Compilation of Ideas (MrNo)

    Jun 20, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Update: Added Summaries of longer sections. If you can't spare the time to read the whole thing, try reading a section that sounds interesting.

    Most of these ideas are designed to benefit large scale faction combat, and encourage an organized play style with others, as well as encouraging the construction of space stations (which, currently, no one has to do since massive ships are simply more effective).

    Note: Some changes also encourage fighter squadrons, or large numbers of players working together at once. Right now, I think this is a good thing. However, if the average server population is under 40, approaching release, I would encourage ignoring, or modifying, these features. If you don't have the people to take advantage of fighters, don't balance game mechanics around it.

    So, I kinda forgot about this game for a month. I'm still looking back through the "news" section of, so I don't know if anything on here is still applicable. If it isn't, feel free to leave a comment mentioning it.

    Table of Conents (It's for your own good!):

    1. Basics

    1a. Movement: Max Speed

    1b. Movement: Turning-Deleted, because I don't care about it anymore.

    1c. Systems: Missiles

    1d. Systems: Radar and Jamming

    1e. Systems: Cloaking

    1f. Systems: Docking

    1g. Systems: Shielding (Tweaks)

    1h. Block: Faction Block

    2. Long Term

    2a. Environment

    2b. Planets

    2c. AI/NPC

    2d. Shielding (Advanced)

    2e. Warp/Hyper/FTL drive (Fast-Travel)

    2f. Structures

    2g. Ship Building

    2h. Life Support

    1. Basics (Mostly reworking current mechanics/the way things work)

    This section mostly exists because there are certain things in the current version which I disagree with, and think should be changed. I do not propose many of these being done before the game is made stable enough to play.

    1a. Movement: Max Speed

    • Maximum move speed is based off of the #thrusters divided by #blocks total, multiplied by 200% (placeholder number)
    • This section was previously very confusing. Credit to Mercur1c for helping me simplify the equation

    It has now been explained to me why the max speed cannot easily go higher than it is, and I have experienced the problems that occur when it does. I leave the basics of this section up in case we somehow find a workaround, but otherwise you might as well ignore it.

    FTL travel/hyperspace/warp drive would be a much better way to make ships faster (all of them ignore the collisions which cause the problem), I suggest all of you change your focus to making that work. I have a section on that here.

    I will add something in this section though: There should be a requirement that thrusters have no blocks behind them (ship orientation). Really, do you think thrusting massive amounts of fuel/energy/whatever the thrusters use INTO YOUR OWN HULL is a good idea? It isn't. Say goodbye to your armor. I'm fine with multiple thruster blocks being behind one another, but no other blocks

    1b. Movement: Turning

    Deleted section due to my no longer liking it. I left the section header, however, so that the section numbers/letters would remain the same, and prevent future confusion.

    1c. Systems: Missiles (Tweaks to stats)

    • Missiles are mostly useless. Buff move speed, improve AI for seeking/lock on missiles slightly

    Missiles are pretty much fine now. One suggestion for them:

    In addition, I'd like to see lock on missiles be smart enough to seek to the nearest block when flying straight through the radar marker they've locked on to doesn't allow them to detonate, or at least detonate on reaching the marker whether or not they hit something. For examples of why this is an issue, try firing a few at an asteroid.

    1d. Systems: Radar and Jamming

    • Change radar jammers to be always on, or otherwise make it activatable for a space station
    • Change radar to be reduced for base players, allows nearby radar stations or ships to significantly increase radar range
    • Make Jammers AOE, and be able to hide the radar of allies within the radius
    • Make an option in N menu to hide docked turret radar signature (clearing up screen)

    Most of this section was inspired by a section of another post, at this page (section 2A: Radar)

    Radar right now is a bit obnoxious. It means that you can fly through the depths of space, and find everything within thousands of blocks. It makes hiding as a player incredibly hard, especially as the radar jamming devices must be activated from the ship screen, making it impossible to do something cool like jamming the signal from a space station.

    My suggestions to fix this: Either make it so that, when pressing M to create a station, instead of placing a Grey Hull Block at the location, place a block which can be interacted with as with a ship core, and has a hotbar OR make it so that jammers are active ALL THE TIME (or groups can be toggled by pressing R on them).

    Okay, so, that sorts out jammers. Mostly. My final suggestion for jammers is related to how they work: Make radar jammers AOE, not ship specific. Make it so that the jammers will project a field (box to be simple, though a sphere would certainly look nice), and if the field covers more than 3/4 of ANY FRIENDLY SHIP in its radius, that ship is removed from radar (fraction is subject to argument. Perhaps make it so the field has to cover the entire ship it's on, and a fraction of nearby ships). This is also another solution to the problem of not being able to radar jam space stations.

    Intermission: If you're still reading at this point, thank you for your time! Please remember to comment on something if you wish to discuss it.

    Now on to actual radar controllers. The link from far above, to the other forum post, suggests a good way to make radar work. I have taken some of his ideas, modified them, and will now present them:

    • Base Player ships (including astronauts) have a seriously reduced radar range. To something in the vicinity of 300m
    • Being within range of a faction base's radar, or the boosted radar of another ally nearby, allows the player to see everything they can see on radar.
    • Radar blocks are added, allowing for increase of radar range (perhaps a special block to allow benefitting allies with this information, but maybe not)

    This would greatly increase player reliance on support ships, units which may prove to be nothing but a massive radar dish with thrusters on the back, generators and a few shields. This would also mean that small ships are unlikely to be able to function by themselves outside the range of large allies (makes sense, you never see a fighter flying through space alone do you?).

    You're all incredibly lucky! I screwed up, and lost about 5 paragraphs of text, so now you get to see the condensed version of the Cloaking section because I'm too lazy to rewrite everything. :)

    1e. Systems: Cloaking

    • Cloaking right now seems hideously underused. Suggest changes similar to radar jammers
    • Cloaking also AOE, also covers allies in the region

      Hate-worthy writing to demonstrate why it should cover allies :)

    Basically, I see no reason that cloaking should be used right now. It's energy expensive, it MUST be activated from a ship core, and it doesn't block your radar signal.

