Devblog 27th June 2017

    Aug 3, 2016
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    Please take your white-knighting somewhere else. Preferably where it will never see the light of day again. Ever. No, your tumblr isn't far enough, think harder.
    No one likes ass-kissers. They won't make you a mod for sucking up to Schema, so please stop trying. It's pathetic.

    Honestly, those other developers you mention seem to be blubbering idiots incapable of taking criticism without being personally offended. That's a sign of being a moron, but by no stretch of imagination is that a reason to silence people just because you don't like what they're saying.
    It also is a sure way to turn forums into a big lovey-dovey hugbox echo chamber full of countless yes-men who'd never point out a fault because they're afraid to hurt holy devs' feelies.

    Besides, every dev team should occasionally get their heads out of their asses and listen to what people say. They might just say something worth listening to once in a while.
    One shouldn't praise people for doing what they're supposed to do, condemn those who don't if you will, but don't praise developers for listening to community.
    When players stop being demanding little ingrates the devs become lazy pricks and the game dies.
    I don't want that happening to Starmade. Do you?

    On a more positive note: it's nice to see I'll actually live to see the power update.
    And you can never have enough performance and advanced build mode GUI improvements.


    Madman of the Girders
    Jan 31, 2013
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    They won't make you a mod for sucking up to Schema
    Back in my day...

    Also, I'm reasonably sure the devs don't mind any type of criticism so long as it is civilized. I could go on and on about how some bugs just aren't dying, or how I would do things differently if I weren't so lazy, or how I'll be in the midst of my midlife crisis and flying space-convertibles without a helmet by the time Starmade releases.
    My point comes across fine so long as I don't try to start an internet fight with internet people who are trying their darnedest to make pretty much free stuff for people. If I ever do, you can be sure my opinion would be relegated to the garbage can faster than cubatoms.

    Secondly, about the 'white knighting' as it is called... Yes, it's not necessarily against the rules but do try not to start fights. It really doesn't accomplish much except for potentially muddying up a perfectly good devblog with the aforementioned internet fights. If you think someone is crossing a line, use the report tool.


    Part-Time Eldritch Abomination
    Mar 22, 2014
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    I'm just happy enough that the devs are actually keeping us up to date on what they're doing, no matter how fast/slow or good/unsatisfactory that may be to some players. Development of anything, especially something as ambitious as StarMade, can easily take a long time when the end goal is true, quality work - as should always be the case. I'd rather Schine take a decade to put together a damn-good game than to hastily throw something half-assed together in half the time. The waiting shouldn't be an issue. There's more to do in life than sit around while a game gets developed.

    Keep it real guys (y)

    *goes back outside*


    That crazy cyborg
    Oct 27, 2013
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    I'm just happy enough that the devs are actually keeping us up to date on what they're doing, no matter how fast/slow or good/unsatisfactory that may be to some players. Development of anything, especially something as ambitious as StarMade, can easily take a long time when the end goal is true, quality work - as should always be the case. I'd rather Schine take a decade to put together a damn-good game than to hastily throw something half-assed together in half the time. The waiting shouldn't be an issue. There's more to do in life than sit around while a game gets developed.

    Keep it real guys (y)

    *goes back outside*
    I second that. What we need is frequent information, not frequent releases. I like reading about what's going on. Stuff got so discombobulated before that the dev team had to (and many players begged them to) spend time away from new feature development to fix bugs. Things don't need to be perfect the first time around, but being a step up from complete piecemeal is nice. A lot of players could probably get by just running dev builds for now if they find the frequent updates more appealing.


    Join the Dark Side
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    SQL_Queries in StarNet mean I can finally start polling deep data directly from the world file. This is humongous. :D

    Expect mods.
    Apr 21, 2013
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    Have some patience and understanding you folk. I'm kind of surprised the Schine team still puts in the time to develop this game for us with how much griping you all do.
    mein neger this game has been in alpha for FOUR YEARS lol
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    Aug 25, 2016
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    Its actually been in alpha for 6 years I think. I think its understandable to be upset for stagnent development. And if you cant handle people being upset at your precious starmade you are just going to get more and more upset as time goes on. This news post didnt even give any new information.
    Jul 5, 2013
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    Take the entire dev time of a good AAA game, then scale it to Schine team's members. Then 4-6 years are nothing.

