I\'ve had the idea of making a mech suit, but I\'ve never really got around to it, there\'s a design I made in Minecraft (Purely for decoration, I put a sheep inside as a driver since the chickens kept escaping) that I could probably use, although it requires fences and half-blocks. I could probably replace the half-blocks with the angled pieces, and the fences were only for the arms, which I\'d replace with anti-matter cannons anyway.
It\'d be good if you could program the Bobby AI units to do different things, so you could dock a load of parts together (One being the torso, another being the left arm, same for the right arm, left leg and right leg), so you could make it look as if it\'s actually walking when you hold W, instead of sliding around the floor, occasionally tripping over and falling flat on it\'s face.
Edit: You could probably use the turret docking units and have a load of friends work together to pilot a massive mech suit, but it would take a lot of co-ordination. It\'d be like QWOP, but harder.
Edit 2: Made my own, and adapted the mech design I made in Minecraft for Starmade. (Ignore the ship in the background)