Default skins for multiple races and genders, for players and NPCs

    Aug 14, 2013
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    Man, that other thread was really out of hand. Thought about saying something, but wasn't going near that chaos.

    From the other thread:

    I might as well clarify a few things about Dave's canon appearance. Dave is designed to essentially be the simplest he can possibly be while still being detailed enough to be playable. (This is mostly relevant to the suit and helmet.) He has a few details showing off the use of emissive maps to let people know they're there and see how they work. He's grey so he can look neutral and reasonably appropriate on any color of ship. The only exception of this is the lights on his suit, skin/hair color and helmet's glass. While mostly the glass is blue/teal because people associate that color with glass (among some other simple reasons), it is also that way because it is in the general range of contrasting colors to Dave's skintone. (orange-blue)

    Dave's simplicity is to encourage players to make their own skins, where they can look any way they want. At the same time, Dave is meant to be interesting enough that not making a skin isn't a "penalty"; you still look decent, albeit generic and bland.

    If it is necessary to discuss it, the first thing to consider when discussing skins and races is "Why is any skintone/race depicted in StarMade?" The answer to this is because... well, what else are you going to do if you want to provide a resource for a face? The character has to be some race to be seen as human and normal. We, as humans, make many assumptions when we view things, and giving the skin and hair actual tone creates a specific perspective that implies characters in the game A. are human and B. do tend to have their heads exposed when not wearing a helmet. Can't make the actual "skin" color grey because that would appear very lifeless in comparison. So in other words, it has to be something.

    Now, in regards to the racial appearance of Dave, there is a simple answer to this. "Dave" is based off of a Caucasian male character of the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey. This is official. (Also, consider checking the StarMade wiki: The Default texture AI block also bears a somewhat uncomfortable resemblance to HAL. References to 2001: A Space Odyssey have started to be somewhat of a running gag. ;)

    However, the Dave in 2001: A Space Odyssey has bluish eyes, while StarMade's Dave has brown eyes. This IS intentional to make him more generic and better represent the majority of humanity. (In many places, you aren't going to see anything but brown eyes.) So the creation of Dave WAS actually done with consideration of representing humanity in a relatively neutral way, representing more people.

    He's Dave. He's an avatar of humanity in space, but we can hope we've long since left the binds of racism behind us and won't judge a character just for being Caucasian. Same with sexism; we can hope we've long since left the binds of sexism behind us and won't judge a character just for being male. While there is nothing wrong with racial identity, what matters first and foremost is that you are human. Dave is human, and THAT is the identity he should be seen by, not by skin color or gender. (And if racial identity IS highly important to you, the game is designed in such a way that makes customizing your appearance to represent things important to you possible and encouraged. :) )

    As the number of NPCs increases, especially with things like AI factions, more skin variation will be inevitable. At some point, if possible (meaning this isn't an official statement of specific future features, just my personal opinion), I'd like there to be a way for you to create a skin piecemeal in an available editor, making everyone able to adjust things however they want. If such a system is there, you can be absolutely certain a variety of racial identities will be represented, to allow people to better connect with their character and to celebrate the differences that make people unique. In regards to NPCs, it offers much needed visual variation.

    I'm surprised skintone and racial identity is such a concern, however, when that can be changed already and females are underrepresented. Same as above - I don't feel gender should have more attention than our shared humanity - but skin color is only skin deep (or so they say) and there tend to be noticeable changes in body shape when it comes to gender/biological sex. While I don't consider the Dave model to be unable to represent females, I do believe a model that has a more feminine shape would recognize and celebrate our differences in gender/sex. If player appearance customization is given more attention, I would expect a female model to be of higher priority than providing a selection of racial appearances. You can already change your racial appearance, but a female model would offer new things that cannot currently be done. (Not to mention the difference between males and females can be observed anywhere on the globe, making that contrast more universal.)

    If giving a selection of racial appearances built into the game's interface, I'd like to give you even more than that when doing so. (Different hair? Separate hair color adjustment? Suit color? Different suit designs? That's just the beginning.) There's a lot more to a person than the color of their skin. Custom skins give you the opportunity to adjust your appearance in far more detail than skin color alone, and since those are already present, StarMade providing an automated means of selecting racial identity is lower priority than it otherwise would be. People are more than welcome to make their own skins for different skin colors/racial identities and share them, however. :) We would highly support people using the features present in the game to represent a wider range of racial identities.

    Currently, I think it is more important that development is focused on gameplay and improving the game as a whole, for everyone to benefit. I don't judge people based on their skin color, and to be honest, I think diverting development toward something related to skin color at this point would be a little bit strange. (Since there's nothing preventing you from changing your skin color right now, so focusing development on this would imply difference in skin color is very important to display and implement, higher priority than improving gameplay.)

