Compilation of Ideas (MrNo)

    Jun 20, 2013
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    Perhaps not the ability to hit shields... More interesting would be if they just had to hit an unshielded block that wasn\'t hull (so, every weapon on the ship). Then it would give the ability to cause harm to enemy systems (by draining them), even if you don\'t have the power to bring them down with normal weapons. If you could put this on a turret that knew how to use it, this would also allow for an effective anti-fighter weapon (if you ever had need of one)
    Jun 25, 2013
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    I love people who put in the work for a beautiful and organized presentation. It makes it easier on the eyes as well as dosent confuse people by jumping back and forth between topics! Ill try to put my thoughts into each idea you\'ve presented :) (also I have a slight case of dyslexia so sorry for any miss-spellings or odd words.. xD)

    1a. Movement: Max Speed:

    Like I said before, you presented the idea and examples very well and they were very easy to understand even though math confuses the heck out of me! I agree though, ship speeds should be tweeked a bit, though I\'ve heard you can increase \"max speed\" on a server through a command or somthing, though like you said, that jsut allowes all ships to hit a higher \"redline\" I like your algorithm and I trust that youll figure out a way for the speed bonus of attached thrusters! :) +1

    1b. Movement: Turning:

    I agree with this one as well, alogn with not knowing how one would figure out the algorithm for turnign speed, though im sure you can do it closely to how the game figures out how fast a ship moves, smaller the ship the faster you turn with a base speed of about (a single 180 revolution per... say 2 seconds?) then as the blocks of the ship increase he time it takes to do a 180 increases with ti, say every 100 blocks it goes up another 2 seconds? (100 blocks seemed fair though im not sure on the time) at a rate such as that, they could introduse the \"manuvering thrusters\" into the game like someone suggested in another thread, though all they would have to do is make it so if you have a sideways thruster that assists in turning in said direction. This seems fair due to larger ships being able to have more \"things\" inside them and still look nice. (if that makse sense) All that aside though I think I stand next to you in, it should be looked at and maybe tweeked, but as of how to do it.. Im not sure! XD

    1c. Systems: Missiles (Tweaks to stats):

    This is another thing I stand on the same ground as you, they should be tweeked, though Im not sure how, it seems (from what i\'ve seen, and thats not much combat! XD) that the lockon rockets are just slow enouph for someone who knwos what their doing can try to out manuver them (which is fair, because they do a lot of damage, and we dotn really have aany \"real way\" to lose the lock, this isnt battlefield 3, were we can just dump flairs or IR smoke, though that would be kind of interesting to see in space... (and now that I think about it, would cloacing and jammers mess up the rockets mid flight?) Like I said though, I\'ve spent most of my tiem building, not in combat... so I wouldnt realy have any right to say it should change due to my inexperiance with it.

    1d. Systems: Radar and Jamming:

    I like your ideas, though I didnt take the time to read the other thread because I to am lazy XD but I agree, \"raidar ships\" would be a nice adition. it would also allow palyers to hae a more wider range of \"duties\" for example. you look at battlefield 3. based on what people liek to do, and their play style. you can be: A medic, support gunner, engineer, or sniper. this caters to a wide range of playstyles and things people liek to do. I think all games should have this mechainc, so far people can eather be Hunter gatherers (miners) medics (repair laser based ships) and a few others that i cant think of at this time xD Starmade gives you this feel of a \"minecraft eve online\" which is epic, you get to design your own ships, fight in combat.. take over sectors.. its fun, it interests people! give people roles to fill within the game! :)

    Im not sure if that got off topic or not.. but I agree, raidar should be more important to smaller ships and jammers should be AOE +1 thumbs up!

    1e. Systems: Cloaking:

    To start off with this one, I\'ve yet to figure out EXACTLY how cloaking works. though I havent really made any \"smaller\" ships.. most of my ships take up a few thousant blocks.. so thats probably why XD so I dont really have anything to say about it execpt that the AOE idea is a bit odd, I can understand it.. but usualy in fictional stories or shows cloaking ships are specialy made for said abuility. AOE cloaking would be more understandable if it were for a grounded building/station.. like if you were inhabiting a planet, you could cloak yor base! :D

    1f. Systems: Docking:

    I agree that it is a bit weird at times, frustrating even! XD but not sure how to tweek it or change it

    Though I would liek to be able to switch from my ship to the smaller docked ships tached to it with the up and down arrow keys, as of right now you can jsut change from docked ships to the ship you are docked to.