    The way I would change it: make it similar to radar jammers. To summarize for those who didn't read the radar section (I don't blame you, though if you get the time you might want to take a look):

    • Cloaking is AOE, affecting a cube centered on the emitter (with multiple blocks, make an effort to determine the center block, determine radius from there). For simplicity: If the cloak field covers 3/4 of any ally within the range, they are also cloaked.
    • Cloaking is ALWAYS ON, or can be toggled by pressing R on a cloaking block (effects all connected blocks, including docked units, this would allow for cloaked stations/planets/asteroids. **** YEAH!)
    • Connecting more OC cloaker blocks would increase the cloak range. Similar to the way docking works right now. Perhaps make 2 blocks: OC Cloaker Emitter, and OC Cloaker Enhancer

    Why did I allow cloak to cover allies? Well, I'm currently torn on the subject. Currently, I'm leaning towards the cloak working on allies for a reason which I will show in an short story/description:

    A battleship flies through the asteroid field, searching for the enemies known to be in the area. The Omnidyne Corporation had been moving ships in and out of the sector for many solarmonths. His bosses wanted to know what was going on. He had been sent to find out

    Radar systems at full strength, targetting computers ready to blast, he flew by asteroids and planets, derelict shells and other floating wreckage. Where were they? There was no sign of them anywh- wait a second, where the hell did that drone come from?

    He watched as the drone flew past him, obliviously going off to harvest scrap from the surrounding space. He scanned the surrounding sector further and, right in front of them, another drone appeared, its docking ports still retracting. "The bastards are cloaked! OPEN FIRE"

    (Disclaimer: yes, the story is bad. I don't write good stories, but it gives you the idea of how rediculous not cloaking allies could be. On the other hand, makes stealthing a bit more interesting...)

    Anyway... If you undocked from a station/carrier, and immediately appeared, then everyone would know where the station was. However, if you came out... say, 500 meters away, the station is probably fine to some extent.

    This would make using cloak more viable by bringing in the idea of support ships carrying cloaking devices. Fairly straightforward.

    Two possible tweaks: Raising cloak drops shields, or acts as a weaker alternative to shields (half power shields+invisibility? Invisibility dissapears when shields go down? Seems balanced to me). Also, make the space around cloaked units ripple when they are hit. Just a bit of a cool feature.

    1f. Systems: Docking

    • creation of a docking block, and docking computer.

      When the docking blocks on a ship are matched with the same shape on another ship (brought to within a block) and the computer activated, the two entities are connected. Shielding is shared, power is shared when required by one,
    • Turret docking unresolved

    Docking right now is, quite frankly, obnoxious. You have to fiddle around with a block until you get the right direction and size for your ship, and then you might decide "I want to upgrade" at which point you realize you need to fiddle around with it more just to make it fit your new ship size.

    I suggest an alternative that makes docking significantly easier: Instead of requiring a block to dock (hehe, it rhymes) to, change the docking module to a series of blocks, and a docking computer. When a docking computer is used, and all of the docking blocks it connects to which are within a block of one connected to the other entity, the blocks will allign and connect to each other. The two objects will be treated as one entity, meaning that shielding and power are shared.

    Example: You set up 12 docking blocks in a rectangle on your ship, and do it again on the station you're trying to dock with. For those of you who play MC, think the design of a Nether Portal. The ship aligns these blocks with the station's blocks, uses the docking computer, and the two objects are connected. You can freely walk through the open space

    This would not require that there be some minimum number of blocks, you could still just use 1, but it would work well with much larger ships, allowing the creation of cool docking systems. I'm still working out how Turret docking, AI modules and Entering the ship core would work.

    1g. Systems: Shields (tweaks)

    This is the section on minor alterations to shields. See the section under Advanced for overall changes to shields

    Updated section.

    Mostly, I'm fine with the way shields work right now. I would suggest a decrease to the time it takes to recharge them, making the time closely related to the mass of the ship (same applies to damage being dealt which drops the shields, and the time before they come back up) as well as making the time decrease slightly (VERY slightly) depending on number of shields. I like the changes to capacity and recharge otherwise

    1h. Block: Faction Block

    Currently, I'd like to see a few more features out of the faction block. Mainly, these have to do with permissions. Right now, I'm often worried about letting someone into the faction, because they could just take apart anything I make, with no way of easily repairing, and kicking them from the faction not solving the problem. I'd like faction blocks to have options to allow/deny interaction (pressing R), and modifying of blocks, on a faction group-by-group basis specific to a given structure.

    For example, say I've put a great deal of work into making a faction home, and I want to make the faction public. From the faction block, I make anyone of Member Groups 1-4 able to interact, letting them go around the station and use systems when necessary, but only allow the founder (me) to edit blocks. I feel that that would be useful to have at some point.

    2. Advanced: I don't expect these or anything like them to appear until late in the development, perhaps 2 years time. I would just like to see them worked towards. If devs actually read any of this: Don't let feature creep get to you. I'd rather see a stable game, with features intended, and an unstable game with tons of cool stuff. NOTE: This section is currently very sparse on description, I will add more when I have time

    2a. Environment

    I would like to see a more populated universe. Not necessarily with people, but certainly with some kind of block. I have 2 major suggestions for this:

    1. Asteroid fields. It's nice to have the occasional asteroid, but there's simply not enough of them somtimes. This would also synergise well with my ideas for cloaking and radar, allowing a good place to hide a long range radar sensor/jammer, or a sector wide safe zone thanks to cloaking. When I say asteroid field, I mean... Oh, say, several thousand per sector? Not in every sector of course, but in some of them. Perhaps in all sectors "x" distance from the sun.
    2. Wreckage. When a part of a ship greater than 10 blocks is disconnected from its core, don't just leave it following around as though it were still connected, or destroy it. Make it float around in space. If a faction protection was present, maintain it until the original core is destroyed, or leaves the sector. After this point, definitely allow harvesting of it... I'm unsure how allowing building on it would work. It seems like it would be buggy/hard to work.
    3. Sectors: Make the sectors actually rotate around the local star. Would make inter-stellar combat extremely interesting. Also, make sure travelling between them

      ?This... Seems to be true now/in the process of becoming true. I didn't quite understand the news section post about it, I'll need to mess around with it a little.