    As a side note, I consider myself a feminist and general human-rights activist of all kinds. We are all human. We shouldn't forget the differences between us, but we don't need to put strong focus on them either. Let us pay more attention to the things we all share than to the things that separate us, though not try to prevent or ignore the things that make us unique, nor judge people based on the things that make them unique.

    tl;dr: Yeah, I agree that more options for race and gender should be there when possible, but we're more focused on gameplay right now. If you want to change your racial appearance, make a custom skin! It's a little harder to look female with the shape of the current model, but not impossible. We'll try to improve these things eventually.

    PS: For those who had been arguing in the other thread, polite discussion is how you get developers to comment and listen to you, not attacking each other. Also, don't feed trolls.
    I wish I could give this post more than one rating. *like* *agree* *friendly* *informative*


    Dec 31, 2013
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    You don't need like and agree both. I see agree as a higher-level of like.
    I also see informative partially as a higher-level of useful (and useful as "contributing to topic")

    But yeah, friendly agree and informative fit.

    About Ponytails...
    I have long hair IRL - I like a body to look natural and hair which does not extend over the neck is not very easy to cut yourself if you don't wanna look crazy.

    I also really like support for frocks for evil sects or spiritual races.

    How hard/easy would it be to implement high-map based limbs?
    How hard/easy would it be to implement the last 1 bit of each color forming a pixel-priority for shrinking overlapping parts?

    If I think about Seven Of Nine implant from StarTrek-Voyager, wouldn't it be rather easy to create an additive ingame editor for these things?
    Also recoloring hair and body parts would be easier if an area has the same color and you have a second gradient or pattern image.

    Of-course you can do these things in photo-shop, but
    Aug 28, 2013
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    I don't think it would be an ingame editor. More like the provided block editor, it would be separate from the game.


    Way gayer than originally thought.
    Jun 29, 2013
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    Instead of begging the devs for different skins to go with player models, could stick with Dave for the most part.

    I wouldn't be opposed to having a menu in the skin select thing where you can choose which player model you want to use, though.


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    we'll make those sjws happy yet

    but what i really want to see is the ability to design our own species using blocks (so we can all be our own species yeah?) and save it to a file to share with friends/allies

    that'd be cool. way down the line of development, of course.

    i deserve the right to be an andalite damn it
    Well, randomly generated alien wild life is planned, and random factions are planned as well. Combine the two, and you've got random alien factions. Add in a genetic manipulation machine, genetic blueprints (like ship blueprints), and a "mind swapper" machine, and you've got a way to become another alien species. And they won't even have to be blocky!
    Oct 13, 2013
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    what about minecraft it has just one default player but you can get more of a variety of skins by downloading the skins or making them.
    I think the problem is that the "generic, default" character is white and male. Even if that's the main demographic of this game, which I don't think anyone has any information on in any case, it's pretty insensitive. This is a low hanging fruit in making the game more diverse and interesting. Even aside from racism/sexism arguments, it would really increase immersion to just have all of the NPCs and 90% of players not look completely identical. Adding more default skins would be a pretty small task that would make Starmade leagues ahead of the competition in terms of diversity, which would broaden its appeal and, IMO, bring nothing but good publicity.

    Most games would have to redraw whole spritesheets, or make new models, to add other races or genders to their game, which is an incredibly time consuming process. But in Starmade? The models and animations are the same for everyone, and the textures don't change based on animation like in sprite-based games. Making a Middle Eastern or Asian Dave would be the work of minutes (hours at the most). Making a female Dave would be slightly more challenging, but still pretty minor, all things considered. I mean, how much anatomy really shows through a space suit, anyway? A minor change to hairdo and maybe the eyes, like AnnaShade017's awesome femshep skin, is enough to make a character recognizably female without blowing the development time bank.
    Aug 28, 2013
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    Adding randomness to the textures of creatures in general is probably a good idea. It could possibly done through a few overlays that randomly get applied.


    Aug 30, 2013
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    (Just a friendly reminder that not seeing race doesn't mean you are a superior human being, but the fact that you simply choose to ignore race is worse than actually being a racist. Race does exist, whether you like it or not, and just ignoring it will not help anything. As a non-white, I don't like it when people say I don't exist)

    On that note, this is a good idea. I like how Dave was modeled after that space odyssey guy, but having the option to play as someone else without requesting a skin is probably a good thing.