    I understand that some can be bored by this time. But I always find it stupid to see dudes complaining about this time. Why lurking and complaining like we saw sometimes, just leave and don't be an annoying child...
    Whatever, I might be too utopic x)
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    Apr 21, 2013
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    Take the entire dev time of a good AAA game, then scale it to Schine team's members. Then 4-6 years are nothing.

    I understand that some can be bored by this time. But I always find it stupid to see dudes complaining about this time. Why lurking and complaining like we saw sometimes, just leave and don't be an annoying child...
    Whatever, I might be too utopic x)
    After half a decade you don't start to think that schema might've jumped the gun with steam release? Duke and criss can claim that the game will be marketable in the future but Starmade is a niche game. How many people are really going to want to play it at this point? It's time to face the facts. There was a space voxel game race and starmade lost. It doesn't matter if this is someone's pet project when core features don't work or perform so poorly that players avoid them like the plague. There's a reason games like empyrion and avorion are so popular, it's because they work and have clearly defined goals. And now, six years down the line it's time to completely replace existing ship systems because someone in Schine thought it'd be a good idea? If you're replacing the whole goddamn system, why not start from scratch on an engine that can actually handle the scale that starmade is marketed at? Why not work towards the new ship systems on an engine that can multithread? I can't dictate or force how schema develops his game but I can sure as hell make a decision whether to play it, and that's the same decision that almost 200,000 other people have made.

    I've been here almost since the beginning. I've been hearing the same schmucks like you defend this exact same shit for years now. There is no defending this. It's like fucking stockholm syndrome. Go play avorion, take a look at how those build tools feel. Go spend a few hours in empyrion, see how the survival mechanics work. Go play starpoint gemini warlords, see how well fleet mechanics work. There is no defending Starmade when you compare it to games that work. Starmade has become the exact thing that early access is infamous for. Good luck marketing your game 1-2 years down the line when it has a 6 year reputation of being a buggy broken mess.

    "Just leave" is the most non-productive and passive aggressive thing you can say to concerns about the game. I've paid money for this product. I've spent enough time in this game that I could've counted it for an associates degree. I've got concerns about where this game that I'm passionate about is going and I'm going to voice them. Encouraging people to leave because they voice those concerns only makes the dwindling population problem worse.

    In closing, eat a big one. Chucklefucks like you have been encouraging this slothful development and milquetoast attitude about horrendous balancing and gameplay by practically going down on Schine whenever they tease the most mediocre of updates.
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    Mar 25, 2016
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    Me being the stupid naive child as always thought this game will get some momentum with the steam release. Have been watching and waiting for something significant to happen since... lurking in the shadows slowly observing through out the years... I realized the two comments before me are the actual sad summary of the story which unfolded.

    It actually interests me that based on that steamspy statistic, how long can they keep milking the game for what its worth on doing nothing as a team of 12 people. I would guess they are already putting more effort into works other than starmade. Considering they are not bankrupt yet... or are they?

    Anyways, i stopped putting hope into this game and this team. Going for the next thing...
    Apr 21, 2013
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    If Schine is willing to spend game development time remaking every single NPC asset (pirates, stations, NPC factions etc) to conform with Systems 2.0 (keep in mind they were still building NPC assets for the old system when Systems 2.0 was announced) in addition to Testing, Balancing, Debugging and Implementing the largest overhaul to this game in its entire development then I fail to see why Schine would not use this as an oppurtunity to make an engine that can actually handle the game it runs on.
    This is the most infuriating part of the new systems update. Schine hasn't even updated the default stations, and now we're supposed to believe that they're going to update all the NPC ships just like that?
    Jul 5, 2013
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    After half a decade you don't start to think that schema might've jumped the gun with steam release? Duke and criss can claim that the game will be marketable in the future but Starmade is a niche game. How many people are really going to want to play it at this point? It's time to face the facts. There was a space voxel game race and starmade lost. It doesn't matter if this is someone's pet project when core features don't work or perform so poorly that players avoid them like the plague. There's a reason games like empyrion and avorion are so popular, it's because they work and have clearly defined goals. And now, six years down the line it's time to completely replace existing ship systems because someone in Schine thought it'd be a good idea? If you're replacing the whole goddamn system, why not start from scratch on an engine that can actually handle the scale that starmade is marketed at? Why not work towards the new ship systems on an engine that can multithread? I can't dictate or force how schema develops his game but I can sure as hell make a decision whether to play it, and that's the same decision that almost 200,000 other people have made.

