Dannage Fleetyards: Poor Advice For Noobs

    Mar 10, 2015
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    I think the other useful thing is making the interior brick not get right to the edges of your exterior. One thing I learned from examining some really nice builds is that the internal space is quite small, giving them room for systems, but also allowing them to design more shapes.

    You can see, adding some arches from the outer hull, there will be some room between the interior and exterior sections.

    And for a minute, because these were exterior, I put the z-plane symmetry back on, so I could get an outer limit on the underside.

    And this is how far I got, before needing to leave for work. Astute viewers may note I have had to adjust the floor space for the wards, to fit beds in. As I say, start with a plan, but not so fixed you cannot adapt it. I am thinking the lounge may now be on a second floor. The ship managed to get 4 wards of 11 beds each. With the 6 in quarantine, the ship can handle 50 patients. My ships are relatively low crew counts, so 50 can probably handle full compliments of the other 4 ships with ease!

    Mar 10, 2015
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    No longer bed-bound? Why not relax over a steamed protein drink in the recovery lounge, enjoying views through the bay windows and the muted tones of the ambient healing light?

    Now, as we can see, the forward section of the ship has moved into "outer superstructure" territory, much to my joy. Now though still brick-like, she has a lot more shape beginning to form around her, and getting a tiny bit of character in too.

    Nov 24, 2015
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    No longer bed-bound? Why not relax over a steamed protein drink in the recovery lounge, enjoying views through the bay windows and the muted tones of the ambient healing light?

    Now, as we can see, the forward section of the ship has moved into "outer superstructure" territory, much to my joy. Now though still brick-like, she has a lot more shape beginning to form around her, and getting a tiny bit of character in too.

    I now must have a medical ship when I make my fleet >.>
    Mar 10, 2015
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    Not super speedy progress these last couple of days, but figurd you got the picture about building inside out, so here's just an update of where I'm currently at.

    Turns out having the coloured strips on the command deck has really helped keep a uniform shape about them, without needing a block for block recreation.
    Jun 24, 2015
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    I like how each of the bridge-towers is a little different from each other, yet clearly were running for the same theme.

    Helps make it look like several different shipyards were used to build the fleet.
    (or, that some of these are "older models" of the same style)


    Part-time God
    May 26, 2015
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    Don't take this the wrong way, I love your interiors, but your ships remind me of tacos XD
    Mar 10, 2015
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    After your post, I had to go and eat... :p

    Then after uploading the fleet in the community content, I figured I would win and get asked to build bigger ships... or I wouldn't and never get asked anything ever again, in which case I'd build something bigger in any case.

    So I made a little fighter and then the start of a core room for a larger scale ship. Think Ill add one more corvette to the fleet (planetary assault corvette) then build a set of larger ships so I can have a bit more offensive capacity... And make some nicer screen shots.



    Part-time God
    May 26, 2015
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    What scale are you using for your 'Vette? My WIP Corvette is 133m but really damn thin. Like 17m thin.
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    Mar 10, 2015
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    will dig some numbers out. Wanting to do some proper data cards for these, but... little software present. I miss the days we used to pirate stuff. :p

    Anyway, much updating to give you. Despite finishing the contest submission, and instead of either doing another one, or sorting out my starter ship for Ragnarok's server reset at the end of the month, I have continued to work on a capital ship, i.e. the Nimitz.

    Here we can see how we've continued with the brick middeck motif, but the ship is considerably bigger than previous members of the fleet. (Now I'm not dealing with 140m restriction as this is just for fun)

    The mid deck is the standard core room, the transporter room behind it is double sized though. Toilets either side of that are then accessible from both the front and back ends (no jokes kids!) as there will be a considerable bit of ship behind the airlock ended main corridors.

    Four small lounges, then showers in the glowy bits, and a large number of crew quarters which are of a similar nature but larger, than in our fleet so far. Still two beds per room. Middle of all that you have two mess halls and there are more toilets and another lounge at the front which we can see in a couple of pic's time.

    In other news, someone commented earlier that they like my interiors, even though the exteriors were horrible taco brick borg blocks, but I'm conscious I don't really post interiors, so here is an example of one. This is one of the mess rooms in the middle of the middle of the ship, i.e where that build cursor is hanging around in the picture above.

