Deconstructing Stations & Permanent Player Char

    Sep 20, 2013
    Reaction score
    So here's my most annoying current bug in single-player:

    1. Using a build block, I proceed to use symmetry and mass remove to gather all materials from a pirate station, after looting of course.
    2. When I remove the last block of the original station, the build block I am in gets deleted and I am shunted into space. This is NOT due to symmetry deleting my build block. While losing a build block this way is mildly frustrating and should be looked into at some point, it really isn't that big of a deal.
    3. I then get in my ship to fly away, and as soon as I touch a movement key, my ship behaves like a 3-ring gyroscope whose only meaningful control key is shift.
    4. Zooming out reveals that my character is not in the ship core, although the camera is. The reason for the ship behaving oddly is because the movement keys, sans shift, are actually controlling the character, and each time he collides with a surface the ship spins out of control.
    5. Pressing R does not return the camera to the character, but does solve the character/ship spin-collision issue, however, the camera is now locked to the last position it was when before you pressed R.
    6. Once 'outside' my ship core, my ui is that of build mode, although all normal space-man first-person controls seem to be functioning properly.
    7. Pressing Esc can have some unusual effects, sometimes even returning the camera and UI to its proper setting given the current situation, but I haven't managed to really make any meaningful conclusions from its use.

    I'll be vigorously testing this with more casual playing over the next few days/weeks. The majority of my time at the moment is hunting down pirate stations and Isanths for loot and recipes, hoping to gather enough materials to start my factory and hopefully get my first infinite production chain going, whatever it may be.
    Jun 23, 2013
    Reaction score
    this is a common bug at the mo, all i can reccomend is as soon as you realise it happens, exit the game and send a crash report to the almighty schema, that way it will help fix this for everyone, also the relogging will temporarily fix it for you.
    Jun 24, 2013
    Reaction score
    Known issue, has been bugging me from the beginning, hopefully it will be fixed at some point, but I\'ve found that pressing escape usually solves it, like you described.
    Sep 16, 2013
    Reaction score
    I have had this happen more than once. The first time I just relogged and all was well. The second time i was going to get some screen shots. I got the ship lined up with my player but accidentaly fired the AMC and shot myself in the back of the head. I laughed so hard I had to mute teamspeak. I have not been able to reproduce it again though.