    SPICY hot dog child
    Apr 26, 2013
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    Well, randomly generated alien wild life is planned, and random factions are planned as well. Combine the two, and you've got random alien factions. Add in a genetic manipulation machine, genetic blueprints (like ship blueprints), and a "mind swapper" machine, and you've got a way to become another alien species. And they won't even have to be blocky!
    I still think determining your own species from the start would be a fun feature, but that all sounds good down the line.
    Oct 13, 2013
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    Christ can we please lock this thread now? It's clearly a troll thread.
    No, this thread is so far very polite, intelligent, and thoughtful. It's a spinoff of a troll thread. Not everybody agrees with each other, but it hasn't degenerated to ad hominems and hair pulling or anything.
    Aug 30, 2013
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    No, this thread is so far very polite, intelligent, and thoughtful. It's a spinoff of a troll thread. Not everybody agrees with each other, but it hasn't degenerated to ad hominems and hair pulling or anything.
    Oops, sorry. I thought it was the original (where OP basically pulled a SJW and called everyone who disagreed rasict, then dug their self deeper by saying they where TOTALLY SERIOUS.)


    That crazy cyborg
    Oct 27, 2013
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    I think the problem is that the "generic, default" character is white and male. Even if that's the main demographic of this game, which I don't think anyone has any information on in any case, it's pretty insensitive. This is a low hanging fruit in making the game more diverse and interesting. Even aside from racism/sexism arguments, it would really increase immersion to just have all of the NPCs and 90% of players not look completely identical. Adding more default skins would be a pretty small task that would make Starmade leagues ahead of the competition in terms of diversity, which would broaden its appeal and, IMO, bring nothing but good publicity.

    Most games would have to redraw whole spritesheets, or make new models, to add other races or genders to their game, which is an incredibly time consuming process. But in Starmade? The models and animations are the same for everyone, and the textures don't change based on animation like in sprite-based games. Making a Middle Eastern or Asian Dave would be the work of minutes (hours at the most). Making a female Dave would be slightly more challenging, but still pretty minor, all things considered. I mean, how much anatomy really shows through a space suit, anyway? A minor change to hairdo and maybe the eyes, like AnnaShade017's awesome femshep skin, is enough to make a character recognizably female without blowing the development time bank.
    EDIT: deleted most of this post because I was angry when I wrote it. :p

    Anyway, making an issue out of this at all is foolish. I'm getting really irritated with people complaining about the race of a placeholder texture. IT'S A FRACKING PLACEHOLDER TEXTURE. It's there so your character looks like an actual humanoid until you put your own texture in. See Omni's post on the first page.
    Last edited:
    Apr 30, 2013
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    I think the problem is that the "generic, default" character is white and male.
    EDIT: deleted most of this post because I was angry when I wrote it. :p

    Anyway, making an issue out of this at all is foolish. I'm getting really irritated with people complaining about the race of a placeholder texture. IT'S A FRACKING PLACEHOLDER TEXTURE. It's there so your character looks like an actual humanoid until you put your own texture in. See Omni's post on the first page.
    This. Also, I would like to point out that the game is still in early development and current options regarding player appearance may not represent the extent of what we intend to include for the more complete game.

    Just a friendly reminder that not seeing race doesn't mean you are a superior human being, but the fact that you simply choose to ignore race is worse than actually being a racist. Race does exist, whether you like it or not, and just ignoring it will not help anything. As a non-white, I don't like it when people say I don't exist
    Agreed. I find it extremely hard to explain this to people. (Same goes with sex/gender). Though I don't entirely agree that ignoring race is worse than actual racism; killing people based on race, intentionally ignoring people depending on their race or actively refusing to help someone based on race is perhaps worse than ignoring people's racial identity but doing them no harm and treating them no differently. (The first three being racist, the last simply being refusal to recognize racial differences.)
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    That crazy cyborg
    Oct 27, 2013
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    Why are we even discussing the appearance of a placeholder texture? Will someone answer this?


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    Why are we even discussing the appearance of a placeholder texture? Will someone answer this?
    When was Dave declared to be a place holder skin? Default =/= Placeholder. And you know exactly why we're discussing it.


    That crazy cyborg
    Oct 27, 2013
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    When was Dave declared to be a place holder skin? Default =/= Placeholder. And you know exactly why we're discussing it.
    Dave exists to make the avatar look presentable until the player uploads his or her own skin. That's what a placeholder is.

    Do I really know, Mr. Telepath? I had no idea I knew. Thank you for enlightening me to the cryptic inner workings of my own mind.[DOUBLEPOST=1414707230,1414706737][/DOUBLEPOST]Anyway, I'm just going to unwatch this thread as it is a waste of my time.


    Aug 30, 2013
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    We're discussing it because it's cool. It just is.


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    Dave exists to make the avatar look presentable until the player uploads his or her own skin. That's what a placeholder is.

    Do I really know, Mr. Telepath? I had no idea I knew. Thank you for enlightening me to the cryptic inner workings of my own mind.[DOUBLEPOST=1414707230,1414706737][/DOUBLEPOST]Anyway, I'm just going to unwatch this thread as it is a waste of my time.
    We're discussing it because we have a desire for multiple types of default skins. Thanks for having basic reading comprehension.