    I recognize that the first 2 ideas could be EXTREMELY laggy on servers, due to the number of blocks it could leave just floating around, and the third would make numbering sectors significantly harder. I'm still working on a way of making that work which wouldn't be annoying.

    2b. Planets: Oreo planets are the way to go. Delicious and interesting. I would say put a 1-5 block width of no-gravity, to prevent people from getting stuck down there (and, if not that, they can still just walk out the side... I'd just like to mess around with no gravity down there.)

    2c. AI/NPC: Make NPCs a more prominent factor in the game. Not absoultely necessary to interact with, but do more with them than have them as enemies to be squashed.

    1. If this is already present, sorry, but it's hard to tell. It would be nice to see trade guild ships make routes to shops, and restock them. Also, I would like to see less advanced stuff like weapons, plex undeathinators, shields etc and more basic supplies: Rock, Plants, Purple Vine Stuff (Yum), etc. and a fair amount of things for building: Hulls (especailly the slopes and stuff), glass, lights (significantly reduce their price as well).
    2. Pirates: Make them not suck. Currently they can be easily taken down by a few SD-BB missiles. Their bases are rediculous. Firstly: They need shields that aren't garbage/nonexistant. I probably could have put this in the "basics" section, but I don't think it's necessary right now.
    3. AI in general: The ability to lead some targets, the ability to use weapons other than AMCs, the ability to stop firing when an ally is in the way, and perhaps the ability to get around something in the way. An idea of how to get out of the way of missiles would be nice, though could be difficult.
    4. Pirate raids: Organized raids on known player encampments, including structures that don't have players inside. Right now, it seems that they only target player controlled Ship Cores, and I would like to see them shoot stations as well
    5. BOBBY AI module: Currently, this is very weak. I know that there are plans to make it more versatile, and I simply list abilities I'd like to see from it: "On sighting enemy, interact with adjacent block" could be useful for automatic cloaking/jamming systems which only activate when an enemy is near. Being able to set up turrets to use different weapon types would be good (It'd be really nice to have a hanger with repair beams that automatically repair blocks on docked ships). AI that wouldn't shoot allies would be nice.

    2d. Shielding (Advanced)

    Updated: This section still stands. I like the ideas in it, and though they may require some balance with recent shield changes, I would still like to see it in the game. More thought will be put into this at a later date. This is still balanced around suggestions from the Systems: Shielding (Tweaks) section

    • Shields project in an AOE, protect all blocks in the region which are part of the ship, or connected via docking
    • If shield cubes encompass another shield generator which is not part of the same group (connected), the shield pools of the two regions, and the blocks protected, are connected (at reduced power, to discourage connecting all shields on the ship)

      In general, encourages small units: causes directional shielding on larger ships, which can be taken advantage of

    [*]Bonus for placing multiple shield generators next to each other
    [*]Apply all suggestions from the Systems: Shielding (Tweaks) section, unless they conflict.

    Instead of shields projecting across the entire ship, make them project in a cube. All damage taken inside the cube is absorbed by the shields, and damage calculations work as normal. If a cube of shielding takes enough damage to put it in the negative, ONLY the shield generators in that cube go down. If a shield generator's cube overlaps another shield generator, their shielding pool is connected across the covered region. This effect continues: If the new shielding "cube" (probably a very different shape now) covers more shield generators, the shield pools connect. Shield-hit effects on ships (the blue grid) will stop at the edge of the shielding cube.

    Several people commented on this, so I've decided to make it more clear: the shield itself would not be AOE, it would not block all incoming fire in the region, only that which managed to hit the shield-generating ship (and possible docked allied ships, allowing for turrets being less pathetic).

    Why do this? Simple: This allows for shielding of allies. Currently, the shields of a given ship only benefit themselves. At the very least, this will allow any turrets on a ship to also be protected (if set up correctly). This can also lead to a very interesting result: Directional shields. This gives a MASSIVE advantage to small ships, allowing them to all focus on a single weak shield and bring it down, though they may not have the firepower to take down the entire shield capacity of the ship

    Note: It would still be possible to set up a ship's shields to work in every direction. I have yet to find a way to discourage this, aside from possibly giving a flat decrease on the regeneration and capacity of connected shields (So, for example: The capacity and regen of two generators, minus some flat (or scaling) amount per shield generator in the connection)

    Note 2: If, eventually, any bonus is added to shields for being grouped together, I do not suggest that simply being within eachother's cube should be enough to gain said bonuses.

    2e. Warp/Hyper/FTL Drive (Fast Travel)

    • Allows creation of Warp Beacon blocks. When placed, grant "warp capacity" to a specific region (perhaps a docking unit)
    • Teleports to another warp beacon setup within range (allow placing a faction block on a beacon to prevent some factions from passing through) chosen from a list.
    • Warp capacity cannot be exceeded; required warp capacity is determined by distance travelled and size of ship. Larger ships have a harder time going long distances. Warping also requires a huge amount of energy.

      Encourages factions to set up strongholds which they can teleport to. This is not meant to support exploration, as this is very powerful and should be expensive.

    I brought this idea up on another recent topic.

    The general idea of this is fast travel from one sector to another. Personally, I wouldn't see this as a free "/home" command, I would look on this as something expensive. Something which allows quick, safe, movement from one controlled area to another.

