Sending players or entities between teleport areas.
teleport computer(block)/teleport module(block)
Set up:
1. Place teleport computer and define the teleport area using teleport modules, standard linking using C and V.
2. A name can be given to the teleport by clicking the "set teleport name" button (generic names will be entity name followed by a number).
3. Select permission setting for receiving entities (similar to the shop; faction only, allies, no enemies, anyone).
Establish connection:
1. Fly within range of ship, asteroid, station, or planet with a teleporter on it (range being the 27 sector volume cube dimensions 3x3x3 with player in the center).
2. a.If piloting ship, press teleport hotkey or go into build mode and press r on teleport computer (hotkey as in similar to the shop hotkey).
b.If astronaut, go to teleport computer and press r.
3. Teleport menu pops up, click on "scan teleports" button.
4. It brings up a list of all teleports in range with columns labeled; target, teleport name, faction, status, distance.
Teleport name: name in the receiving teleport computer
Faction: name of the faction that owns the entity the receiving teleport computer is placed on
Distance: distance between receiving entities marker and the sending entities marker
Status: if teleport possible a green "ok " is displayed else
red text displaying:
-"permission" Displayed when denied, based on permission setting.
-"power" Displayed if the receiving teleporter lacks enough maintenance power yet it still has a
proper computer connected to teleport area modules.
-"cooldown" Displayed if the receiving computer has successfully received a teleport and is cooling
down before being ready for the next.
-"blocked" Displayed if a player or entity is in the receiving area.
Target: this column is to have exclusive tick boxes to select which receiving computer will be sent to (only one may be selected per sending computer).
5. After selecting a valid target tick box in the target column click "link" button to establish connection.
6. The receiving teleport then transmits its available teleport volume to the sending teleporter which projects that area within its own teleport area via highlight box. The box is yellow if receiving entity cannot accept entire sending entity teleport area.
-If the receiving area is equal or exceeds the sending area, in that the entire sending area could be sent, then the sending area is given a green highlight box encompassing its entirety.
1. Assuming all has gone well with connecting, stand whatever entities you want to send in the highlighted area, if an entity is half in and out of that area it won't be sent.
2. Initiate transport with either logic true signal to computer, or "send" button within the sending computers r menu .
-Power required based on range and number/mass to transport.
-Power only required on the sending end, receiving end only needs maintenance power based on number of teleport area modules.
3. Cool-down period occurs after a successful send, after which the next entity/entities may be placed in the highlighted area and sent.
Combat teleport/personal transport
Items: teleport beacon (meta item)
1. Acquire a teleport beacon from a shopkeep.
2. Equip the teleport beacon in the hotbar and select it.
3. Point the equipped teleport beacon at the desired teleport computer and hold right click to assign that computer to the beacon.
1. Receiving:
-Left click on a block with a clearance of (2X)x(2Y) to bring entity waiting in transport area or hold left click and entity will spawn in space nearest you if there is room.
-Only one entity per cool down.
2. Sending:
- Pointing beacon at faction/ally entity(not to exceed 4 block volume) and right click will return them to the beacon linked teleporter (one per cool-down period) if it's still in range.
- Holding right click without pointing at a faction/ally entity will return the holder to the linked teleporter area.
Sending and receiving should have a cool-down period.
- Designated teleport areas that can be accessed through teleport computer that can send whatever you fit inside the teleport area (think crew and cargo blocks).
- A personal teleporter item that would allow combat teleporting into another ship but you have to get a guy inside through normal torch usage/warhead hole poking to do so.