    1g. Systems: Shields (tweaks):

    As for this, I agree sheilds are a BI*$@# to get through. Though Id liek to see some changes to it such as: Being able to change what uses more power.. you see fictional movies (mainly star trek) the captain yells \"all power to forward canons!\" or \"Rerout all power to sheilds!\" which would be nice, the screen would be just like the anti matter canon screen were you change its rand and whatnot.. but it woudl allow you to change your ships power to sheilds, cloaking, weapons.. things liek that, though thats jsut my thoughts on the matter! :)

    As of right now thats all I\'ve gotten to, Ill come back a bit later and throw soem more of my thoughts out. thank you for reading this long comment XD hope it was beneficial. :)
    Jun 20, 2013
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    Well, thanks for responding. I appreciate your feedback, and have a few responses:

    1b. Movement: Turning: Yes, I like the idea thrusters which allow you to turn faster in one direction. This would make ship pilots think about what way they want to be most maneuverable in.

    1e. Systems: Cloaking: I mostly have the idea of the cloaking being AOE because, as I mentioned, it would be extremely annoying to have a ship undock and immediately be visible. However, this could also be important to stealth, and force ships to be careful about their docked allies. However, cloak should extend to docked allies, no matter what.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    Hello seeing as I\'ve read some of your max speed thread or what you want ot call it but the max speed can be changed also seeing as you said you didn\'t want schema too make an update where you can put thrusters (maybe) facing the side you wanna turn faster too was (in my opinion) complete bullshit seeing as I have problems with the big ships I produce and want them to move faster to the sides Which only can be done by putting thrusters on the sides of the ship which in my opinion would be very nice if an update like that came to be

    • Bonus for placing multiple shield generators next to each other

    My I believe the developers allready said that they would make blocks of the same kind that connect to each other more power full when you have X amount of shields put together it would increase shield and regen (I heard that from people including the yogscast well not excactly that but I suppose you get what I try to say)
    Jun 20, 2013
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    I recognize that max speed can be increased on servers. However, this increases it for ALL ships. I\'m proposing allowing smaller ships to have higher max speeds. In addition, the larger a ship is, the harder it should be to turn. It should hit some minimum turn speed eventually, the current minimum seems fairly reasonable (though should be pushed further back, so that you only hit it at ~20k blocks, and the maximum turn rate should be increased). Large ships shouldn\'t be maneuverable. If you\'re having trouble fighting with them, consider moving around your weapons.

    Some blocks already get a bonus from being next to each other. I wasn\'t sure if the devs intended to grant this bonus to shields as well, I know it isn\'t in the game right now, and I\'m suggesting putting it in.

    By \"Thread\" I\'m assuming you mean \"Section\". I have no separate thread for max speed, though I have commented on a few.


    Mandalorian ShipWright.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    I like it all but im mostly intrigued by 2.g. For the fact it would mbe interesting to have a per say mobile ShipYard/ Space Yard so you could build ships or have them be built for you as you supply the yard with what it needs its Genius and Id Love To Have It!
    Jun 20, 2013
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    On making it mobile: I completely agree with this. And, if it\'s mobile anyway, just having it as an added feature of the current docking modules would be a simple solution. No new block needed, just the old one with a new feature.
    Aug 24, 2013
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    A simple method to improve turning mechanics may be to simply change from using total mass to mass/thrust in the turn speed calculation. Obviously some tweaking in the code would need to be done to use this smaller number but that should be simple. Thrusters have diminishing returns as far as I can tell so while using mass/thrust super massive ships shouldn\'t ever be able to be as maneuverable as much smaller ships.

    With this system you could add more engines, upping your thrust, to increase turn rate. Or you could choose to be more powerful in other ways.

    A more complicated calculation should be used so \"fighters/bombers\" turn faster even with an equivalent mass/thrust ratio to a \"titan\". For example my current fighter is 147.5 mass (not counting turrets, I\'m not sure if they add to the total mass) and it has 204 thrust so that ratio is .723. With the current system it takes ~25 seconds for this ship to do a 360. I\'d like that to be around 10 seconds I think (I\'d need to play with it, but with this system a ship could be easily customized to turn at a rate you like, within reason). However if a ship had 72303 mass and 10,000 thrust it would also have a .723 mass/thrust ratio; but it shouldn\'t be able to turn as fast as the fighter, so some sort of consideration must be taken to prevent titans from turning like fighters.