    The idea is something similar to warp rings, from various series like Star Wars, Star Trek, and Babylon 5. You have a warp beacon block. Placing them grants "warp capacity", with adjacent blocks granting bonus capacity. On launch, the player can move as far as current energy stores (actual energy) allows, and a distance which is determined by taking the distance (for simplicity sake, let's say the distance value increases by 1 per 100m traveled) time the number of blocks/the weight of the ship in question. The ship will be teleported to a warp beacon of their choice (chosen from a list of beacons within range, possibly allow for locking by placing a faction module on the structure) at the cost electricity.

    This is what I want it to look like: Of course, with a more blocky feel to it.

    Example: a 5 block ship wants to move from one warp beacon, to another one 500 meters away. Using the current values, it will take 25 (1/100distance(5)*#blocks(5)) as well as a substantial amount of energy. With larger ships, moving over a great distance (like, for example, 15km) this could take a rediculous amount of energy, but still allow for a powerful group to move units across great distances. In addition, allow the possibility of protecting these gates for a faction, but still allow neutrals through, making trading and mobility for friends much easier.

    It has been suggested by others that an on-board "hyperdrive" system is incorporated, allowing ships to double their normal speed after being out of combat for 10 seconds, and activating the drive requiring a huge amount of energy, as well as dropping shields upon exit.

    This is an interesting idea. However, there are problems with it: Let's say a ship manages to back out of combat, allowing an ally to take their place, for 10 seconds. They hyperdrive out of the sector, get repairs at the ship/station waiting far outside the combat, repair, and jump back in. This would mean that a near-infinite source of large ships could be created, far outside of combat, and be jumped into the sector of battle on request. Whether this is a problem or not depends on the way the game goes.

    However, the system also does have good points: Fast travel without requiring a complicated setup, the balancing point of the player having to stop the ship (at the right point), as well as adding the possibility of taking damage in flight (collision damage). This system could work for fast-travel in one direction, without very much cost.

    2f. Structures

    Note: This is not a section to suggest changes to structural integrity for ships. This is a section to suggest changes to naturally spawning structures.

    In addition to the asteroids and wreckage suggested earlier, the current space stations need changes in general design. I simply propose, eventually, that the stations have some form of protection, as well as more variety in design (taking nice player designs would be enough, easily). Then, the stations need Shields, Faction Modules (with factions set, different ones for pirates and trade guild). On the neutral stations, set the factions to "consider enemy on hostile action", and add automated turrets to them, to prevent people from just walking up and harvesting the entire thing for resources.

    These changes are only proposed once it is possible to get money some way other than ripping apart space stations/planets, this is why they're in the "long term" section. In addition, make the stations more used by AI factions. Make there be some point to them.

    2g. Ship Building

    I would like to see this sooner than some other suggestions in the "Long Term" section of this post, but I don't expect it any time soon.

    • Add some kind of construction facility/block

      Has the ability to construct ships by itself, provided power and the appropriate blocks in a nearby linked Plex Storage. Can be entered to gain something similar to build mode, but still requires power per block placed and removed to use.
    • Takes blueprints from the server/client, same as the normal catalogue.

    Currently, I see no way build mode can really work out well. It's simply too powerful in most cases. However, I like the idea of it a lot. Therefore, I suggest an alternative: Some kind of construction block/factory/whatever. Essentially, it replaces the catalogue from the store. It will work like most docking blocks would (really, why not just add this to the docking blocks), but interacting with it allows entering of build mode. It will still have the same AOE projection area as docking modules, limiting the size of the ship being built. It would also have a construction size enhancer, allowing for larger ships to be built. I would suggest not requiring that the entire space be free, but have the device check for overlapping blocks before placing one, and simply skipping it if blocked.

    The block would be able to access the catalog, and can be commanded to build a ship from a blueprint using blocks from a connected Plex Storage container. It would use a flat amount of energy (probably high) per block, and could be left alone to produce ships for you. Building could also be manual, using the current Build Mode.

    Why do this? Well, simply, it allows for Build Mode to still exist in the game, for those that like building large ships, while preventing abuses using it in Ship Cores. Another way to do this would simply be to add the above ideas as functionality of the Docking blocks, meaning that whenever a ship is docked you can edit it freely, and perhaps require a different (but connected) block for auto production.

    This would allow several things: Mass production of AI fighters (if they ever become worth using), balanced re-creation of ships that you could design in SP, and use in MP, stopping the abuses with large ships easily being buyable by requiring that you have the resources on hand to make the ship, while not requiring the painful block-by-block recreation of the thing.

    This might require some modifications to the way shops keep track of items, and possibly the restocking of them to deal with some resources being unbelievably scarce. I am currently in the process of working out how that might go.

    I have no good way of dealing with this on space stations right now. Just keeping the build block around, and only allowing its use on space stations seems like the easiest way out, though maybe adding the requirement of energy for blocks placed. The sole reason for this is to prevent people from building too quickly, that's it.

    2h. Life Support

    I find the idea of requiring some form of life support, however it raises a question: How do you deal with it on smaller ships?

    I outline it with three simple ideas:

    1. The player's space-suit can only remain in space for a limited amount of time (air), and exceeding that length of time will cause them to take heavy damage (resulting in death). This time period should be somewhere between 2-5 minutes.

    2. Entering a ship-core will reset the player's timer, allowing smaller ships to function completely as normal. The timer does not start running again until you exit the core. This also occurs when you enter the bubble formed by a planet's atmosphere.

    3. A life support system of some sort is put in. Air vents or something. They check all blocks radiating outwards, stopping at solids (not plants, open plex-doors or other part-blocks). There should also be a maximum range/volume, at which it will stop checking. If the spread stops because it has encountered solids as far as it can go, it will fill that area with air after a period of time dependent on the number of blocks being filled (something like a second for every few blocks). Opening the area resets the air in it, requiring that it be refilled. This means that air locks and such would be required

    Why put this in? Well, it's fun. That's pretty much it. Adds a little sense of realism, which can't hurt, and I don't see that it will be all that difficult to do.

