaxies. Still have infinite galaxies, but you need to use hyperdrive to get there, which would presumably be rather end-game and generally not worth it due to an increase in maintenance costs. Having a larger number of galaxies than two in the local cluster would be good if we get more galaxy types.

    Here's an example map.
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    Nov 14, 2013
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    I kind of want to have a base out in the void above the disc of a ring galaxy now. Would look amazing, if galaxies got effects/models visible from far away, at least.
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