    Maybe a tier system: 0-300 mass = fighter, 301-600 = bomber and so on, each with it\'s own configurable speed multiplier. These are totally off the top of my head so feel free to suggest different tiers, or make them configurable (I love messing with config files). So a \"fighter\" could have a tier rating of 1 giving a calculation of (147.5/204)*1 so a .723 ratio. Whereas the \"titan\" could have a tier rating of .5 giving a calculation of (72303/10000)*.5 equaling a .3615 ratio. Then maybe make the ratio be 36 degrees per second * the ratio, giving my \"fighter\" a turn rate of 26.028 degrees per second. That would make it take ~14 seconds to turn 360 degrees. The \"titan\" would therefore turn at 13 degrees per second or one rotation per 28 seconds (that seems fast, maybe make the tier smaller?). Again, these are off the top of my head numbers that seem to work so if you have better ideas I\'m open to suggestions.

    Edit: I\'m a derp, this only works if thrust>mass, would someone fix my math, while I go study for my trig test because I obviously need to >.>

    A suggestion I saw and liked was to not let all ships naturally hit the speed limit, instead make blocks available to increase your ship\'s max speed to the server speed limit (but not beyond that). The number of these blocks needed should relate to the mass of the ship, so you need more blocks for bigger ships. Definitely not a linear ratio, probably an exponential one. Maybe (Mass^2)/X = number of blocks needed to hit speed limit.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    All right, lots of numbers and math. It\'s too late at night for me to really pay much attention to them, so I\'ll ignore them and edit this post later. Skimming over them, I see no particular problems EXCEPT:

    Tiers. Having the size of ships matter for a mechanical reason is a bit of a problem, I feel. If you make it so that certain sizes of ships, based solely on block size, work differently than others, you do two things: Firstly, you force the game to do more calculations. You add a few more steps to its calculation of max speed. On a large scale, that could start causing issues. Secondly, you make players keep their ships under/over a certain size to obtain some benefit, in this case specific speeds. What if I want to make a 3k block ship which is 2/3 thrusters? Shouldn\'t I be able to move just as fast as a fighter with the same ratio of thruster blocks?

    Now, on to max speed: It has been explained to me, and I\'ll not go into too much detail, why this will not work. As I understand it (and I\'m not really sure I do), the speed you can go at is limited by how often the computer can POSSIBLY check your position, meaning that it can\'t deal with colisions as well. As is, that limits max speed to 50. Above that, you start having some pretty major bugs, as can be seen on any server with a higher speed limit. That\'s the description I got from someone who said they understood coding (and I have no reason to disbelieve them) while I do not. Instead of increasing the speed limit, we should really just focus on pushing FTL, in some fashion. Higher max speed could still be done, but it would be on the buggy side. I wouldn\'t mind it, but I think a fair few people would.
    Aug 24, 2013
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    1F) To enter or exit the core you would have to either go through the portal into the mothership, or remember to design a back door into the ship so you can enter or exit while docked. I think the hard part would be figuring out where the player ends up when the exit the core, currently it seems extremely random where I end up when I leave the core even on an undocked ship.

    1G) I think shields should not be able to regenerate while under fire, as they are currently, but the overall capacity could be higher and the regen rate could be faster. So for big ships it doesn\'t take 5 minutes to fill the shields (I have little experience with huge shields so that rate is probably way off) and for light ships if they can actually avoid fire for a few seconds they can regenerate most of their shields.

    2A) I vote against sectors moving through space. It\'s hard enough to find anything when they stay relatively in one position. Until a thorough and useful map is in the game I don\'t even like how the planets move around. Also a sector is just a set of coordinates in space, maybe the stuff in that sector moves to another sector but the whole thing doesn\'t up and move. 39deg N 105deg W is the latitude and longitude of Denver CO, if Denver up and moved to Alaska, the lat and long would still be 39 105, it would just point to something else. Maybe I\'m misunderstanding the \"sectors move\" thing.

    2b) The 2 disks idea I saw a few times is my favorite variation on the current planets. Think two plates squished together, with the side you put food on facing out on both. Otherwise I\'m okay with the planets now, they could become an icon for Starmade. We definitely need to find life out there, not just hot green babes, but some pets or collectable decorative beasties. Like tribbles or facehuggers, or space gerbils, or fish, or bats, or wisps or...

    2D) I like the idea of a \"fortress shield\" like in Jupiter the Nexus incident, but I would make it a separate type of shield only usable on specially built ships. Maybe the specially built ship is unable to have both shields up at once, so if an enemy gets inside the fort shield the shield ship would be screwed.