    What, you're still reading? Have you no life? Well, thanks for not being distracted by a passing beam of light and persevering to the end. Please comment if you object/support! And get yourself a cookie, you deserve it.

    Major Edit 1: Added sections on Shielding, update to all sections under Long Term to flesh them out more, addition of note about fighter-related mechanics at top of page, added section on Fast-Travel

    Major Edit 2: Updated section on Advanced Shielding, hopefully it's clearer now. Fixed some of the Table of Contents links, they weren't taking you to the right point on the page.

    Major Edit 3: Updated all sections to better meet the new Suggestions Section requirements. Added section on Structures.

    Major Edit 4: Updated to better suit Shielding changes, added section on ship construction, added section on Faction Block uses.

    Major Edit 5: Shortened/Removed sections due to lack of relevance, added bullet point descriptions for docking section. Shamelessly bumped post. Notable: Edited Cloaking and Radar sections. I previously had a very weak understanding of those systems.

    Major Edit 6 (10/13/13): Removed Movement: Turning section, because I considered it now worthless.
    Jun 20, 2013
    Reaction score
    These are all very great suggestions, another possible one that could save the whole server lag thing would be dedicated first-party servers rather than unreliable second-party ones. Ofc they would need money ffor this. They COULD raise the price of getting into alpha to $60, when its in beta make its $30, and when its full game it could be 5/10/15, each server could be separate in every way, and people could pay money to transfer servers, allowing for a cheaper overall purchase of the game.

    Ofc, they could instead add a \"pay money for this feature\" FTP thing but due to the nature of the game i do not think that would work.
    Jun 20, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    The current beta model wouldn\'t really support that pricing system. If you were going to use values like that, I would flip them; start with 5/10/15 and go up from there (seems to be the current plan, and it worked pretty well for Minecraft). Mostly, I would do this because the serious lag issues (from my ideas at least) would only be appearing later on in development.

    Getting in early is nice for the devs in a game like this, because it hands the developers a few hundred good, free, bug trackers so they don\'t have to spend time on finding bugs themselves. (However, it does also bring several hundred MORE people who have no idea how to report a bug, and report things which are features instead)

    The way this game is set up right now, free to play is looking unlikely.

    I feel that, while this game would work well for large servers - several hundred people - it\'s unlikely at the moment, and if the community is too small it is unlikely in the future either. Mostly, I think, lag problems right now are from problems in coding that I have no doubt will be hunted down eventually.

    Thank you for taking the time to reply!
    Jun 22, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I like pretty much everything you\'ve laid out, except for the max speed - I agree on your reasoning, but it would need careful balancing -

    Looking at your example: I\'m building an Akkan Battlecrusier-style ship right now - I started from the back and it\'s about 25% done, with ~676k thrusters and a current total block count ~3.4 mil (go big or go home lol), so I\'m realistically looking at about 14 mil blocks by the time its done. Using those guidelines, the ship\'s max speed would be 4.8% of the server\'s max. Now, if the server max speed is 50 my ship\'s max speed would be 2...wheres the fun in that when my engine is the size of a planet? Balancing the equation with a higher max speed solves the problem if you ask me, but to make it more realistic, it would have to be something more like 250 or 300 - so big ships with big engines can move at a respectable speed, and small ships get a boost that makes combat with titans actually feasible.

    Switching gears(and adding to the uber post):

    1. My biggest suggestion right now (can\'t figure it out if it is already possible): when in a ship core/cockpit, there should be a way to look around that doesnt result in the ship moving a free camera mode or something - if there is one, somebody tell me how to use it please

    2. I have a series of suggestions that I can\'t seem to find much talk about - concerning shipboard life/life support. I know the game is in alpha and its more of a first person shooter, but I\'d LOVE to see some habitational development eventually, so you can play for the FPS battle action, build your stately galatic liner and cruise around trading or farming (more on that later), or build a space station farming empire, etc...(continue line of thinking to see how expansive gameplay could become)

    I know that there are mentions of implementing some kind of damage timer for being out in space without entering a ship, but I\'d like to see it go further than that:

    If there are atmo and food dependencys, it could greatly change the style of play, so it would probably be best to make it some kind of optional dependent on \"difficulty\" (somewhat like minecraft\'s creative mode - infinite health(personal oxygen) and no hunger), or have the option to chose what you want - personally I\'d like it better with the dependencies - FPS is fun, but can get boring after a while if all you do is gather resources to build ships, then fight and (if you lose) have to start all over again.

    So(commence long winded and complex theory of quite possibly impossible-to-do suggestions):

    Atmo - 1)have blocks that \"harvest\" oxygen from planets and/or proximity to plants, 2) blocks that store the processed air (like the power storage tanks), 3) some type of distributor block for inside ships and space stations and 4) a block that allows a player to rifill his/her personal oxygen supply by drawing on the stored reserve.

    1- Oxygen has to come from somewhere, but setting up harvestor or processing blocks on a planet, one can build up an oxygen reserve to use or sell. I say \"proximity to plants\" because if you have a big ship with a bio-dome, or bio-domes attached to a spacestation, you should be able to use them to supplement anything you could get from a planet, or even use them as a comprehensive alternative to building planetary production facilities.

    2- pretty self explanatory

    3- whats the point of storing it if you can\'t use it.

    This introduces a complication though, and I only know enough to know that it would be enormously difficult to implement - the concept of a sealed space...if you have blocks distributing stored air throughout your ship/station, it follows that there should be ways for you to lose it, e.g. if your hull is breached in battle or you have some other large hole - like a plexdoor that doesnt have a second door to act as an airlock.

    Normal usage (without hull breaches) could be dependent on ship mass or (if possible) the number of players in a ship breathing the air - so that, if the hull is sound, and no one is inside, air shouldn\'t be getting used up.

    With the smallest ships that can\'t fit/players don\'t want to put atmo equipment in, the player would rely on their personal supply, and take whatever normal out-in-space damage once the supply runs out

    What this dependency on air could do is much the same as MrNo discusses above - create a need for a specalized ship/ cause smaller ships to not travel as far afield from a supply, so as to create somewhat more realistic fleet movements and gameplay.