    I've been here almost since the beginning. I've been hearing the same schmucks like you defend this exact same shit for years now. There is no defending this. It's like fucking stockholm syndrome. Go play avorion, take a look at how those build tools feel. Go spend a few hours in empyrion, see how the survival mechanics work. Go play starpoint gemini warlords, see how well fleet mechanics work. There is no defending Starmade when you compare it to games that work. Starmade has become the exact thing that early access is infamous for. Good luck marketing your game 1-2 years down the line when it has a 6 year reputation of being a buggy broken mess.

    "Just leave" is the most non-productive and passive aggressive thing you can say to concerns about the game. I've paid money for this product. I've spent enough time in this game that I could've counted it for an associates degree. I've got concerns about where this game that I'm passionate about is going and I'm going to voice them. Encouraging people to leave because they voice those concerns only makes the dwindling population problem worse.

    In closing, eat a big one. Chucklefucks like you have been encouraging this slothful development and milquetoast attitude about horrendous balancing and gameplay by practically going down on Schine whenever they tease the most mediocre of updates.
    I decided to read your argue, but that was not worth it. I don't care about your feelings.

    That might be my fault (at the start at least), as I didn't mentioned I didn't named anyone, just reacting about the ones being worse than you.
    So no, I didn't insulted you nor said you to leave. You just took it for yourself. Your whole post was useless, literally, because of my mistake (and the fact idc).

    Ah and I (another time) don't care about others games. At least until now I really didn't care. Future will say.
    Jul 23, 2015
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    I highly doubt Comr4de cares about you not caring.

    Just because you did not speficly insult/ask Comr4de to leave does not make his entire post about the current state of the game, its development, its marketing potential and its community "useless" or otherwise invalid.

    The only people who think otherwise are fanboys and white knights such as yourself.
    I wish i could give more than one "like" item for that, because you arent wrong. Like Comr4de ive been here since near the beginning though my account doesn't show it, it has gotten stale, unfortunately for me, its the only game that i can really play in that allows me to build to the scale i want to :(
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    Jul 5, 2013
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    Yeah I know, I tend to overreact and forget precising things x)
    In any case for the future, it's rare that things became personnal on my side.
    Soooo... Sorry, sincerely, I dunno why I am that way.
    Jan 4, 2015
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    Have some patience and understanding you folk. I'm kind of surprised the Schine team still puts in the time to develop this game for us with how much griping you all do.
    you dont seriously think the people creating this game are doing it for "us" do you? they intend for it to become a product they sell for money. theyve already voiced opinions about not expecting to retain their current userbase.


    That crazy cyborg
    Oct 27, 2013
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    People keep complaining. I don't care. I'll just keep waiting for my game to get done.

    mistakes were made, sure. It wasn't the long alpha, or open alpha, or any of that. It was marketing the game so widely in this stage. The steam release should have waited for beta imo.

    Will this kill the game? No. It will impact player counts though.

    However, this doesn't rule out that we'll get the best game, at least with respect to ships. There's still hope for that.


    Cobalt-Blooded Bullet Mirror
    May 12, 2014
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    If you ask me, Starmade is in a sticky situation because core features are often changing at this stage in development, yet they need players to play (and therefore test) the game. In the future, when it's worth growing the community to a large scale, it will be harder to draw back some of the older players that left with bad tastes in their mouths. Being able to play from Steam is nice, but it could be coverage the game doesn't need yet.