    2E) I\'d love some kind of teleportation other than admin commands, especially if they are mostly faction only (maybe some in-game hacking skill could let a spy in for a short time). A hearthstone would be nifty, but a bit OP. A jump drive like the one in X3 could work well. It would take items (energy crystals?) from a connected plexstorage on the ship to power a jump a certain number of sectors. Maybe have it take a separate type of engine that charges faster (mass^2)/JumpDriveBlocks = seconds to charge(probably need to tweak the numbers, or it could take hours for larger ships to jump). Or just take more energy per mass of the ship Y*Mass*X*distance = energy cells X(2 maybe?) and Y(.01 for example) configurable. It could have a base cooldown and a longer one if the ship was at less than 100% shields when it jumped. It could require a jump beacon target, or just a set of coordinates.

    2G) I like the idea of this ship factory more than the catalog, but only if it becomes easier to obtain large quantities of items. I don\'t mind grinding but when you need 50,000 brown hull the only way to get it within the human lifespan (assuming you shoot yourself to ease the boredom) is with the catalog. (It may be possible with the current factory, I really haven\'t used it enough to know).

    Other ideas:

    A focusable Freespace style shield system would be nifty, as well as being able to transfer power into shields or weapons.

    I like the idea of needing thrusters, and probably weapons, to be exposed at their \"business end\" to be at peak efficiency. Though it might hamper some pretty designs.

    Hull should be buffed, so it actually becomes armor instead of \"paint\".

    1/3 blocks, with 1/3 the hp, armor and mass of the normal sized block. This could make many ships much prettier and it adds light armor to the game. Especially if hull is buffed. The 1/3 block is better than a Minecraft slab because you can stick it to the middle of a block instead of just top or bottom. This would make top/bottom (XZ) symmetry easier.

    Overall you have nifty ideas.


    Aug 30, 2013
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    They\'re all really well thought out and well written. +1
    Aug 24, 2013
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    Yes lots of numbers, and unfortunatly they don\'t mean what I intended them to :(

    The equation I proposed works for my ship because it has more thrust than mass, giving it a less than one ratio. If however a titan with 10,000 mass but only 1 thrust were to use my calculation the results would be hilarious:

    10,000/1 = 10,000 10,000*Tier (lets call it .01) = 100 100*36 = 3600 degrees per second, or ten revolutions per second. >.<

    Maybe not tiers then, maybe a sliding number without hard limits on the boundaries so players going one block over a proposed tier wouldn\'t be punished. Though adding limitations sometimes sparks creative solutions, I think you\'re right these limits may betoo much.

    The second suggestion, not my idea originally I just expanded on it a bit, would actually make it harder to even reach the server speed limit. On bigger ships you would have to choose between more shields/weapons or more speed up to but not over the server speed limit. On medium ships maybe a few speed blocks would be needed, and a smaller ship might not need any to hit 50km/h. I\'m not going to mess with numbers after how that turned out in my previous post but I still think the idea has merit.

    Thanks for responding MrNo.

    And thank you Snk.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    Well, it seems the wall of text wars begin.

    1F. I generally agree with that. I don\'t see exiting the ship core as particularly random, unless I\'m moving, though I must admit I don\'t often build ships with large interiors that would allow alternative exit locations. However, it seems that you exit the ship core in the same position (compared to the ship) that you entered it in. That\'s just my experience though.

    1G. That way of thought is interesting. I ese no particular reason to go with it, or with nerfed shield regen always going.

    2A. That\'s the news post I referenced, and I feel it explains it. That came in a few updates ago, and then was taken out due to performance/confusion issues ( Again, I see how this could be confusing when it comes to sectors. Something nice to see with this would be coordinates listed for ALL faction blocks, not just the faction home, under the faction menu. This would make it more difficult to get lost. Sectors would be numbered based on solar system, voidsystems would recieve their own numbering as it is now, leaving gaps for solar systems.

    2B. Yeah, forgot to update that. I fully support the Oreo planet idea.

    2D. I could work with that. It\'s an interesting idea, especially if you add it as some sort of forcefield (you can\'t move through it unless allied). However, that would really require it to be directional, for balance.

    2E. I have issues with using items to run blocks, if they are not retrievable. I find that limited resources is a pretty major issue in this game, and if the \"energy crystals\" you mentioned are not easily obtainable, I wouldn\'t use them for this (By \"easily obtainable\" I really mean \"not infinite, but close\"). Using energy to charge the jumpgate works fine for me, with possibly limitations as to how fast the gate can take in energy, and large energy costs per jump being the limiting factor acting as a cooldown before use again.