    4- also pretty self explanatory if you can follow my thoughts above...the same concept would apply to restocking a ship\'s supply from a planet or another ship via docking or some such...its hard to describe what I actually mean about most of this stuff, so if you can\'t picture it, I can try clarify what I mean in responses.


    Think minecraft, only with the requirements of air and light - so you get atmospheric bio-domes orbiting suns, or some kind of high-power-requirement, very expensive, farming light variation of the plexlight.

    The need for food and air could introduce a strong economy component to the game that could result in players building trading fleets and also add incentives for attacking other\'s fleets to fulfill the needs (player piracy) or make money by selling the stolen stuff.

    Other than the above, it would be cool it there was some way for gravity to engage automatically when you enter a ship (though I don\'t know how you would go about implementing it) rather than having to find the gravity generator and activate it each time you enter/want to leave.

    Some items would be cool too - add to the environment so ships and stations can be more than hulls jampacked with weapons if the player wants them to be.

    Just my 2 cents.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    To your first part: The page I was using at crashed at some point, and an unknown amount of progress was lost. The section of max speed was originally supposed to say something along the lines of \"All numbers are placeholders to make calculations easier, and give a general idea. They are not carefully thought out, and balance will be required\" as well as suggesting a minimum speed (something around 5% of the max. speed). Large ships should be slow. They should be easy to outrun. They should be easy to chase down. The general idea of the large ships is that they destroy something before it has the chance to turn around.

    Now, using your numbered sections:

    1. Entering build-mode offers this, to some extent. You can also use cockpits to look out of the ship at different points in different directions (Rotate them using the CTRL menu). While this can still cause your ship to turn a little (just moving your mouse will move it a few degrees) it allows a much wider field of view, and also means you don\'t have to stick your core on the front of your ship (inconvenient on the really large ones). Switch between cockpits using the left and right arrow keys.

    2. Well, firstly, minecraft farming does require light. But yeah, I get the idea. Currently, putting something in orbit around a star can be... inconvenient, to say the least. In the current game build, the sectors don\'t rotate around the stars, nor do things rotate through the sectors; the sectors simply spin in place. Your farm would be in darkness more than half the time.

    The idea of requiring life support is interesting, but could severely limit ships. It simply adds one more thing you have to put onto a ship (assuming a second block- if it were dealt with through the core, that\'d be fine) which would further limit fighter vessels. I agree that atmosphere should be added. It would encourage focusing of certain regions which would otherwise be left alone, for the sake of killing everyone on board. However, that only really works out if there\'s more than four people per ship. Mostly, I see lone people piloting massive ships around, and these ships are mostly solid.

    Harvesting oxygen from planets isn\'t impossible, it seems like it would be pretty easy to do.

    These sorts of requirements could also encourage commerce, factions devoted to trading, but this could be difficult to do.

    Having a gravity block send out a similar region block to the docking modules, and simply making everything within the region move in \"x\" direction with \"x\" force, would be an effective way of forcing gravity on entering a ship. The current problem, however, is that gravity holds only disadvantages in the way of movement. It\'s a cool thing to add, but it\'s simply impractical sometimes.

    Your suggestions are good but, as I have mentioned, they may limit the use of small ships too much. In addition, how does a new player deal with this? Do they start with some store of food and air?
    Jun 22, 2013
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    1. Thanks, I fiddled with cockpits when I first started, but hven\'t gotten that far on my current project, so I figured I\'d ask

    2. I hadn\'t thought about making it part of the core...maybe the core could provide all necessary life support up to the point where a ship reaches a certain mass? Then the smaller fighters aren\'t really effected, but larger frigates and capital ships and such (the ones big enough to fit a few extra blocks) are...

    As for new players, everyone would start with enough food and air to last maybe 20 minutes or something like that? Enough time to build a small ship, gather some resources and get to a nearby planet...expanding on that - maybe ships that are small enough to land on planets could have a very slow atmo recharge rate when in an atmospheric sphere? so that players don\'t get stranded, but at the same time avoid building life support into their ships by dipping into a planet\'s atmosphere for a quick recharge without any of the oxygen processing facilities.

    My main thought with the gravity field (and placeable items) is that I dont want a hulking empty shell ship with giant cubes of generators and such...I\'d like to be able to build something with rooms and passageways and an actual spaceship...not just a floating gun...and as part of that, the centrally located gravity generator that you have to get to before anything is the correct rotation is very I said, I\'m not sure how/if it could be, just that it would be cool. Until that time, all of my airlocks shall have gravity units and big doorways.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    1. I appologize, after writing this response, I discovered that cockpits may not actually change the direction you face (I still haven\'t tested it, but I have read things which suggest this)

    2. That sounds mostly good. I have nothing else to add to it at the moment

    On the gravity field: I\'m not suggesting that you have to be near the field generator, and interact with it, for it to work. I\'m suggesting that you turn it on once, and it effects the area for anyone who enters it.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    i would have to say yes they would start with food and air but would have to get right on collecting more this adds more of the lets not spawn camp crap that you get on larger servers. as for the collection prosseses for this i think you guys nailed it but i also think that factions that are set on trading air could take over servers. that would cause a disadvantage and kill off some players. not every one can afford to pay for it (we already know there price will be cazy). but also for that to happen you have to have some sort of economy set up so giving credits without a command comes into play. i can only agree with every thing else. i loved all the ideas and sorry for the work you lost.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    But, you see, the air collection wouldn\'t have to be just one faction... if their prices went too high, it would become cheaper to just collect it yourself.