    The room is fairly simple and like many of you,I also cannot wait until we get proper (or better) chairs. :)

    Continuing on, the Nimit got those toilets and front lounge, so we know where the front of the ship will be now. In addition, the got stairs leading up to the upper deck. However, it all kind of took a back seat to another Corvette, which is the Brimstone - Planetary Assault Corvette. Two mini nuke turrets and two beam-beam-punch turrets. Still not super weapons, but at least they do a bit of damage to planets or really slow ships.

    The Nimitz remains protected by 4 Assailant Class fighters which, typically, don't pack an awful lot of punch.



    Part-time God
    May 26, 2015
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    Ah, it must be lunch time! I'll take two Nimitz-Class Tacos and a side of chips.


    Part-time God
    May 26, 2015
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    Haha, well at least they're a functional shape! :D
    Mar 10, 2015
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    I have no idea what sport is played in this hall, but it's nice the crew get a chance to exercise.

    And this is the first room in the fleet that is two stories high, so you are viewing through the observation windows on the upper deck.

    Right behind these observation windows, you turn around to enter the Captain's office. In all the other ships, command staff jst had 'slightly bigger cabins' but in the Capital Ship classes, you get an office, which has a bathroom (with half sized shower, sink and toilet) as well as your own room, with a larger bed, a comfy chair and (unseen) a view screen, for emergencies and personal leisure.

    Other things I have added today: Smaller Cabins (like on the other ships) for another 28 crew, meaning the slightly larger ones are for slightly more senior staff now. I also have 2 large scale briefing rooms, that pilots could use for mission briefings and the crew can use in downtime as mini cinemas (large screens in both) - 4 senior briefing rooms, with 8 person tables with large holo displays in the middle.

    Also staircase to the lower deck. No external pictures, since I've been filling all the gaps with power modules, so she still looks like a very wide flat brick. Once the majority of front rooms and the conning tower get done, I will save the shell and use that for 3 Capital Ship variants. (Or rather, I will add a cruiser and then keep the shell in case another specialist role ship comes to mind!)

    As for Dimensions for my Corvettes, they all vary by 2-4m in many directions, but roughly 96x32x50
    Mar 10, 2015
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    Added two more lounges and two medical offices.

    And started work on the cargo bay.

    Though the cargo bay looks smaller from a distance!

    And you may notice the black line. That is the outline for the hull ribs, so now I know what her cross section will look like and can fill rooms and systems to suit.
    Mar 10, 2015
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    I haven't forgotten this, in fact, aside from a brief distraction with a weekend away doing streaming and webcasts, and being introduced to world of warships, I have been beavering away. The point is I don't want to overload you with interiors or updates because they are more boring than educational. If anybody was using this stuff to learn, they'd be asking me questions. :)

    But here's where we are at. I'm being much more disciplined with this build and not building much of the outer frame. I am also not doing top and bottom outer hull at the same time with symmetry. Though it's taking longer, it means I will have less stupid random holes inside with nothing in.

    The plan is to work from the front backwards, once I have had enough of any further internal rooms.

    Additions by now are:
    Ambassador/VIP quarters x4, with their own toilet and sink, but no shower.
    4 more showers.
    A small walled garden.
    Weapons/Fire Control Rooms.
    4 Fixed Beam/beam/Ion Cannon
    4 Fixed Missile/Pulse/Explosive Launchers
    Warp Drive (9200 blocks)
    A senior briefing/VIP lounge.
    Feb 25, 2016
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    World of Warships? I was an Alpha tester :)
    Which means that the game is hard to get back into (Since I was up to tier 6/7 in the really easy "grind" of Alpha/Closed Beta).

    I occasionally play both it and World of Tanks. Maybe I should check WoWP again...last time I played it, WoWP was still...well...inferior. Anyway.
    Mar 10, 2015
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    I haven't played the tanks one. My friend figured WoWP was beer for me... Think its because I'm a slow thinker... :)
    Mar 31, 2016
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    Eh, World of Warships requires quick thinking unless you play a battleship. Then, it doesn't matter ,because by the time you realize you need to think about it, it's too late to do anything about it. Warplanes, however, last time I played it ... man it sucked. I couldn't track targets, framerate lagged to nothing on my gaming computer, the mouse was jumpy and inconsistent... yeah. WoTanks, however, is awesome. I would highly recommend it. It's an excellent game, but the grind takes forever. And I mean I've played it for several years and only have two tier 10s, and credit grinding sucks. Otherwise I'd have more.
    Nice interiors. However, I just can't get around the sandwich-ship brigade. Would you like the 122m supersub, the 56m PBJ sandwich, or the 25m appetizer? ;)