    Next post: I think that 10 revolutions/s is completely reasonable, and should be implemented right away :). A value that scales with mass of the ship is a perfectly reasonable method of calculating this. I reread the \"second suggestion\" and liked it, it makes sense. A simple way to deal with it would just to have it be a block which reduces mass. Balancing numbers would be a bit difficult on it, but it\'s simply a calculation of \"if block.reduce.mass=true then ship.mass=ship.mass-(Value the block decreases by)*number.blocks\".

    I like the idea of being able to shift power to shields, if only in the same style as we currently can with weapons in the T menu. I agree, hull buffs are necessary/nerf to AMC damage (which would then require nerfs to shield capacity or increased damage to shields by AMCs... Ugh, balancing). \"Third\" blocks would certainly be interesting, however I feel we should first get corner blocks working correctly (there is no way to orient them in some directions).
    Aug 24, 2013
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    Sweet simplification of that idea. Though it would have to have drastic diminishing returns, or some kind of drawback. Otherwise that 10 revolutions/s might happen. In Andromeda they had gravity field generators, things which lowered the mass of their ships, but if they ran into anything while the field was up they were screwed. I don\'t know if the mass reducing blocks should be toggleable, maybe they could just require power so you\'d have less available to your other systems.

    1F) I have plexdoors 2 blocks away from my core which I turn on right before I get in the core, that may be the cause of my problems. I always end up about 10m outside of my ship. So the game must think that there is not enough room next to my core to put me there. Which is fine if the other option is getting put inside a block and having to dig my way out of the ship.

    2E) In X3 the cells are in pretty much every system, they mostly took up some space in cargo and added a cost to the jumpdrive. In some of the smallest ships you could only fit 20 or so cells which was enough for a 2 sector jump. But on your frieghters you could have a thousand without taking up much room in the cargo bay, bigger ships took more cells to move. It does add anothing thing to worry about which can be annoying, and setting up intersector \"railways\" could be fun. We could blow up unsuspecting planets to make way for hyperspace bypasses! (I do hope you\'ve read The Hitchhiker\'s Guide to the Galaxy)

    In Freespace, which is where I first saw system energy transfering, you only ever flew fighters and bombers with limited power reserves. The biggest flyable ship was around 25m. For bombers it was awesome, you could take power out of your guns and rear shields and put it into your forward shields at the start of a bombing run to protect yourself from turrets. Then as you turned and ran away from the impending explosions you would move the power into your rear facing shields.

    In Starmade\'s bigger ships being able to transfer the huge amounts of power out of your engines into just one side of your shields could be OP. Only being able to transfer power out of combat and just generally into shields could work better.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    Firstly: Oooooohhhh Yes, diminishing returns like all hell.

    1F. That sounds entirely plausible. Try throwing together a smaller ship and testing, if it really bothers you.

    2E. I\'ve seen you mention X3 a lot on multiple threads. I asked about it on another one, and promptly forgot the name of that thread, so I\'ll ask again here: What is this X3? Searches on wikipedia have brought up numerous results, from videogames to books, political terms and I believe at least one song reference. Which do you refer to?

    I have most certainly read the Hitchikers Guide, though it was a long time ago... I don\'t remember some parts of it, and should probably read it again.

    What I meant by \"transferring power to shields\" is the ability to shift power around between regen rate, capacity, time spent down etc... Not draining power from the rest of the ship to power the shield; that would be absolutely broken.
    Aug 24, 2013
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    Oops not everyone here is as big a nerd as me

    X3 is a game series, the jump drive is a way to travel multiple sectors almost instantly.

    You hit J and a map pops up with every sector you\'ve been to, you can click on one to see how many energy cells (items, like batteries) it will take to jump there, if you have enough in your cargo you can jump. Then ten seconds later assuming you haven\'t been shot or run into anything a loading screen pops up and you\'re in the new system.

    I like this because you can choose anywhere you\'ve been before, it won\'t be as much of a lag fest as in-dimension warp (like star trek or star wars) and it seems fair, you need resources and time out of combat to be able to jump.

    Aug 28, 2013
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    I like the OP\'s ideas about jamming/cloaking revamps

    I like the new docking idea. This means I can define the orientation of my ship as I dock it. Have it so that there is a chance a ship will become \"unmoored\" if you don\'t have enough blocks holding the ship on (say one block per two mass) and the ship will fall off into space.

    As for rotation what about thrust/mass^2 as a ratio? Obviously multiplied by a constant, but the idea is there.