    Personally, I think a basic economy can be set up by giving shops a formula: The more of something they have, the cheaper it is. Make it spread across multiple nearby sectors to prevent abuses. Someone buys something cheap, goes about 5 sectors away, sells it for a bit more. People who are set up in one sector, and constantly buy from the local shop, would have their shop constantly restocked by people passing through trying to make money. In addition, in case no one decides to do this, have shops detect low or high quantities of stuff. If they have high, the trade guild NPC takes it cheap there and brings it somewhere that\'s low on it. Makes sense from their point of view, though the actual trading of items isn\'t necessary. Just have it as a mechanic for balancing out distribution of items. Also prevents players from using shops as a massive storage unit.

    Now, this has gotten a little off topic, into discussing something unrelated to the original post. While it is a good discussion, I feel that people are only answering the most recent post, not the topic post, and therefore a great deal of discussion and feedback is being lost. If you\'re replying to this, let me encourage you to also throw out some responses to the first post, or a new idea of your own.
    Jun 22, 2013
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    I like your Ideas alot some really good ones and some not so great ones, I like the Idea about astroid feilds but it would be hell on the processors of lower grade computers, not every one has state of the art gameing PCs =/. But great all the same

    Also if your intrested in some more ideas cheack out mine, I am intrested on what others think of them.



    sorry for the advertising but I am rather intrested XD.
    Jun 21, 2013
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    The tweaks with the shields sound awful. If you have a ship that has 50k shield regen that means that this ship is huge and you SHOULDN\'T be able to beat it with 15 small ships. You should be able to beat it with enough small ships to do more than 50k damage per second which is basically impossible for small ships. Small ships are supposed to have a hard time against some behemoth, that\'s why it\'s bigger and has those shields. The way I see it, you should have to get at least a large ship with some medium/small ones against a huge one. Non-large ships shouldn\'t really have a chance unless they came at you with a huge swarm (if you\'re in a huge ship).
    Jun 25, 2013
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    1. Docking

    Yes Docking seems very clunky ATM but I do think there is a better way, insted of haveing like a docking region as it is now, Have something like a docking becon for the base/mothership and tractor beam emiters that you have to place in order for the mothership/base to guide you in. Then you have like an airlock and docking clamps(number of docking clamps needed would depend on mass of the ship docking, To clarify the docking clamps would go on the mothership the airlock would need to be both on the ship docking and the mothership) then they would like link up. Oh also to kep the ship docked they would need a certain ammount of power depending on how fast the mothership was moving.

    Aditional funtionality for the airlock, when out of your fighter, say you were in the mothership you could activate the airlock an it would put you into the core of the ship docked there.

    2. Power and thursters, I agree with your idea on having the thrusters be based on a equation using number of thrusters and weight. But I think there should be an aditional element to that. Power efficency(this could also affect everything else on the vessal) This would need a new block type somthing like Intergrated power conduit an Power conduit. The latter being more efficent as it is not intergrated with a hull plate. Also the power system definitly needs an overhual(not sure if that is planned) something like a reactor in which generates power for the ship. Then you can upgrade your reactor (possible to have more than one reactor per ship)BTW the cores would be multiple block structure that you would have to put containment shilds on. Also make the cores use fule Eg. Ore that you could mine and process a miniral also a Gas form of that material that you can condence/process)These things would generate alot of power as this is the top tier of reactor. For fighters you would have somthing smaller(like a one block structure) that you would refule at a mothership. Also there would have to be something in the middle like a 2 block strucure that generates a medium ammount of power but you can refule using the raw gas form from the gas clouds(the other two would need refined stuff, you would prob start with this one) Now back to thursters basicly the farther away the thrusters are from the reactor the less powerful they are same goes for guns, it woulden\'t drop the speed much at all your just wasting power. Also there would need to be Refined fule storage tanks,Fule storage takes,Raw fule storage, Raw miniral processing, intergated fule tranport tubes for Refined,Fule,Raw, Also maby 2 more types of reacor that run on Refined and Normal. Also you would need scoops(they go on the outside of the ship tp collect the raw form of the fule) and processing eqipment for making Normal and refined fule.This would also encorage trading of fule and make it so that big ships using the Big reactors would have to ahve backup reactors so that incase they forgot to get fule they could still run they\'re processing eqip to make the refined.

    3. Better speed control, holding one button to accelererate doen\'t feen relistic maby a silding ting that you control with keys and have an all stop button. or somthing.... Also a way to look around without turing your ship.

    4. Air, possible but maby have the core have a built in air recyler that you have to recharge every 3hrs, Also the sealed ship idea sounds neat possible docking bays(forcefields on the doors or an automatic way to open plex doors or just use the airlock i mentioned.

    BTW the small fighter reactors don;t have to have containment shields. Refined fule in the fighter rector should last about an hour to two hours. also refuling stations are needed.

    I may have gone on a bit... Oh well
    Jun 23, 2013
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    I would suggest that any Warp drive essentially needs a straight and empty path to jump, otherwise the ship takes massive damage.

    By doing this, it means players have reason to establish designated \'Warp Routes\' on a server, and it prevents the Warp being overused, preventing players from extending too far too fast without exploring places first at regular speeds.

    of course, players can Warp without a safe route... It would just be very dangerous.
    Jun 26, 2013
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    Have tiered engines so that your base engine would be T0 50 (Tier 0 max speed 50) all the way up to T5 500 (Tier 5 max speed 500) This would make long distance easier without the pit falls of a warp gate or ftl travel. (Though those should definately be options.) Of course these engines would use the same machanics mentioned in 1a they would just have a greater top speed and increased energy drain.

    The only section i dissagree with is making sheilds aoe. Shields should ship specific though making them aoe to that specific ship would make an interesting mechanic. For an AOE type shiled you could instead use a special weapons only force field that would protect a fleet from long range assult but still leave them vulnerable to Tight dog fights.


    Chronic Troublemaker
    Jun 23, 2013
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    I agreed with everything except the missile damage. Yes, it actually needs to do some damage to shields but I mean honestly, the damage SD BB\'s and the Heat seekers do to hull is ludicrously overpowered. I hate being in my big bad capital cruiser and being gutted by a little fighter with a few rockets. Honestly.

    But yes, the missiles need to be reworked damage-wise. As for shields, I like the directional shield idea, it would help for smaller ships, but again, that just hurts me to the core when people expect a little frigate to go toe to toe with a capital ship. Big ships are supposed to have lots of shields, which is why you counter it with another big ship...

    ...Which brings me to my suggestion: an anti shield weapon that does nearly no damage to hull but is extremely effective against heavy shields. Give it a slow reload so that it can\'t be spammed against the little ships and must be reserved for those monstrous spaceships. How it works could be disputed; it could take out all the ships\' shields for a short period or a small(er) part of the ships shields for a longer period. I personally like the part of the shield idea, because it would take some skill and thinking in mind to fire it. You know, \"Alright, which part of this ship is the most vital to destroy...\" kind of thinking. Make it need to be really grouped to be effective so it\'s encouraged for big ships and space station. Of course, primarily this is a defensive weapon. But I\'d still like to see it. Well, thats my mini rant for the day.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    DimCreeper: Yeah, I tend to think about lag troubles with this kind of game, as my computer can run it for about an hour before overheating.

    I\'m in the process of reading your posts, don\'t expect a good response any time soon. And don\'t worry, I constantly take my ideas and put them on other posts, where relevant, and since this is a general ideas post...

    Lesterzz: I\'ve replied to, in essence, this exact comment in the past on other threads. Currently, there is NO disadvantage to large ships. And I don\'t mean that they\'re more powerful in combat, I mean that they have absolutely no weaknesses at all. The changes in shields were meant to counter this, and also make large scale combat slightly more interesting. Also, the fighters wouldn\'t be acting alone (Really, who even stays alive with a lone fighter squadron in any reality for more than 5 minutes), there would be other ships supporting them. The suggestion also isn\'t that the fighters take down enemy behemoths in a few seconds, it may take as much as half an hour to take down the shields. If, by that point, the behemoth hasn\'t tried to A: run like hell or B: find a way to deal with them, then the pilot is an idiot.

    Enough fighters should have a CHANCE of taking down a massive ship. Not a definite, but a chance. They should be something more than cannonfodder (something games like Gratuitous Space Battles don\'t seem to understand (yeah, thought I\'d throw that in, that game is bassically the worst space combat game I\'ve ever encountered))

    If you\'re so against the idea, how about you give a more compelling reason that hasn\'t been talked down on other threads already.

    DoctorTardi: The fact that you\'re saying you went on a bit... I look at my original post, and I laugh at you.

    Those are reasonable ideas. I can\'t immediately see any problems with the reactor system, but I\'ll have to spend a few days thinking about it. It would be nice though, to be able to disable a ship by aiming for its reactors. Would also stop the annoying as hell nearly-destroyed ships, which only have their core and a few outer hull blocks left. I can\'t say how much I hate those.

    A way to look around would be good. Perhaps just a button that lets you turn your cockpit view without turning the ship, and using the same view calculations

    Hadras: I assume by \"warp\" you\'re refferring to the idea of an onboard module which teleports/rapidly accelerates, as opposed to my \"warp beacon\" idea (I assume this because, with rediculously high energy and block requirements, the warp beacons would already discourage overuse). If this is not true, just respond to this and I\'ll give a more reletive answer.

    Yes, if blocks get in the way, it should cause damage to the ships (or, if collision damage is ever added... Hehehe, asteroid out of nowhere at 200m/s=BOOM). Also, arrival should be hard to control: You shouldn\'t be able to just set a sector, it should be a player timed response (and, hopefully, energy requirements are high enough to prevent constant warping-Not to be confused with the lag-related \"warping\" on servers)

    Midnight: The original intention of the \"AOE shields\" section was to imply that they be ship specific, I will go back and edit that soon. They were not meant to mimic the cloak/radar jammers. The tierd engine idea would be interesting, though perhaps add diminishing returns for connecting the more powerful ones, otherwise: Small ship moving @ 500.. Lol. I think you\'d end up getting lost far faster than any accidental warping trouble.

    Zyrr: Again, the shields idea was meant to give some disadvantage to making massive ships, of which there is none right now. An anti-shield weapon would be great. This is also sort of present in the AMC\'s, as they don\'t have the AOE to effectively deal with hull (only reason to ever use missiles ATM), but they do deal full damage to hulls. Perhaps some sort of (INCOMING UBER-COMMON NAME) ion cannon.

    Also, if your capital cruiser is going down to fighters with missiles in this patch, there\'s a problem with your shields. I suggest as many as you can find in any shop. Just stick \'em all over the place.

    Thank you all for responding to this, I was about to stop updating it because no one seemed interested. :)
    Jun 24, 2013
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    I\'m only going to comment on the atmosphere ideas (since I\'m very new and haven\'t got into it deeply enough to comment on anything else), but I think what would kind of work, would be if when in flight mode you don\'t need oxygen (it could just be supplied by some magic jiggery in the ship core :-p) however for walking around the inside of the ship you actually need oxygen, otherwise your astronaughts oxygen level will slowly deplete). This then gets around the fact that very small ships (such as fighters) do not require additional oxygen producing blocks, whilst larger ships and space stations that you actually walk around do require it.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    That could work... It would be interesting to see implemented, however it would discourage making cool, large, ships with realistic interiors (why make a realistic ship that has an annoying oxygen system, when you can make a much simpler one that\'s totally filled with weapons systems). I\'m still looking for a way to encourage it.
    Jun 22, 2013
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    I definitely agree that regen rates of shields should be nerfed. At this point, the larger the ship, the more rediculous amount of firepower you need to breach the shields. Having a larger cap and a lower regen rate would make things more interesting, because massive ships would take a long pelting to take shields down, allowing fighters/bombers to actually do something.

    Also, the beam cannons that absorb energy shouldn\'t be limited to just generators as targets; they should be able to target shields as well, as to hinder further the regen rate of a mothership.