    Warp/FTL stuff: I would like the idea of a teleport that you could go to any sector. You wouldn\'t run into anything, but it would take most of a ship\'s power and you would wind up with systems disabled for a bit because of the jump. First your engines would come back online, then shields, then weapons, one at a time. The jump would be controlled using a menu. This would mean you probably couldn\'t do it in combat, and the system deactivation (probably no more than a minute) would mean you couldn\'t warp into someone\'s sector and start trashing their place before they responded.

    Oxygen ideas: I kind of like this, but it seems kind of like the eating in minecraft: it ruins the entire \"not real life\" since your survival is now based on contiously getting something so your character doesn\'t die. How about a system where only when you EVA you need air, and it gets replenished off a supply in the core/air tanks on the ship when you get back. The ship replenishes its supply off of an \"airscoop\" block that picks up air near planets. You wouldn\'t need that much, so one block would be good.

    Other notes: yes, definiatly have it so that engines not at the back or facing into another engine won\'t work. Same with weapons for the front. Also, can we have a ship information screen? I would really like to know how much my ship weighs or how much spare energy I have.

    As for balencing uberships, how about this: First, under a certain power limit, ships don\'t need power conduits or reactors and can just use the current power blocks. Second, on large enough ships, it counts as an EVA and there needs to be life support blocks (not just o2 tanks) so you can last past the EVA time.

    The major change is a) have a power balencing system. something that doesn\'t invovle bringing up a menu; I want to use it in combat. Perhap using Lctrl + scroll to adjust the power to each weapon, and a hotkey for depowering a weapon (which would freeze cooldown times). The rest of the power would be distributed between shields and engines. b) the larger a ship gets, the less efficent all of its systems get. This means an ubership might require twice the relative power compared to a midsize frigate for all its blocks. With the power balencing system, an ubership could power its weapons and shields, but not its engines. So you can still make an ubership, you can still have a carrier, but you can\'t make an instructible behemoth that kills everything. If an ubership can move and shield, it can\'t attack. If it can attack and shield, it can\'t move, so get behind it. If it can move and attack, it can\'t shield, so blow up its engines and reactors and destroy it.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    Okay, it\'s part of the X videogame series. That\'s all I needed to know. Well, the idea of energy crystals as fuel could work.. It doesn\'t appeal to me at all, but I see no reason not to use it. Interestingly, I only learned anything about the X series of games when a recent one went on sale on steam. I\'m saddened to say that I missed the end of the sale by 10 minutes. It looked like a lot of fun, but I don\'t have the 50$ to spare for it.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    I\'m not against requiring resources like oxygen, nor am I particularly for it. It would be interesting, certainly, but it would be very annoying to deal with, especially with ships that have no interior. I like the idea that the lone astronaut is limited in how long it can be outside, though I see no place where this would really matter.

    I\'m unsure what to do with the formula you give without a constant and a good understanding of the current formula for acceleration.

    I\'m not too keen on that version of warp, especially because any kind of \"disadvantage\" you get when leaving warp would either be so extreme that you would be in serious danger, even jumping into what had been a completely safe sector, or not extreme enough, and simply prove to be an annoyance. On the other hand, while I do like the version I put in the OP most, other versions may be better suited for the game as it is.

    I like the idea of systems becoming less effective with ship size, or something interesting like Star Drive\'s ship building system, where power generators need to be near a system, or have power conduits connecting them, for the systems to work AT ALL, forcing the generators to be closer to the edge of the ship. I could see that this would be a bit annoying in 3 dimensions though, and it doesn\'t really fit in the game as it is.

    I agree, if you could switch power around the ship while selecting a weapon/system on the hotbar mid-flight would be cool.
    Aug 28, 2013
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    First, as for the oxygen comments, I was just responding to other people\'s desire for O2. I would rather not have not have to worry about contiously getting oxygen or you die type stuff. If oxygen never gets implemented then the handicap I put in the uberships secton is moot.

    As for turning, other posters were pointing out that the current turn rate is currently based only on mass. They were proposing some sort of mass/thrust idea. The formula would be thrust/mass^2 * constant1 + constant2. I don\'t know what the constants would be, but I would expect that a ship with mass 100 and a reasonable number of thrusters would keep about the same turning rate. Smaller ships would tend to increase, larger ships might decrease.

    As for FTL, I really wouldn\'t like the idea of having to go to a warp beacon to get home. How about a warp beacon, which you put on your stations, and a navcomputer and hyperdrive coils you put on your ship? You would select the navcomputer and click to bring up a menu, where you would select warp beacons avalible to your faction. For small (